How does your butterlord campaigns Yas Forums?

How does your butterlord campaigns Yas Forums?

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about this well...

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I started a new one because my last character got rejected by every female in the game (they all said they just weren't attracted to me), joined the South Empire but the Empress is now -66 relation and I have no clue why since I avoided all policy votes, and is the only faction left vs a fucking leaf snowball. My new character has actual points in charm and social and the women just straight up say they want his cock pic related

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I heard the game is "clearly in early access". is it one of those things where I should wait unless I NEED to play it?

having fun with prophesy of pendor right now
butterlord is boring and fucking empty

You can always pirate to try it out and see if it needs some fixing before it's up to your tastes

The faction snowballing and balance issues turned me off for a while. Great game but I dont want to burn myself out on it this early.

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Honestly his best joke.

>is it one of those things where I should wait unless I NEED to play it?
Yeah. It's slowly coming together, but it really is rough. There is little ballance, the content is extremely barebones, and it struggles pretty bad with crashes and performance. It has a lot of potential, but it's pretty rough as of now. It's probably going to take a couple of months before it starts to really shine.

What's the joke?

The snowballing is largely under control if you start a new game. And there is a mod out there that further improves things.
Ballance is still a major issue, and the content is still very anemic, though.

Thanks. I've got tons of games to play and my only reason for interest is the fact it allegedly plays like StarSector.


Remember to give every lord you come across a penny! It makes their day!

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Kinda, yeah. I mean the combat is obviously completely different, but the core loops are pretty similar, with large simulated world and quite a lot of freedom on what you do.
I would argue that even now, Bannerlord actually brings a little more to the table than vanilla StarSector. The simulation of the world is a bit better at least. But again, it's in very, very early access, if you have stuff to play, you can happily wait.
However, if you do enjoy the kind of sandbox gameplay, you should keep an eye out, because M'nB is pretty much the best in this genre, and Bannerlord will most likely be the best M'nB has ever been in a year or two.


How do you join a kingdom? I would just up relations with the lords, then talk to the king about joining. But now, I am just a bandit lord walking around with 200 men, winning tournaments, raiding sand nigger trade routes, and trading their goods to the northern kingdoms.

What am I doing wrong?

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Are you clan level 2?

>How do you join a kingdom?
Have clan rating of 2 or more.
Find their king.
Ask to become a vassal.

You can ask any noble you come across, they will tell you where exactly the king is at the moment.

>And there is a mod out there that further improves things.
Neat. What is this mod?

Increase your clan level and don't be at war with factions the faction you want to join isn't.

The one I'm using is "Configurable War Attrition". But there might be more, given there is like 15-20 mods popping up every day.
Configurable War attrition makes peace far more likely to happen. You can, as the name suggest, fine-tune it to your liking. It does result in situations of extended peace, though, which you might not be a fan off.

Horseniggers are taking over so I started funneling my riches into vlandian lords so they can build armies to fuck them up. That way I can do my comfy smithing.

Not bad. Still in the early phase of building up my party and getting money.
I find it rough that fighting bandits gives you so little reward. Prisoners sell for shit and so does their gear.
Doing quests seems like the best way to start out.

So going for ultimate stupid nigger question here: How do I level up my clan? In Warband, I'd just go and fuck up shit for the lords. But now I'm just fucking shit up on my own.

It's done with renown. Win fights.

>How do I level up my clan?
By gaining renown, and I think you need a companion to move to level one.
Renown is easiest to come by through tournaments or through battles and quests. Hideouts tend to give a nice renown payout.

renown. You can join a faction as a mercenary and earn renown fighting their enemies and joining their armies in battles.

Thank you! Booting it up right now.

How very powerful merchant of you

How is cavalry and horse archer AI? Thinking of doing a horse fucker run.

Overpowered. You will win every single field battle if you just say "follow me" and circle the enemy.

>have -54 relation with my ruling clan for no reason
wtf? Is there a console command or cheat that I can fix this with cause I'm pretty sure it's a bug

Did you raid a faction you were at peace with just to start a war with them?

nope nothing like that
I've only fought against factions we were already at war with
I don't even have any other parties in my clan except caravans so it can't be them taking and failing quests like I've heard some people have

I had that too and I just assumed it was because I got us in war with the battanians. Did you vote against your leader in policy and fief votes?

no I barely voted in anything to be honest, and when i did I don't recall any where it went against the leader

Well I don't know, but you and me are in the same boat.

How the dickens do I level up charm?

Yeah I think abstaining or some shit will do that too.

Why does he have moon runes on his Monster?

Pretty good so long as there's nothing in their way, expect them to get stuck on everything on village maps because they don't know how to go any direction other than forward

release lords

8 hrs in and might as well change the name of the game to Money & Trade 2: Caravanlord. I dont want to leave the comfiness of playing as merchant

Trade with nobles. Just give them a single denar and it'll level it up.

Play as the invisible hand of the happy merchant and influence wars and peace with your business acumen.

Beat up nobles then let them go. They make goofy faces.

Friendly reminder fuck sturgian arenas and their spear rounds

r8 my qt swan banner

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Why do Sturgian troops not wear armor? Quit dying, you stupid fucks.


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If I already have a lord as a prisoner can I dismiss him and still get the charm XP?

I don't know. Try clicking on him in the prisoner tab and talk to him.

Weakest faction?
I'm torn between Western Imperials and Sturgians

didn't abstain just ignored votes I didn't care about
I just used the console to reset the relationship, seems fair to me because I'm 90 % sure it's a bug

Why the fuck does my town never produce enough food
Even with irrigation, granary upgraded to max and both villages working I have -20 food most of the time, my town is perpetually fucking starving

In terms of units? Sturgians without a doubt. All of there units have a better alternative in other kingdoms, apart from the shirtless units but then they're dog shit.

In terms of rolling over and getting their ass kicked? Northern Empire

wow, I just tried a few custom battles, and archers absolutely shit over crossbowmen

i think the joke is that his name is spazz maticus

>join as mercenary in war
>go to towns are force villagers to give me top tier troops
>have a band of 50 high tier men
>look at influence
How fucked am I? I'm never getting a castle now am I?

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