I need a game to play...

I need a game to play. Give me something with a quick start and hook I don't have the patience to sit through a 10 hour tutorial

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Azur Lane


that cat apparently has the cat version of herpes or whatever IIRC so it wasnt allowed with the other cats

risk of rain
nuclear throne
slay the spire

Chrono trigger

>is coffee good for you

Momodora Reverie Under the Moonlight

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She looks like a sweetheart but I don't want to spread kitty aids to my cats.

>tfw roommate slammed his gf's cat into the wall because he was angry at her and it just meowed, puked and shit itself all night before dying in the morning
>tfw I was too beta to do anything about it

oh god (oh no) :_:


you are a fucking bitch

There was a time you could dox someone like that on Yas Forums with hilarious results but now Yas Forums is reddit porn-edition.

You're a double beta.

FELV? Damn.

Shit like this breaks my heart but I already have 2 cats

it still happens as long as you have some proof, that's why we're not your personal army faggot

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I knew a guy who claimed to rescue cats from shelters and craigslist so he could kill them.


>owning a cat
enjoy having a brain parasite linked to numerous severe mental illnesses

Thank you for this.

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>breed: domestic
Into the trash it goes

Huh I want to die and I already have some serious mental illness so I don't care

b really has gone to shit. Rate my feminine boypussy galore. Fucking extremely sad


Just don't eat infected cat shit lmao


>when he owns a cat

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i honestly like guys who own cats

i just want you to know until you do something, literally anything, to redeem yourself i fucking hate you.

thanks, doc

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Yeah but you are also a man

I knew a guy who claimed to adopt pitbulls from craigslist so he could bring them to kill-shelters

I have cats

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Eww gross

do you have benis?

>cat buries shit in litterbox
>gets shit particles all over its paws that gets transmitted to every surface it walks on in your house

Girls like my cats. More than they should honestly. They're little bastards. I don't want anymore cats, they're stinky

>t-t-toxoplasmosis though
Are we just going to ignore that you can basically only get it if you're retarded enough to literally eat cat shit or do something like scoop the litter box and not wash your hands afterwards and then immediately stick your hands in your mouth and suck on them
Are we also going to ignore that if you are that retarded that a healthy person's body kills that shit anyway

waste of humanity

The cat has feline immunodeficiency virus. It's basically cat HIV, not herpes.

Not to mention if you have an indoor only cat there's an infinitesimally small chance your cat gets the parasite in the first place.

>Girls like my cats.
Girls like cats, but they hate guys that own cats


>have cat
>he's a little bro, likes to just hang out near me when Im playing vidya
>likes to cuddle when I go to sleep, get to go to bed hugging a purring cat which is great for my stress levels
>girls like my cat, think it's adorable when he "talks" to me and I talk back
>they say it highlights my caring nurturing side or some bullshit
>cat has decided the left side of my bed is his side though, has wedged himself inbetween me and a girl's before and slowly pushed them towards the edge of the bed during the night
I did try closing the door but he knows how to operate a door handle, plus I feel bad trying to keep him away, I've had him since he was a kitten, I got him when my mom's cat had a litter 7 years ago, he's my little buddy

don't try to bring science and logic into a retard fight

Just get a bigger bed.

Have my best pic of my kot.

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Did anythong come out this? I would have killed him If I were you.

don't make the same mistake I did, user. when I meet my now wife she had a cat that always liked to lay with us. being a horny teenager i would always place her outside the room so we could be alone. eventually she ran away and we never saw her again. I still feel horrible about it to this day 20 years later.

fuck cats

literally the niggers of the animal kingdom

It's a queen and like the actual amount of space isn't an issue, he just doesnt like anyone on his side of the bed at all, you know how territorial cats are

t. mouse

>literally the niggers of the animal kingdom
How can that be true when you exist?

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t. nigger

Latent toxoplasmosis is linked to numerous severe mental illnesses. It forms cysts in your brain matter.
Enjoy that schizophrenia faggot.

That's a nice kot

Never happened lmao

Now that's what I call based volume 6

Those guys sound based.

you can't fool me spawn of the old gods, cats our the protectors of the human race from cooky cosmic crazys

I'm a dog person but this still warms my heart.

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breath of the wild