People who play with motion blur enabled should be shot

People who play with motion blur enabled should be shot.

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Developers who program motion blur should be crucified
Throw in people who invert camera axes too

I like it. It makes games look more realistic. I always max it out.

Nothing about motion blur is “realistic” unless you rub vaseline on your eyeballs

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It's "realistic" as in "it really looks like it was filmed by a camera" which is a retarded idea

MB is literally a cheap way to hide crap fps when the player turns around, its a console peasant thing

>Motion Blur
>Depth of Field
>Chromatic Aberration
Anything else?

Light Shafts
People who enable light shafts are gay
It even has the word "shaft" in it lmao imagine wanting that

Depth of field is actually cool in games like Metro Exodus. Chromatic Aberration is also good in games like Outlast and Soma but annoying,

90+ FOV slider

People complaining about chromatic aberration in Alien Isolation need to be put in indefinite solitary confinement

to be perfectly fair, i only noticed motion blur in Crysis when it stuttered

>Ambient occlusion
It's actually good when used properly, but it's usually overdone
It's what makes all the modern games look blury

light shafts always make me think of Far Cry 2 and i loved it there

Ambient occlusion AKA dark aura

>film grain

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Mass Effect

>Ambient occlusion
We all were amazed by Battlefront 3's artifacts, cmon, you know it's true. That was the tipping point. After that the effect lost its magic and felt more like "oh, this shit again, get off"

dark aura AO is just poorly implemented early AO
proper AO is absolutely essential

even fucking Doom Eternal has it, why?

Ok, I can understand the ones like film grain, blur, depth of field etc. for "muh cinematics"... But why would you want shitty colours with Chromatic Aberration? Like why?


what about HDR (not the TV gimmick)?

Gaming graphics have been shit since the early 2000s. Go back to very simple yet effective 3d instead of today's overdone puke.

You picked a bad example OP.
While Crysis had that world motion blur which is always bad, it also had a fucking amazing object motion blur that no game has since managed to do so well.
For example when you hit something, your fist would blur slightly because it's moving so fast.

Often fails to be implemented properly

because the game has shitty design and gameplay. shit game

and the bait has been set...

vsync makes games look objectively better. double buffer has lag issues but that can be solved with triple buffer or a frame limit + adaptive sync
ambient occlusion can be great, fuck you

>not the TV gimmick
what did you mean by this

Attached: rec2020-vs-rec709-001.png (1168x1400, 441.58K)

It's not bait, go play the original Doom and see how a real Doom game should play.

i kind of agree
i thought i was going to do nothing but play Doom Eternal until i'm finished with it, but i keep looking for other things to play
i even worked

And you are a millennial newshit

Camera motion blur = bad
Object motion blur = good

Camera motion blur = bad and shit and should never be used

Object/vertex motion blur (blur that only happens on moving vertices = good, infact, crucial to give a sense of true velocity and speed and impact to animation

This isn't debateable

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doesn't your eye perceive fast moving objects as blurred anyway?
(that is, if the game isn't silky smooth 24 fps)


>Motion Blue: Off
>Depth of Field: Off
>Chromatic Aberration: Off
>FoV: 90

I will now play your game

Jesus Christ, user, is your last name LG or Panasonic?
I didn't mean anything by it, why are you getting angry on behalf of TVs?

No, that's not how it works.

Your eye's don't perceive anything as blur unless they're physically reacting with photons and moving in world space. A flat image you will look like at like nothing is moving. This is why seizures and motion sickness from watching TV are pretty common in alot of the population

Object motion blur makes fast things look fast correctly as they would in real life. If you move your hand really quickly infront of your still face and eyes looking straight ahead, it blurs massively, even doing it at a not mega fast pace

i never understood why this exists, explain how tf do i get motion blur IRL, why would vidya have it ?

boring levels with virtually no verticality that can be beat in 5 hours?

real life motion blur exists retard

move your hand infront of your face, just flap it around, do anything with it, it will literally blur

which is why object motion blur is good, but camera is bad, your eyes dont blur by spinning your head (well they kind of do but you'd have to be on something spinning while you look straight ahead actually)

nice buzzword

Per object motion blur is nice, and I wish more games had it.

these are fine as long as they're subtly tweaked

Problem is simulating the camera is your eyes, when it should simulate your head.

I like it.

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>the biggest leap in video quality since HD
other than the fuckery like HDR-capable TVs that are capable of displaying it accurately (i.e., low peak brightness)

That looks good. I could do without the motion blur and "HEALTH LOW." Source?

depth of field makes sense since your eyes can change focus IRL, i've never heard if people experiencing chromatic aberration or motion blur tho.
i guess it makes sense in games like observation where you view the game world though cameras and not eyes

Attached: observation-screenshot-03-ps4-us-01oct2018.jpg (1920x1080, 316.5K)

Fuck you I need that.

Attached: 2020-04-05_23-35-04.mp4.jpg (3840x1080, 573.18K)

wave you hand fastly in front of your face and you'll see motion blur user
and the problem with DoF in games is that most people don't have eye trackers

I liked it in Crysis

film grain and vignette

Object motion blur and camera motion blur are 2 different things user.

Emma was a cute.

Fuck my eyes

holy shit, that's disgusting

you just said motion blur retard how am I supposed to know



my eyes are fucked but i get the same effect from waving my hand in front of my face and from waggling a window around in Windows
i see the object more or less as sharp, and i also see a transparent outline of it along the path it takes

i only get the kind of motion blur IRL that you see in object motion blur when i pick up a moving object in my peripheral vision

Looks like somebody smeared something onto the screen. Also, remove the grey filter. Fucking filters....

Unless you're specifically looking at that object as it's moving where it wouldn't blur. The game isn't going to know what a person is looking at and will get shit wrong.

It's just as shitty in Isolation as it is in any other game.

I ain't the guy you originally responded to. And I guess I would have assumed camera motion blur since that's what "Motion Blur" typically means in vidya.

I sacrifice frames by setting my refresh rate down to 100hz just so I can get 10bit colors & HDR for Ghost Recon and some HDR movies. When it's implemented right and you can adjust it, it is fucking beautiful. Haven't found anything better than the YouTube 4K HDR videos on MS Edge yet though. Some Netflix videos were pretty good looking too but I'm not paying $18 a month for those pedo pushers.

I like motion blur

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>the fag can live with temporal aliasing

i think i've seen a bunch of games where center of screen=focus or everything gets overly and very evenly blurry when you're looking at an object in your hands
i cant make out details while it moves fast but it looks nothing like blur in games, my guess is that games with blur are making the blur like 10 times stronger than reality.

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I'll give you the absolute worst offender of them all: color filters you cant remove

It's why I literally cannot play any of the nu-total war games, holy fuck they look repulsive

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