

i've never finished a pokemon game

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I hate when developers give women unrealistic proportions. I'm not a feminist, but it makes me feel like they are too lazy to develop any character and just resort to fan service

I'm 21 and I've never kissed a girl

I'm not a big fan of balloon tits or nigger butts myself.

I buy games just because they feature women with unrealistic proportions

uhh,user, I- I guess it wasn’t this type of confession

I don't get Sonic.

I don't understand how anyone could like it. I picked up Mania because I though maybe this universally critically acclaimed masterpiece would make it click for me but I just don't get it. I also tried Sonic Adventure 2 and it played as good as Sonic 06.

I flew past nineball in armored core 1 and went straight for the core to avoid fighting him. I also stopped playing armored core 2 when I realized the sticks weren't used


Based, 25 here

would you...w-wanna maybe kiss a boy?

Nigga please. I'm becoming a wizard next year.

I have thousands of dollars of unplayed games in my steam library and on my shelf for my consoles and I choose to just play Doom 2 wads all day.

Not him but I would. I've always wondered what it'd be like to make out with another guy.

u r gay lol

could never get into BOTW even after trying 3 times

Don't hate on me Yas Forums but I shit post about liking nocturne more than persona even though I have been filtered hard by the former and never finished it and I actually never have played a persona game except 4

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No, but I'm probably bisexual without knowing. I'm a 6ft 6 Australian man (I'm white) who weighs 100kg. If that's your thing...

I’ve never played WoW. I’ve played other mmos. I’ve even played the other Warcraft and Starcraft games. The fact that it was so popular at launch just felt like some normie shit that I should avoid. And I’ve only ever seen people complain about it so that didn’t draw me in either.

let's slap our dicks together

>I'm an achievement whore and blasted through Thief 2014 to get them all. I hated every second and pushed myself through it recording footage for a video I kept telling myself I'd make with a perspective of it all. I've never done it.
>I get awful anxiety playing any kind of PVP to the point that it makes my head woozy and it hurts my stomach, so I avoid it as much as I can. Doesn't matter if I'm good at the game and have been playing it for years, every time I boot it up it makes me freak out a bit and I can't stop it. It's part of why I never got back into playing Tarkov or Dead by Daylight though there's many other reasons on top of that
>I play XCOM 2 on Legendary Hardcore but frequently bypass the "all decisions are final" mechanic by alt-f4ing whenever shit gets fucky. I try to restrain myself to whenever it's 110% bullshit and not something like missing a 70% shot, but I keep doing it anyway knowing this forbidden knowledge. I'm also aware of the other game breaking exploit, but I've yet to try it
>I frequently get games to the near end then stop playing them. Same with some TV shows. I don't know why I do this either.

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I can't sleep and the reasons for it make me so angry I hit myself most nights.

normally I just fap until I get tired and sleep

I don't mind moviegames as long as the plot is interesting and not a hollywood reject

I hate turn based games. They are shit and boring.
Also this, and Mario are shit. I don't understand why people like Sonic and Mario when their games are stupid shit for kids.

im too retarded for sandbox games

I don't think videogames are for you.

I love open world games, I buy every one that comes out, but I never finish them. The last one I properly finished was Arkham Knight. I've played several AC games, Watchdogs 1 and 2, Fallout 4, etc etc etc and never finished a single one.

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See you later in the showers bro.

I've never been able to get into horror games because I feel like I'd be scared out of them easily.

Got together with a black guy and we play video games while we fuck.

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>I'm 21
Fuck off zoomer. I'm 32 and I've never even hugged a girl.

If I see someone on here enjoying a game I haven't played yet, I shit on it in a way vague enough that it's hard to tell if I've played the game or not.

how have you gone so long without doing anything with a girl user? Honestly couldn't conceive of it. Have you taken the ultimate black pill and truly realized women are worthless or just been unable to despite trying?

This post made me angry, from their s0i-ish inability to say "tits and ass" to their denial of being a feminist.

I still play roblox

How have you gone 32 years without hugging a girl? Like... did you not have female friends in school? They love hugs, even platonically.

I hate this too. Feminism is mostly a load of made-up bullshit, but if I want tits and ass I'll just fuck my GF or look up porn. I get zero benefit from T&A or sex or romance in video games and it ruins my immersion. To be honest I'd prefer it if there were hardly any female characters in games at all, they're rarely well-written and are mostly extremely annoying.

I like women but I work around them all day in a female dominated industry, I would like to escape from them sometimes.

I can't finish a game unless it's extremely linear or I follow a very detailed step by step walkthrough.
It's not that they are too hard it's simply due to autism. The open world meme is an autists nightmare

I was so close to finish 100% super mario galaxy 2, all I needed was someone to do the little star to back me up for the last level. But then my brother and I had an argument and we never spoke to each other since. So it sits there, unfinished

I would be willing to bet money that a quite high percentage of posters on Yas Forums do this

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I've never beat a mainline final fantasy game.

i dont play some games because ive seen their endings

>women sometimes hug me
>feels weird
It's kinda sad that i get confused whenever a girl gives me affection or is happy to see me. NOT GONNA MAKE IT BROS.

Me too
Phantom forces is the shit

>Have you taken the ultimate black pill and truly realized women are worthless or just been unable to despite trying?
Honestly I stopped putting in any effort into it around age 20. That doesn't mean I would succeed trying and I have a few incelish qualities (although I guess I'd get some mediocre pussy if only from having a good job, material security and my life in order) but I just can't be bothered to give a woman attention for more than a minute. I guess I'm jaded. Women should have loved me when I was 17 and impressionable.

It's not really for everyone. I got hooked because of the game mechanics and freedom.

Go work in South East Asia, especially the Islamic countries. The girls there are gagging for it, they are so openly up for fuck that any decent looking dude will feel like a piece of meat sometimes. It seems to me that the more sexually repressed a society is, the easier it is to get girls into bed

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Take it from someone who does get pussy, you're living the dream. Women are more autistic than any man ever. Our dumb fucking monkey brain just lusts after a dumb wet hole. Don't give in to women user, stay strong, don't conceal your power level. Don't give in to the harpies temptations.

I didn't have any friends in high school period, nor have I had any friends since then. I only talk to people online and I barely ever leave my house since college.

I can't play 4x games without cheating.

I just watch vidya on youtube these days

I don't have any fucking motivation to even play a game. All I fucking do is watch youtube, shitposts on Yas Forums and barely pass university courses and I need 30 credits to get this shitty CS degree that I don't care about in my late 20s. I used to fucking love vidya, especially all Megaman series... What happened to me, anons?

Of course they are, but be ready to give up your money for the pussy, which is never worth it.

Despite playing all of them but Other M and Prime 3, Super Metroid is the only game of the series that I've actually beaten, I usually give up at the final boss, because I play those games for the exploration

I occasionally watch twitch streamers play retro games.

Depression probably

Why not? Did you go to school with chimps or just autistic?

I've never finished nor liked any Zelda game.


I played Portal 1 more than Portal 2.

I have a most grave sin to confess:

Why do you force wojaks into everything?

>hookups and le casual sex
Not interested. I mean, I'd take it if they were literally jumping at me and no consequences, as a form of enhanced fapping, but that's it.
>b-but women will never actually love you anyway
I know.

Do you hate wojacks cuz they're overused or do you hate them because le cringe plebbit likes them now?

I just enjoy the world and characters, and I find the gameplay fun to replay over again, to get better and go faster.

>I know.
based user has freed himself from the shackles of women. I'm proud of you.

yeah sounds like depression you should see somebody user

Resident Evil 4 isn't as good as people claim

This is a confession thread, not an unpopular opinion thread.

for 3 weeks since the start of the quarantine, I've not had any female interactions other than my mom and I'm beginning to have thoughts of having sex with her when my dad leaves for work since he's an essential worker