Will Nintendo ever be forced to improve, or will rabid fanatic Nin10yearolds gladly eat whatever they shit out and praise them for it until the heat death of the universe
Will Nintendo ever be forced to improve...
Already gave up on pokemon, the strong sales will just make gamefreak continue what they started doing.
>playing animal crossing for multiplayer
it's your own fault
they didn't intend for you to go on 15 turnip exchange ques like a fucking moron faggot, they call the game a slow living game retard
>actually defending Nintendo
You're so pathetic it's actually sad
grrr nintendo is shit!!!!
there happy now?
>A thousand problems with the game
>Game is literally made for women and kids who get legit excited when "someone is coming to visit"
>Game treats this like it's a major event
>This surprises and angers you
Do you see why you're such a faggot yet?
And there's no option to skip it because... Nintendo is a small indie company that doesn't have the resources to implement it?
Someone's butthurt they didn't get to sell their turnips
Awful online interfaces are pervasive throughout EVERY SINGLE first-party Nintendo game. It is not cute or charming to pretend to talk to an NPC for 180 real-time seconds to do something that can be achieved with a single menu option in any other game. It is not comfy for your Switch to need to completely disconnect and re-connect to the internet every time someone on your friends list farts, when every other internet-enabled device on the planet has found a way to maintain a wifi connection without much impact to battery life. It is not clever to have to pair your other, vastly more competent device from a different company, in order to use voice chat in your Nintendo multiplayer games, when it would be easier to just use your telephone service to fucking call them since you're on that device anyway. Which by the way, is not a technical requirement but a conscious decision by Nintendo. Fortnite on the Switch has voice chat without a third-party mobile app. It's just built right the fuck in to the game.
Xbox perfected online services in two-thousand-fucking-five. It is 15 years later and Nintendo's online is actually WORSE NOW than it was on the Nintendo DS back then.
>And there's no option to skip it because...
It's a game for children. You're not the target audience.
It's not. It's a literal children's game designed to teach that daily chores aren't tedious and that you should be responsible for keeping things tidy while also teaching lessons about being social.
Animal Crossing fans are really bad at defending their game, it's actually insane.
>get told it's a game for children
>What’s probably most interesting is that females aged 19-24 are actually the highest age group according to Club Nintendo
>It is not clever to have to pair your other, vastly more competent device from a different company, in order to use voice chat in your Nintendo multiplayer games
Voice chat shouldn't exist period.
>incapable of banter
>according to Club Nintendo
A survey that anyone can contribute too that's likely filled out by either parents or children that tend to lie about their age online when asked is not a good source of information.
>no fun allowed period
Yeah we get it, you love Nintendo.
>“I’ve never seen anything sell like this before” quoted Iwata, as he opened his beloved MacBook to take a further look at the numbers.
>“Club Nintendo allows us to take a look at the gender and ages of many of our users. What surprised me the most during Animal Crossing: New Leaf’s first three weeks of release was how well it sold to the female audience of ages 19 to 24.”
>Source: Club Nintendo
Now take a breath and slowly read what I posted again.
Club Nintendo data is not reliable, yet that's seemingly the only data the CEO himself has access to, makes me wonder on what do they base their decision to have children as the target demographic then...
Holy fuck stop being a retarded shiteater. I don't even go to any rando islands and only play with my friends and even they all agree the way they implemented online is aids.
The cutscene is unnecessary. Having to go to the airport to open or close your gate is unnecessary. Having to go through the same tedious, slow scrolling dialogue to select an option three times just to visit an island is unnecessary. Especially with how if you select the wrong option, you gotta go through it all again.
Literally all they need to do is make a + or - menu with a list of gates currently open and an option to open/close your gate. People joining should just be able to pop in without interrupting everything else. The switch is more than capable of doing this.
Anyone, regardless of age, would find this needlessly tedious. Fucking kill yourself if you defend this garbage.
>Awful online interfaces are pervasive throughout EVERY SINGLE first-party Nintendo game.
Except ARMS, Smash Ultimate and MK8 all take 0.01 seconds from main menu to join a multiplayer match, both with randos and friends.
It's literally just the Splatoon team.
Fuck off retard.
It's a game where the main objective is to not play it and go do something better with your time, AC fans have spiders in their brain.
>Smash Ultimate
>not an absolutely awful online experience
Yeah they got the menu right for once, but then the gameplay runs at the framerate of the worst dialup BR in the match
I find it worrying that the simple Nintendo games made for kids that used to be treated like games for kids, now are mainstream and viewed as "must play games" for everyone.
I get that all games are essentially made for kids/young people, but these are ACTUAL baby games without any complexity at all.
I feel like a milestone has been hit.
I agree with you but pic related regardless.
I doubt it people buy up this shit. I love some Nintendo games. SOME. But some of these low effort titles have been bumming me out. For every odyssey and Luigi's mansion we get pokemon or animal crossing. Games that sell great but are shit. Nintendo is selling hand held games at full prices and its starting to show.
I don't even play this game, but just because it's aimed at kids doesn't mean the online HAS to suck fucking shit. Kids can get impatient and frustrated with nonsense, too. You're making a terrible excuse for them being incompetent, lazy faggots.
it never fails to amuse me how mad a slightly longer than average loading screen makes you retards. what kind of "person" starts pissing and shitting themselves in rage over a sixty second break in their already slow paced gameplay
Literally not a problem for anyone but turnip scammers and rping faggots on Yas Forums.
Now you are just mixing up shit together, not even knowing what you complain about.
Smash ultimate has realyl good lobbies for example. It's issue is fucking japanese delay netcode liek every single other japanese fighting game and not indepth enough matchmaking for ranked.
Animal Crossing has no issue with the netcode, which the big intro like is a reason for too.
smash online is awful, at least mario tennis aces would allow you to reject an opponent with a bad connection instead of being forced to play their lag. Splatoon and mario kart are programmed such that the game runs normally for you even if one of your opponents is a laggy bitch
>smash online is awful
It's more that American service providers are awful.
*Yes. meme*
If only you all knew how bad things can really be.
Yeah, I agree. I've been having a blast with the game but fuck ever joining a public dodo session. The implementation is just horrid. Not to mention how often you're going to crash if you ever get anywhere near the 10-player limit.
This shit is just not fun. Don't advertise 10-player multiplayer as a feature if you can't implement a stable netcode to back it up. So far, my experience with multiplayer over 5 players at a time has been watching endless cutscenes, lagging and getting my shit rolled back. I'm pretty sure Wild World wasn't even as bad and that was free, not to mention over 10 years ago.
fire emblem three houses dlc costs €25 and adds actual dlc stuff now instead of just the minor updates from earlier
>Don't advertise 10-player multiplayer as a feature if you can't implement a stable netcode to back it up
That's the thing user, they have. The problem doesn't lie in the game but with the players from different countries.
being this buttmad about a childrens game
we get it, you still watch cartoons
now put on some new pampers and go to bed, you sound cranky
Look if you want better online then get a better provider.
>Yes! Please interrupt everyone on that island with a cutscene too!
so glad I'm not a normietard to get in on this trash
it's a non-issue since it only affects e-celebs and turnip sellers, not a problem for normal people who play among friends and have control over who visits and leaves their island, which is the intended purpose of the online mode in the first place.
It's fucking incredible. They've developed 5 systems with Wi-Fi capability, yet they absolutely refuse to adopt the most basic online service stuff. No profiles, no parties, no voice chat without an external app, nothing that the competitors have been doing for over a decade.
I don't understand it.
AC isn't meant for multiplayer. It's just a bonus. Stop being a huge faggot.
Love the game. Love Nintendo. Happily bought a Wii U at launch.
The online system in New Horizons is absolute trash.
>reading hundreds of paragraphs and clapping at bear: the game
It's simple really. You don't need them.
>not a problem for normal people who play among friends
No. Not really. It's a pain in the ass needlessly waiting for a minute looking at nothing whenever I want to play with my girlfriend. It's even more of a pain in the ass that we cannot decorate together. What the biggest pain in the ass however is the conversation tree to even access the multiplayer in the first place, which could be fixed with even the smallest bit of time spent looking at the actual bloody flow of the thing. For instance: Why not ask if it's local or online first if you're going to ask in both branches anyway? The game had a rocky development and it shows in slap-dash features like this and what's missing. I love the game but even I can admit that. Also they're the splatoon devs so I imagine we're going to get a bit of a drip-feed update pipeline.
I even refuse to talk to "nintendo fans" these days, they are rabidly fanatic and mentally ill as this thread amply shows
It's not ideal, it could be smoother, but who cares, when I play with a couple friends I just wait it out, its not like they come and go every couple minutes like all the 4channel and reddit traders, or visitors on some twitch e-celeb island so it has the positive aspect of assblasting these autists.
I'm not really sure you can be calling anybody else an autist when you come on an anonymous to brag about how a poorly implemented feature in a video game makes you better than markiplier. Feel free to keep posting more 2B though.
>five (5) players all from France on peak hours with no particular stress involved
>it crashes three times in a row
Yeah I'm thinking this netcode is cooked
>everybody but one (1) poster shitting on AC:NH's online ITT
>They're alll rabbid!
Obsessed beyond measure. Or are we going to pretend like only this one faggot is deserving of the title "nintendo fan" for putting up with big N's bullshit?
To be fair, it isn't bad if you're having like 2-3 people visit, but when you're getting like 5+ people coming in all at once it's pretty annoying
I'm just saying all the epic internet drama this is causing is fabricated by the "people" who play the game wrong, so at the end of the day it doesn't really matter.
I hope all the twitch attention whores stop streaming and return to Fortnite.
>it's a game for children
so why do you people play it
you cant use this excuse when you are playing it
This is the opposite of what I asked you to do.
Not the user you're talking to but
>Hahahahahahahaha me no care and it makey others mad ahahahahahHa xD
Isn't really an argument in favour of the status quo
Wuh-oh! Stinky!
>everybody but one (1) poster shitting on AC:NH's online ITT
take ur schizo meds, everybody but a couple people are defending it
I pirated it. I think it's a good game.
>the stupid dumbasses that sped through AC launch like it was a race
>literally 1 year of free content and updates to still go through
Who comfy pace here?
It's literally the same poster behind every one of these posts. I'm very sorry you can't spot their writting pattern, reddit spacing, reiterative arguments, or the fact that the thread has a 65/37 post to poster ratio right now. What is it, your third day here?
>Removing flavour text from Animal Crossing
Absolute state of Snoyfags
Yeah, they're mentally ill, not you who's obsessed with them.
>be me
>want to play Animal Crossing online
>go through some menus
>playing online now
>dumb fucks out there literally defending that Microsoft/Sony forced pay-to-play
I will never forgive you retarded "hardcore" gaymers for this shit.