Hey, you

Hey, you
Yes, you, the guy that never posts and always lurks
Come here and tell me about your favorite game

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Other urls found in this thread:


Final Fantasy XIV

I liked MGS because it helped me with my slow reflexes.

I didn't speak english but the story/scenes looked so ridiculous that i had to find out what was going on, so i looked up a translation dictionary everytime i saw a word i didn't understand. (that first 'hard' word i learned was the word "infiltrate")

Also i started looking up the crazy artwork Yoji does for MGS and was so amazed by it. So I started practicing drawing as well. Im not as good but i'm good enough that people commission me. I draw porn now because i need money and the Corona virus is being a bitch about everything.

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Super Meat Boy.

It's legitimate the greatest platformer ever release. Edmund's artstyle is fantastic, Danny Baranowsky's soundtrack tops any AAA title of the decade at LEAST, the game controls extremely well, and the challenge ramps up enough to where you need to focus to win, while relegating the frustratingly-hard stuff to either optional (Dark World) or postgame (Cotton Alley) content so you never feel like the game doesn't want you to complete it.
It's includes a ton of freeware indie games as side characters, from somewhat known ones like Naija and Commander Video to total unknowns (at least to me) like Flywrench and Jill from Mighty Jill Off.
Bunches of side content with bandages and A+ time ranks without feeling like an autistic collectathon

I love this game so much.

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i love that thing they pulled with tofu boy, based

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I like SS:TSE.

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No, you will laugh.


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I wonder how many people just lurk and never post. I'd guess it is more than half of the boards visitors.

Do you have golden god? I got it but I can’t be bothered to work on the deathless achievements after getting brimstone boy

The world ends with you.

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Used to post a lot more, but the site really did fall apart after hiromoot took over.

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Patrician taste, the OST of Meatboy is superb

Wish the shitposting, attention whoring, thread recycling kids would do the same though

Is it really that good ?
I always wanted to give it a try

Slay the spire is pretty cool

ESL anons are extra cute
Examples of your work and a price list?

These days I'm not sure I have a specific one, but SSX3 used to be my favorite game. It had a great soundtrack, the gameplay was satisfying, and I loved rolling from the top of peak 3 to the base of peak 1. SSX2012 wasn't bad either but the lack of a shared world and the semi-realistic track design that lacked the fantastical shit from past games really hurt its lasting appeal.

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i'm learning warcraft 3 and im having a blast. yesterday i won two games on easy for the first time and later i'll try to beat the 30 min timer on arthas's campaign

i also played assassin's creed origins and killed a big crocodile

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good taste my man

either street fighter 4 or starcraft 2, i've spent thousands of hours playing both

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Halo 2 is honestly my favourite only because of nostalgia, but I love that game so much. I grew up playing it. I cant even count the hours I've spent.

It's lethal league blaze. I'm decent at it and only play random in ranked matches - which to me is a testament to how nicely balanced the game is. I can never seem to catch a break with it, however, latency in online matches makes very evenly matched players subject to a regression to the mean of defensive play and mitigating any circumstance where lag can kill you, causing the game to become plodding and boring as the ceiling lowers, and whether each player wins or loses mostly degrades to a coin flip. Gitting gud is fun but also opens up entirely new avenues of suffering you can scarcely imagine while you're fresh and just cutting your teeth.

I wish I could stop wasting my life here

Too late! Now you're stuck here forever with us.

i really like runescape honestly

nice caretaker gondola OP

Max Payne is perfect.

It perfectly balances its mechanics, being hard as nails but gives you the tools to comfortably overcome that challenge. The bullet time is more than a gimmick, it covers Max's weaknesses and levels the playing field, without making the game too easy. The tone and writing is beautifully self-aware and campy, but not so much to where the whole thing is a farce. You can still take the tragic and scary parts of the story completely seriously. I think it's unfortunate that this game doesn't get the esteem that games like Half-Life and other classics of the time get.

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I have played this game countless times throughout the years, and I have never. Ever. Ever beaten the final race. I really wish it would get a proper remake of some kind, with a shit ton of customization, online gangs and races, the ability to play as cops just to bust and troll other players, this shit would be fucking schway.

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not that guy, but TWEWY is a 10/10

Been playing a lot of CDDA since the whole social distancing thing started, still a shitter but I'm having fun.

Favorite game has to be MGR though, the fast paced combat with the cheesy music that's also a representation of each bosses characterization is amazing. Definitely helps that Raiden is an edgelord and I love that in main characters.

Moon on PS1. It's an adventure game about a boy who gets sucked into a JRPG, made by ex-Squaresoft staff who also went on to work on Chulip, Chibi Robo and Little King's Story. You gradually learn how the RPG protagonist character is negatively impacting the world around you, while you level up by solving people's problems and catching the souls of the animals the hero slaughtered. For whatever reason the planned localization never came out originally but it's getting an international re-release on Switch later this year. Consider checking it out if that sounds cool to you.

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post yfw you heard about the lore behind these albums

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I've been playing a lot of VTM:Bloodlines lately. It's really fun. I enjoy the ''vertical'' feeling of the Downtown area. Also the sky is pretty in this game.

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I promised you I won't user. they may laugh. but not me.

Not that guy, but TWEWY is legitimately amazing. It’s mechanically and thematically cohesive, has a respectable run-time that doesn’t drag on like some other JRPGs out there, has a very well-paced and tightly constructed narrative with oodles of foreshadowing, plot twists, and well-defined and likable characters, has a ton of customization when it comes to your movesets and abilities, has an incredibly unique gameplay system that you can’t get elsewhere, tons of post-game content, and is overall just a fantastic game. I highly recommend to just about anyone wanting to try out something new.

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I love TF2 but, the hackers are really gay

Since I've been personally called out.

E.V.O: The Search for Eden(SNES)

Imagine if Spore was a 2D sidescroller and you could more effectively evolve-devolve at will. And there actually being sensible evolution progression, and you have this shit. The music is AAA Tier, and the content is thigg. You can even bank interesting combinations that you can fuck around with for further use. And yes, you can eventually BECOME ALL THAT IS MAN if you do it right.

split second is cool

I'm not here to drink your dog piss!

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Thanks guys, I'll give it a shot then

Have fun, user. Hope you enjoy it.

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I realize that by modern standards it looks janky and plays weird, but I will always love System Shock 2. It's a quintessential "I was the perfect age to play it" game, but discovering secret stuff hidden around, sneaking carefully around because I could hear something different and new around the corner, going to bed with pseudo nightmares of the fates and situations the crew went through... It was all kinds of immersive and interesting for a kid who rarely got to play FPS games, and never anything bloody or 'horror' related because of my parents.

It doesn't hurt that the soundtrack was pretty great and that it indirectly led to me talking music with someone who became a damned good friend for years.

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I really enjoy playing Melee. I hope one day to be the best Marth player. If anyone here is able to netplay, I'd be more than happy to play anytime.

> the site really did fall apart after hiromoot took over.
was it really that bad

Assassins Creed Odyssey, I wish I could just live inside of that game.

Since 2003. Haven't found anything quite like it since. The closest gameplay wise I can think of is Ratchet: Deadlocked. However, the guns in Metal Arms feel like they have so much more weight. And as far as art directions go, Metal Arms is unparalleled. It's got a majority of my favorite robot designs, and it's the perfect middle ground between realistic and stylized. Lore has no reason to be as rich as it is, either

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alzheimers is scary bros...

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>Those songs on Everywhere at the End of Time that are even more distorted versions of ones from Empty Bliss

I wasn't scared of dying as much before I listened to these albums

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dungeon keeper 2
dead space
peak planetside2
metro series
first SOF
commander keen

I wont apologise or tell you about them

That's an awesome Gondola edit. Really fits with his theme.
Anyway, my favorite game is Hotline Miami. I loved the art style, the music, the gameplay, the plot, the over-the-top violence, everything basically. Playing it for the first time was an experience that I've never had again.

The Sims 2 is probably my favorite game but it's hard to pick just one from everything I've ever played. But I've played so much fucking Sims 2, from when it came out to now.
Shit like just having a family and playing casually to fucking killing people I hated. Building my dream house and living with my cousins and friends giving us all hot girlfriends and stuff. It's something about the whole game that just makes me happy, living like an ordinary person. And the soundtrack is so fucking good to boot.

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Assassins Creed Revelations

I'd believe it, or at least a sizeable amount.
I lurked for like 5 years before I started posting after working up the courage, then after a while I decided it wasn't worth conversing with 90% of the people on this site anyway, so now I just answer questions when I feel like it or browse silently and collect pictures/links.

I don't wanna talk about my favourite game, because there isn't really anything much to say about it.

I thoroughly enjoy Deus Ex and Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines for their writing, atmosphere and even gameplay despite both feeling a little clunky. The games just resonate with me entirely, truth be told. Characters, sounds, music, setpieces, level design (most of the time..)

I just love 'em.

I played this as a very young child and got traumas from the losing cinematics.

I can't visit my grandmother because of this fucking plague and I am the only grandchild she remember and I fear I will be a stranger when this is all over

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The Witness

I have always loved puzzles. I love it when they challenge the way I think and I love the feeling of finally figuring it out. Solving the puzzles, fantastically integrated into The Witness's equally beautiful and mysterious surroundings embodies that, and then some. Fantastic sound design, fantastic graphic design, fantastic sense of progression. And when you feel like you can't solve a puzzle, nothing restricts you from leaving to another area and coming back later. And don't even get me started on the puzzles themselves. The way they are reinvented not just between areas, but from one to another, never let's become bored, as if you already know everything. I expected nothing less from the creators of the marvelous "Braid". Oh, and I guess there is some stuff about philosophy, and nature of God or something, but I didn't really care about that. Fortunately, you don't have to listen to any of that, so it doesn't bother me that much. Except for that one hour-long presentation about Shakespeare you have to listen to to get 100%, fuck that.

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For 5 years I've been playing a low population F2P shooter called Dirty Bomb.
It has like 300 players max, most of who are people who are simply trying it out because it's free and will surely abandon it in a few days, but I still play it every day.

It's a tie between Ace Combat 5 and 0

5 is corny and cheesy but the characters are endearing, and it does the best at pacing out building your character up as a rookie to someone who's known and feared by enemies and allies alike. It also just had so many cheesy but heart touching moments like when people start singing and playing songs of peace in the last couple of missions.

Zero just had so much going for it too though, with the music and in-game interviews talking about your character. It had better missions and a more fun final boss. Being themed around Arthurian legend also helped make it so much more memorable than most games I've played.


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I really like rayman 2 &3

I forget every game I've ever played once someone asks me what my favorite is. I guess I'll go with OG Nier, the story, world and characters just hit the right spots for me.
And since mentioned dead FPS games, I will never forget how they murdered Tribes: Ascend. That game was probably the most fun I've had playing an F2P game solo.

I guess it would have to be HoMM3, considering I've been playing it off and on for 20 years. I suck at it, but it's somehow become a comfort thing to sit down and play it all weekend on occasion.

fuck dude cant you do anything

I lurk 90% of the time, I only post in these more down to earth threads or if I have something interesting to add to the conversation. Unfortunately most of the threads are the same repetitive bullshit every day along with the associated wojaks, but a good thread comes along every once in a while.