Why do people defend bad things?

Why do people defend bad things?

The inclusion of time ghosts, and Advent Children Sephiroth are objectively terrible, but for some reason fanboys still come out in droves and pretend like it doesn't matter. It does matter.

People like this are what enables shit developers like Square Enix to continue getting away with doing awful things. It's like someone shitting in your mouth, convincing yourself it tastes good and begging for more.

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Reminder that this was published 2 weeks ago.

It's confirmed to be Kingdom Hearts Septhiorth

They are shills or good goys

With no Source.

Because it's a video game and not a major world issue or law that's about to pass that will change the future drastically as we know it.

It's a video game, people play it. If people have "fun" it's a fun cool game to them. Doesnt mean it's the end of the world, calm down bro

>please don't express negative opinions
Stop trying to control people. Don't want to stop? Well now you know what it feels like when someone tells you to do something you don't want to do.

stay mad barry

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Because quality is subjective.
>The inclusion of time ghosts, and Advent Children Sephiroth are objectively terrible
Explain how. What are the objective flaws here?
Why do you not acknowledge that you simply do not like it?

I just don't care that much about FFVII.

I know its a shit meme, but the original is still there so I can play that. As long as they don't steal my PSX discs, I'm good. And as said, I was never a FFVII "fan."

I consider this a completely new game. And I loved the game. Until the end that is. It's a very good game. Now I'm questioning if I even wanna buy the follow up day1 though. I don't want another surprise like this, that's for sure.

On the other hand, I care mostly about the slap in the face I got due to thinking its a straight up remake. Now that the cat is out of the bag, I'm intrigued to know where it's going.
Knowing Nomura it'll probably be pointlessly convoluted and boring. But nonetheless, now that I know that I dont get a remake, but a sequel(?) instead, I'm up for it.
And as said, the game itself was great. If the others are great too, then I'll definitely play them as well. Probably not day 1 though.

And then there's pic related of course. I think that's the main audience here.

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what if, despite the unnecessary story shit, the game itself is good tho?
anons who played it and broke the news, said it was. reviews say it is too.
i still wanna play it.

Those aren't fanboys. They're shitposters who enjoy your suffering.

people who were in elementary school when AC came out can post here. take that into consideration.

I'm not saying it's a bad game but it's a modern Square Enix game so it's not what anyone with good tastes will argue is great. And as a genuine old fan you'll probably leave with a bad taste in your mouth.

So you believe that adding time traveling ghosts are a GOOD thing?

I mean...of course there are always going to be the small handful of mentally retarded people, like yourself, but 99% of people can agree, even if they like the game, that the story changes are garbage.

>bad things
>objectively terrible
>awful things
all of that is great though.
a remake of FFVII? not needed
a remake that changes the story and actually is more of a 1.5? yes please

i wasnt gonna buy this until its cheaper, but after reading the leaks i definitely will get it sooner than later.

Because the game is looking like a beat for beat remake with twists to keep people replaying interested in the story, and that's a hell of a lot more interesting than if it was RE3 and people just complained it wasn't EXACTLY LIKE MUH ORIGINAL

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I would be extremely skeptical of any pre-release media regardless of the source.

>My opinion is objective


We really didn't need ANOTHER thread whining about this game. There are already multiple desperate TORtanic threads up.

What is with this board and eating shit analogies?

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Just how braindead contrarian can you get?
>I like FF7 so I want something that's nothing like FF7
That's nonsense. It's contradictory. If you're a fan of FF7 you want a remake to be as close to the original as possible. Changing the fucking story isn't necessary, and it is most definitely unwanted. Nobody fucking wants Kingdom Hearts jerk off plot convolution.

Based Jay RPG is the only reviewer with the balls to be honest about the game, and the fanboys are seething.


Imagine being this fucking illiterate. He didn't say they were good things, he just pointed out that your opinions aren't facts. Fucking fag.

>but 99% of people can agree, even if they like the game, that the story changes are garbage.
Source: Your rotten asshole.

>How contrarian can you get?

read your own posts before you post thanks

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Nice deflection faggot.

Your reading comprehension is ESL shit tier. I literally explained to you why fans of FF7 don't want shit that's not FF7. That's what it means to be a fan of something. You don't know that because you're not a fucking fan. Clearly. And because you're not a fan your opinion about what should be in this FF7 game is fucking irrelevant.

The issue is that many of us have been waiting literal ages for a modernization of the original game. There’s a ton left that could have been explored or expanded on, so when you hear that none of that is done in favor of time ghosts and fetch quests, it’s a little disheartening at the least.

I was kind of underwhelmed theme wise from the demo after they took the reactor destruction away from Avalanche and just made Shinra into more of a “ebil corporation” when we could have dug more into the fact that your protagonists are literal terrorists.
If they wanted to stay in midgar the entire first disc, we could explore the entirety of it and interact with/experience the city in a way that expands the original narrative. I don’t see anything close to that happening from the previews I’ve seen however.

I have not played the full game so while i can’t speak on the actual experience from my perspective, I don’t feel excited about it anymore and I don’t plan on spending a full $60 on it.

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It's a fucking statement you dumb cunt. Your opinions aren't facts, and this bullshit is not an argument. Kill yourself you turbonigger.

user there is no defending the time ghosts and time traveling AC sephiroth. It’s so fucking retarded only someone who is brain dead wouldn’t see the problem.

Let's say yes, I consider them good. Or neutral, neither good nor bad.
Instead of running away and laughing at me in your glass house, WHAT is wrong with them?

>"Nice deflection" says man deflecting at hypersonic speeds, film at 11

>this is somehow not worse
Tbh, this is not at all FF7 and kind of shit. I can't muster the cares to massively overpay for a different game because it has the same name as something from childhood. I just feel bad for the zoomers that play this and believe they've experienced ff7 in it's glory when all they've experienced is a Cleveland steamer.

"No, you're not a fan of FF7" is literally as contrarian as you can get.

QED, lmao

I’m so sorry user you can’t see how fucking stupid time ghosts are. I recommend 3 CCs of bullet to the brain to cure your autism.

>I just feel bad for the zoomers that play this and believe they've experienced ff7 in it's glory when all they've experienced is a Cleveland steamer.

This is the argument i've seen repeatedly i understand the least.
who the fuck cares about secondary zoomers?

A good review I saw said the demo was the only part that really tried to be like the original game, aside from the cross dressing mansion part

When you're openly celebrating the destruction of the legacy of the thing you claim to be a fan of, yes. It's 100% accurate to accuse you of not being a fan. This is not the behavior or opinion of a fan. It is the opinion of a contrarian. Even people who are ambivalent about the game do not honestly want customers to be hoodwinked into buying something that is the polar opposite of what they were deliberately led to believe the game would be.

We don't care. FinaL fanasy i the nly thing that keeps the emo scene alive.

Fuck you boomer

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RPGs are about their stories more than their gameplay, so the story being bad is more than enough to write the whole thing off.

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I'm sorry you have no argument. You can't even give a single reason as to why they're bad, only that you don't like them, and therefore nobody should like them. I recommend you kill yourself as a humanitarian effort to raise the world's collective IQ.
I can even list some reasons why they're poor writing, myself. I just wanted to see if the rotten pile of flab that you call a brain could do even the slightest work. It cannot.

The story in FF7 has always been stupid as hell.
Other than that the game seems really good. I don't mind the Kingdom hearts type of shit if its only at the very end.

Zoomers are shit but the money they spend fuels the industry the same way your money does. If they're left thinking FF7 is garbage bullshit then the likelihood of a better game being made later reduces a bit. It should be important that a game you like, or a series you like, is well received by all sorts of people because you cannot single handedly ensure the creation of more games you want to see.


This is a reasonable opinion. Which is why it will be largely ignored...

So far I'm pretty much in love with the game though. I'm only 20hours in and on chapter 13. There are 18 chapters right?
Anyway, so far the game has been an absolute blast and everything I hoped for. I actually dread the ending, despite knowing everything about it. I hope knowing actually makes things easier for me. Because I don't wanna end up hating this.

ever thought that you are in a very small minority with your opinion?

>Destroying the legacy with a game that is trying to be something else so clearly the game literally ends stating shit is going to change from the original

Do you fucking listen to yourself, at all?
It's not Final Fantasy 7.

that frustrates me the most- the demo represents the game I was looking forward to. It wasn’t an overwhelming experience, but it appeared faithful and interesting so I was fully ready to buy. But again, square has found a way to ruin even my lowest expectations.

i'm having fun and you all can suck my dick
i'm also going to bet they're going to attribute all the shit shenanigans to some sort of lifestream fuckery, like how aerith and zack keep showing up everywhere for no apparent reason in other parts of the ff7 universe


its in the title, user

There are people out there whose life revolves around consooming. They have no taste, they're just addicted to the hype and anticipation of the next product so when said product turns out shit it's too much to bear so they reject it and go full damage control.

It's a really strange mentality that is hard to understand but you see it all over the internet, probably most common with gamers for some reason. You see video game reviewers getting all kinds of harassment for a 7/10 score.

Final Fantasy was never good.

It was marketed as a remake. It's titled as a remake. Read the developer statements in this article. gamespot.com/articles/final-fantasy-7-remake-is-a-very-faithful-recreati/1100-6475164/
And compare that to the way the game actually is. This is unjustifiable. The developers are lying to customers because they don't want to sabotage the initial rush of sales from fanboys who simply believe it will be a faithful recreation. You should not be supporting this behavior if you are a customer.

He also said shortly after starting the game Sephiroth shows up so lol. It's just a gay fanfic essentially. I'm a PCfag so I'm just enjoying the shitposting but I would be pretty torn if I owned a console. I love FF7 but this is just depressing, I wouldn't want to give them my money for treating their fanbase like this.

all of you talk like people who are mad that you don't have a dick inside you right now

I mean time jannies shit might actually be tolerable if they were foreshadowed in original games/movies. But instead they just appeared outta nowhere for the sake of the plot.
Literally feel out of place, like i'm reading some bad writing time travel fanfictions


Now, name a major story beat that hasn't been recreated in this. :^)

since you seem to think it's only the title that's misleading. Remake does not imply re-imagining or re-envisioning. You know full well what the word remake is intended to be interpreted as; a faithful recreation. The developers have explicitly stated this multiple times over the past several years.

This thread is being watched by time jannies.

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The remake was never supposed to be good. SE and Nomura are laughing at you for buying into their performance art. FF died with XV and they know it and are cashing out. Based Nomura, we aren't worthy of such trolling.

Okay, so you've come to one major conclusion; they shouldn't have called it a remake if it wasn't a remake.
The rest of your screeching about how everything is therefore objectively awful isn't logical to proceed from that. Your issue comes from a titling.

I haven't really been in keeping touch on this whole thing, but from my understanding this remake is more of a sequel. I kind of don't like it and I'm bumbed out it's not an actual remake, but I'm also not all that worried about it. What I'm worried about is if this game bombs, will SquareEnix continue the episodes?

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How about the part where Barret isn't stabbed by Sephiroth in Midgar.

I haven't been keeping up with info about the remake but FFVII was shit so the more they change the better. Square Enix still sometimes puts out quality titles (e.g. SaGa SG) so I'd rather the developers try to make a good game than stick to faithfully remaking something that is guaranteed to suck.

Tick Tock, goalposts are shifting.

this pretty much,
zoomers have low attention span, this game will be forgotten in a week's time.

You've correctly found the point I've been hammering into your skull. Your mistake is thinking I'm the OP. I'm not. My gripe was always how SE is treating customers and trying to trick them into buying something they aren't expecting.

You asked for an example and you got one. That didn't happen in the original. There's a hundred examples like that. Sephiroth shouldn't be there. Time ghosts shouldn't exists. Characters should not have preternatural knowledge of an alternate timeline.

Consumers pissed them off bitching for a remake they never wanted to make for 2 decades. Now they cash in and everyone cries cause muh time ghosts. Bravo Nomura 10/10.

The part where they don’t know the future And call it a bad end or the part where cloud doesn’t fight Sephiroth so soon. Also the part where there aren’t time ghosts. Also the part where Briggs died.

Zack dying

Imagine everyone who bought a PS3 and then subsequently a PS4 in anticipation for KH3, FFXV, and FF7R.

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so this game is more like a re-imagening instead of a true remake?

it's just the lifestream making cloud trip out bro, trust me
lifestream is going to be the ultimate retcon device for these remakes

because they cant get nomuras dick out of their mouths meaning they are even more retarded than nomura which is quiet the achievement considering nomura is the worst writer in the entire videogame industry.

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user if Nomura added a part inbetween each chapter where Tifa and Aerith were gang raped by blacks and cloud fucked a a new animal, would you considered the game a faithful remake?

Yes. It's Nomura's retarded idea of what FF7 could be. It's not a faithful recreation with modern technology and development techniques that people wanted. It's just yet another useless spin-off nobody asked for.

your telling me m8


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It's neither, its a troll on the fanbase that will make money regardless cause people are childish and believed the fairy tale of their beloved ff7 being remade.

nah nomura is just stupid and cant write for shit.
Its no accident that he messed up the story in a micky mouse game... he tried his best it just wasnt enough lmao