>NCR has relatively modern firearms
>make a rival faction which primarily uses melee weapons and hand to hand combat
How did Obsidian get away with this shit?
>NCR has relatively modern firearms
>make a rival faction which primarily uses melee weapons and hand to hand combat
How did Obsidian get away with this shit?
legion assassins have some of the best ranged weapons in the game, and you can get a sniper rifle very early in the game if you survive their attack. also, they're heavily armored and their later encounters have truly glorious weapons. that's why i love killing them. for loot.
It's kind of a central plot point that the NCR is stretched thin and is unable to best relatively weak factions due to limited manpower
It didn't. Infact caesar's legion is specifically designed to suck, no matter how contrarian you are. They are supposed to be le ebil faction, without any sorts of redeeming qualities, including a strong lacking in missions, weapons, characters and followers. Too bad really,
What if they made Legion more like it was supposed to be in Van Buren?
dishonest answers
>you didn't give me my pre determined answer before i made this thread therefore it's invalid
god i fucking despise threads like this
Legion uses guerilla/ambush tactics and psychological warfare, not to forget NCR are stretched thin meaning less people to defend certain position while legion have proven to be able to attack almost anywhere with a strong force. Ive literally never sided with legion but its really not that hard to understand.
They are high in strength
no, it's just you being stupid
I dunno. ask Shaka Zulu.
The NCR isn't even giving their men proper armor
>I was always complaining about the standard issue gear. The new kids don't even get body armor, can you believe that?
>I don't know what else the brass expects... half these kids don't get more than two weeks of training before they ship 'em out here.
Tell me how someone with no training and armor expects to kill someone experienced in guerrilla warfare those kids can barely shoot straight
You gotta zig zag when you run at them, its basic legion battle doctrine.
>van buren
Just let it go user, no reason to extend the pain
Recruits are just canon fodder. The whole idea is that they send a shitton of them to rush and if they get through they'll massacre any troopers encountered since troopers are poorly trained with shitty equipment that will probably jam anyways while legion recruits are at peak physical condition
>Tell me how someone with no training and armor expects to kill someone experienced in guerrilla warfare those kids can barely shoot straight
This is already a reality in the third world.
They use guns, but there's not enough for everyone, only higher ranks get those.
If america cant beat fucking rice farmers and desert people what makes you think the fucking ncr can beat an actually well trained guerrilla force
Legionnaires are tribals, you know the blood frenzied niggas all about butchering people in melee combat.
The NCR's only hope would be air superiority but they don't have enough vertibirds for it and the ones they do have are only for cargo transport because a strong enough gun can take it down like an Anti-materiel rifle.
Not to go "muh we didn't lose the war" but the issue was war was lost not on the battlefield but the homefront morale was gone, throw more airplanes at it and the war could have been won but that was too much of a cost for the public to take.
Every tactical victory is meaningless when a larger country has more strategical resources
NCR just has to play age of empires for a while and outproduce the less organized tribes
Too battle the Brahmin Barons don't wanna foot the cost of Kimball's folly. The few wins over the legion don't matter back home for every "vastly superior" NCR soldier cut down by a legion savage is another family wishing the war would just be over and the NCR would pull out.
>Vegas is bleeding us dry. We're tossing caps at a hundred different problems, while Caesar bides his time and lets us wear ourselves out.
They can't just build up the resources they are already spending what they have and can't save up without falling back
America got fucking reamed by the Tet Offensive. You guys lost, get over it.
>High level legionaries wear sports equipment
>Shitty low-level powder gangers wear bulletproof vests
Even fucking Joshua Graham wore one
Yes the war was lost but it wasn't due to the troops. Casualties were 2 to 1 in our favor, but as I said the war was lost on the homefront and the public decided they didn't want their sons dying overseas, had the US stayed in the air victory would have been enough but at such a cost in civilian death it wouldn't have been worth it morally. And this ties back to the NCR could they beat the Legion yes would their citizens want to take the costs associated with such victory, no they wouldn't
Also, Vulpes was lying about nobody resisting...
And yet your image has a DT of 5 and the lowest level of Legion armor is DT 6
Their resistance was not of note it was that pathetic
>not of note it was that pathetic
Laser rifle dude took out two legion guys, and I think one or two more also were killed in other places. Stop lying, Vulpes.
>Stop lying, Vulpes.
That's like telling the NCR to stop having high taxes
>your average ncr trooper
>has shitty weapons
>no experience and very little training
>is most likely a trooper as a last resort
>not from new vegas area and probably never left the safety of the ncr before
>mainly doing routine patrols making themselves easy targets
>your average legionnaire
>spent whole life surviving in the wastelands
>who life experience as a warrior before and after becoming a legionnaire
>devoted to caesar and the legion
>specializes in guerrilla combat and underhanded tactics
the only people worth a damn in the ncr are the elite troopers who have experience. They alone are the only thing keeping the legion from bulldozing through but there are only so many of them.
>It didn't. Infact caesar's legion is specifically designed to suck, no matter how contrarian you are. They are supposed to be le ebil faction, without any sorts of redeeming qualities, including a strong lacking in missions, weapons, characters and followers. Too bad really,
the same could be said about the ncr although they admittedly arent as shafted in terms of content as legion. you cant even join the ncr and most of the ncr gear is trash anyways.
Even worse while a veteran ranger is better than a veteran legionary the army ratio veterans favors the legion so the NCR doesnt have enough good troops to bolster their bad ones since a good portion of them are stuck in Baja and Baja is just another New Vegas where the NCR is overstretched and wants to keep expanding
That’s not how warfare works since firearms though. An average Yas Forums fatass with a gun could easily kill an army veteran if he only has a machete.
NCR's boys are poorly trained and poorly managed and only get by on the basis of their superior equipment and their absolutely top-tier rangers that blow anything legion has out of the water.
Legion boys are trained hard as fuck and driven like slaves. They're fighting a Guerilla war to break the NCR's morale, and having a group of maniacs in football gear jump out of the bushes and scalp your friend armed with an assault rifle certainly accomplishes that.
You do realize you gotta land a shot for a gun to be worth a damn right?
This is incorrect.
you're ignoring the fact that the legion does use fire arms.
>If america cant beat fucking rice farmers and desert people
desert people?
Yeah, (((desert people)))
Some of them do
Nobody is mining tin or copper any more so no brass, no one is producing nitroglycerin any more so no bullets, all the oil fields are gone so no petrol and all remaining metal is low quality scrap so no new guns or vehicles. By all accounts, the NCR should be unable to fight the way they are for more than a few years
On the other hand there's iron scrap everywhere, which makes machetes and javelins easy to field. That's the philosophy Caesar is using to try to wean people off technology
NCR has super low morale outside of the strip. The recruits are terrified and don’t want to be in the Mojave. Look at camp forlorn hope.
I know the legion don't use shields because game limitations, but would they? I imagine a big rectangle shield, ghetto shit made of scrap, basically a glorified car door. It would make sense for tactics and probably less casualties. But i guess a single grenade could break a slow moving square
Any old AR could punch through a car door no problem. You're going to need either something seriously heavy or something properly bulletproof if you want a shield to stop bullets.
I believe they used meat shields, but I might be confused with something else.
A shield is actually the perfect thing for a grenade.
america went to war with jews?
Yeah, i meant a car door as a "base", it would be reinforced with more metal scrap, like i said just thinking something ghetto. Even the standard legion machetes are makeshift as shit.
Yeah but human wave tactics plus a shield beats meat shield
No, they've lost without struggle.
Vietcongs took massive losses during the Tet Offensive and didn't even actually achieve their objectives which was a big moral blow to them.
The US could have unironically won the war if they stayed in Vietnam another 2-3 months and kept up with the search and destroy missions, but it was the unprecedented screeching of the US public at home that forced them to leave.
Vietcong scouts that were poking around near US bases were surprised that they weren't receiving any resistance, so they kept pushing forward until they realized that the US had left. They then grouped up and fucked the ARVNs up since ARVNs are shit without the US babysitting them.
It was underdeveloped in the game, but it's quite clear that Caesar is a self aware hypocrite who doesn't have same rules for all of his legionnaires and makes the grunts go full allahu akbar motivating them with promises of glory and slaves, and then picks the elite of surviving savages who made it due to their prowess or wits to assign them to more pragmatic roles in the legion. We just have to assume that tribal Arizona had enough population to sustain manpower for such practice.
It comoleteoy failed outside of Hue, where they managed to execute ten thousand civilians in one night. They lost a lot of men and didn't achieve a decisive tactical, strategic, or even propaganda victory.
US would probably have had to occupy North Vietnam for years, it was clear that conflict with commies would not end to peace treaty.
is the present what counts, not the future. predictions don't count jack if your enemies can use NOW power armor, laser and plasma weapons, portable nukes, artillery, air support, remotely controlled superlizards, robots etc, while you dress your soldiers in drags and hockey masks and give them a rusty machete and a bag of witch doctor tier healing powder
Based trident formation
Then why are the Legion even a threat? It sounds like the NCR should have just rolled over them years before the game even starts
If I remember correctly NCR hasn't been able to completely pacify even their own back yard, like they haven't even managed to annex New Reno yet.
Youre forgetting that the americans, a heavily armed and well equipped army struggled to fight against the japanese who were masters in hand to hand combat and katanas. The same goes here.
How much did your jap sword cost?