Yas Forumsidya Drawthread

Previous Thread >Post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin, no OCs
>No shitposting, bumping requests or misusing Loomis and other artist names
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>When posting a delivery PLEASE don't forget to link to the anchor post.
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:
vidyart.booru.org/ (current)
vidyart2.booru.org/ (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites:
catbox.moe/ or imgur.com/

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:

Attached: Lady Edgelard.jpg (782x1173, 154.93K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: Touhou.png (700x1000, 196.67K)

Requesting the Gunner from Etrian Odyssey in a summer version of her uniform.

Attached: 480101_p0.jpg (671x1000, 295.81K)

Requesting loan shark Tom Nook.

Attached: Tom Loan Shark.png (826x454, 485.27K)

Requesting Hilda from Pokémon wearing the dress in the ref, tied up and gagged in a scenario of your choice.

Attached: 2AF2B1B6-FF8F-4510-8AAD-0CEB7156EAF2.jpg (1125x655, 373.5K)

Requesting Ciel or another Megaman girl as a humanoid Cyber Elf.

Attached: Cyber-Elves.jpg (4474x1584, 3.02M)

Requesting the image on the left, but with Aradia and both boxes checked.

Attached: sleep.png (2000x2000, 1.57M)

Okay, I tried. Not good with feet, and even worse at coloring.


Requesting Jill playing footsie in either colour of pantyhose.

Attached: Flirtatious Jill.png (1435x935, 1.46M)

Requesting Katerina from Croixleur Sigma wearing a cow print micro bikini or sling swimsuit
Also requesting gangbang

Attached: best genki collage 2.jpg (4020x2009, 1.06M)

A2 from Nier Automata/Medal of Honor Airborne in WW2 in the 82nd airborne dress as a paratrooper. use any battle pose you want. [spoiler/] yorha as nazi's [/spoiler]

Attached: A2 82nd.png (1260x832, 1.51M)

Today is Audrey's birthday, so requesting her walking around a mall in her birthday suit!
Vibrators or lewd body writing optional

Attached: audrey info.jpg (1280x720, 195.94K)

Heh, I tried this one too. Again, I’m kind of shit at these things, but I tried so I might as well post it.

Attached: 8D255D27-8A45-4896-9E7C-DD1B74E6085B.png (800x1067, 220.29K)

Thanks, though the face is a bit off-putting and I didn't mean for it to be that explicit. Guess I should be more clear. Should I re-request for that?
It's still decent.

Kinda cringe bro

Requesting some art of Harry singing karaoke and Kim's reaction to it.

Attached: DE Karaoke.png (1600x900, 2.07M)

Requesting Cream or Vanilla with a poster of a girl in a bunny suit like the reference.

Attached: Easter req.jpg (444x1064, 299.76K)

Won't this get deleted?

Requesting Ocean Man singing Ocean Man


Attached: f59b08328734288f266c34819bf743ae09be54cav2_hq.jpg (400x687, 54.02K)

she's clearly stepping on a wobbuffet, not a penis

>Announcing your report

Requesting this with Funky Kong.

Attached: Funky Kong ASMR.png (440x540, 247.74K)

I didn't even report it.
If I was so sure I wouldn't need to ask, would I?

Dumb fucking bartender. That's not what pantyhose are for.

Attached: Julianne Stingray.png (600x853, 363.44K)

Anchoring and anchoring

This work?


Attached: file.png (441x465, 323.72K)

Damn he looking gay

Requesting all Neptunia Goddesses fused into a Super Goddess

Attached: Neptunia Super Goddess fusion 1.png (4140x1258, 3.31M)

how do I get finely curved line with cheap wacom tablet

Looking for a drawfags doing commissions for Steam vidya. Here is an approximate list of that I have:

Alternatively, you can link your Steam wishlist and a booru-tag, so I can make sure I wont ask for something you cant/wont draw or be comfortable with (lewd, furry, etc). I'm not looking for a full-fledged illustration with complex backgrounds with 999 things.

Attached: technology.webm (960x586, 2.86M)

pen tool

Requesting Menat with a thick, overly veiny futacock ridden with genital warts and smegma.


Attached: magion-02-menat-lr.jpg (798x798, 143.29K)

i can't get smooth line

>Making the same request while constantly changing characters from thread to thread.
You're just shit posting now, aren't you?

Woah, are you sure your using a pen tool? Cuz if you can't manage to get smooth clean lines with a pen tool then you're seriously lost.

g pen right

Requesting ocean princess

Attached: 1519753276848.png (1968x488, 337.36K)

Requesting Misuzu being very stealthy and acrobatic despite her size. In skintight ninja gear.

Attached: Big Ninja.png (1346x761, 1.17M)

Have no idea what that is, but they usually look like this in most art programs. At least the ones that I've used.

Attached: 1014900.png (1200x630, 66.46K)

I think I have the same problem using sai, I guess I need more practice? basically it's impossible for me to draw/ink line with subtle curve like loli stomach line.

Requesting the right image but with Kay Faraday from Ace Attorney.

Attached: Kay cash.png (1344x1119, 839.9K)

Requesting Adeleine and Bob Ross painting together.

Attached: Paint Duo.png (1002x592, 594.08K)

Requesting these two on a mission together and being stealthy

Attached: 20200407_054120.jpg (4730x1838, 700.76K)

>These two.
The one on the right is, Jade from Beyond Good and Evil.
It's not that popular of a game, user.

Am I the only person who wants to swing her round by the legs and launch her at the wall? Then I'd fold her up and jam her into the TV stand and fap on the bed.

Attached: 1585624468013.jpg (480x360, 22.96K)

Request amelias from sd ggen wearing red lingerie laying on a bed

Attached: 903C6D19-90AB-418C-AC80-178F681A2878.jpg (384x512, 50.68K)

Requesting notte from dragalia lost in her larval fairy form

Attached: 1554147128272.jpg (253x317, 24.98K)

Yes, I know. Does it really matter as long as somebody decides to take up the request? Wtf are you trying to tell me

I'm telling you that someone might want to look up the character fur further reference.

Requesting Rinkah paizuri, possibly with her sarashi still on. Bonus points if she's sweaty.
The red hair isn't hers, it's actually part of her mask. You can draw her without it, if it makes things easier or if you think she might look better that way.

Attached: Rinkah Fire Emblem Fates.jpg (3130x2462, 3.59M)

Requesting Khan Maykr in a Wedding Dress, her hand being held by Hayden and she is blushing

Wedding dress style up to you. Can be wedding-armor like dress.

Attached: 1578004413134.jpg (1920x6404, 1.58M)



Thank you



Attached: CharaStudio-2020-04-07-11-11-39-Render.png (1920x1080, 2.12M)

I heard you guys hate literal-who requests....but fuck it, I got bored and watched some pachislot livestreams on youtube and this one character got stuck in my head.

"Azukiarai" is a minion of the big bad in a pachislot "Magical Halloween 6", and her true form (left) is cute. Requesting anything with her.

Also, it doesn't looks like she's wearing any panties or anything under her pants in her true form, so if you want to take them off, be my guest.

Here's a clip of her battle scene if you want to see it in action: youtu.be/vSFjSQxt2-U?t=28

Attached: Azukiarai.png (1744x1247, 1.19M)

That ass needs to be spanked

Trying on sheer stockings.

Sunbathing user here. Very good work!

Gonna color this later, but definitely had fun with this one.

Attached: morrigan-corona.jpg (1800x3182, 408.98K)

Use the anchor post! Just because you're making a lot of deliveries doesn't excuse you from being a functional member of the thread!

unf, good stuff
I'm gonna draw a few of these though

thanks for the milk i'll make sure to drink it all

Good stuff

Requesting Butts - big and inviting
Characters are the High Priestess girls from Persona 3-5

Attached: image.jpg (725x1024, 129.37K)


Requesting a two panel of Cream the Rabbit marrying her mom, Vanilla the Rabbit and have a passionate kissing at the end.

Attached: VC WED.jpg (1632x2468, 806.3K)

Already anchored, user.

Good luck, user.

Requesting Enterprise from Azur Lane with short bob cut hair and looking cool and cute. No ship parts required.

Attached: Enterprise full ref.png (3028x1088, 2.35M)