>dozens of interesting quests and storylines
>fun minigames and activities at high level
>all locked behind thousands of hours mindless grinding
ITT: games you wanted to get into but couldn't
That's not a game you're supposed to be playing with 100% focus
It's a ''background game''
fine if it was an idle game, but most skilling requires frequent clicking
it's just bad design, or lack of
what the fuck is a "background game"?
it's like a job but for free
Something to do while you wait for events in your grand strategy game
You don't need to grind for a lot of that other content you seem to be looking for. Grinding becomes autistic only after lvl 75 or so. At that point you can already claim you've gotten into it.
Should've known better than to trust Nintendo with a multiplayer experience of any kind. Netcode is the worst out of any current multiplayer shooter, matchmaking is fucking awful, the map design is 20 years behind the competition, and the core mechanic comes with hefty downsides.
>doesn't purchase membership
>doesn't do membership quests
>doesn't play ironman so you can actually enjoy the game and progress at your own pace
grinding even til 70s is pointlessly tedious though.
Grinding IS the game. If you don't enjoy grinding then the game just isn't for you.
I enjoy the grind quite a lot. I listen to music and put myself in to a kind of meditative trance. Clears my mind.
Minigames and quests were not locked behind grinding, what are you a retard
Level 60 in the important skills is enough to experience like 90% of the game, which is easily obtainable in like two weeks at an easy pace if you know what you're doing
This is how the modern redit audience has coped with RuneScape
It's an old game that was great for it's time. People were also much more social in RS back then and it was more of a cool new world to explore rather than 'meta tic-perfect teak chopping and fishing'
Redit and the modern times have left the game feeling soulless
I enjoy a lot of the game though. Just not the mindless slow unbalanced skilling grind. The content that's unlocked is actually fun. The quest would be just as good or even better in a polished single player game for example
for 9.50 euros a month actually
it was the same shit back then
you were just younger and the xp rates were lower and methods more limited
try f2p and doing the quests
if you want MORE then get membership
no skill should be leveled past 40 on f2p
You don't need to pay for membership
You need to grind a fuckton the first months, tho
This. Devs originally never intended for someone to go for maximum levels. That's why they made it a ridiculous grind. It takes the same amount of experience to get from level 1 to 92 as it takes to get from level 92 to 99.
And that's why back in 2005 it was so rare to see someone with 99 levels and that's why they were heroes. That gave the whole game this magical feeling. Most of the content you could do easily with lower levels.
The social aspect also made the skilling much more tolerable and sometimes even fun
I had someone explain to me what ironman was on the runescape facebook page i joined. God dammit why do people do that to themselves.
I bought switch for this.
I will finish fire emblem and sell the console.
Nice reading comprehension
What's the quickest way to get a new account up and running to the point where you can sustain membership bonds?
Just play on a private server with boosted exp rates then. I got a quest cape in 09-scape, IIRC most of the requirements for the really cool content is between 60-70, with modern guides holding your hand every step of the way and an exp boost that's pretty trivial to get. Just put on some podcasts or an audiobook.
>You don't need to pay for membership
while true if you get enough gold for bonds
HOWEVER leveling up is much faster with membership, why level your combat stat when you can do a 15min waterfall quest for base 30 combat skills?
>What's the quickest way to get a new account up and running to the point where you can sustain membership bonds?
best way is to buy membership for a month and grind quests
After that you either farm a bunch of material to sell for bond or get into bossing
>why level your combat stat
I just find it fun, but I get your point
I would recommend everyone to just pay for membership after doing all the F2P quests. Otherwise you just skip a lot of content and the thing can feel kinda overwhelming.
Or, if you don't want to pay
>Get 40 mining and crafting
>Mine gold at crafting guild til you get enough for your bond (this may take you 2-3 weeks of pure grinding)
>Buy bond, go for Motherlode Mine (at this point your mining skill is already up)
>Go blast mine
There you go, you get around 4m every two weeks, and the other two weeks you go slayer (after a month or two the rewads increase enough so you can sustain the bond just with slayer, with less and less effort every time)
>2-3 weeks of pure grinding
Most of us work on an instant reward system user
It can be fun, I mean it's a game. People like challenges.
>dude just play this game like a job for 2 weeks straight so that you can save 10 bucks
do people really do this
>Get 40 mining and crafting
Better do Knights Sword
40 crafting is easy to get when you smith silver bars into tiaras
I did, and guess what, I was having FUN
I was taking shits with my phone, mining on the bus, while doing groceries. Were a pretty awesome two weeks.
some people have 2 accounts, one that grinds so the other account can play
are there any fun private servers for this game? I heard that they deleted all of the old school characters and fuck doing that all again and paying for it.
does anyone know where the model rips are?
i comprehended your post perfectly and I explained why you felt that way.
Runescape was a game for dumb tweens/teenagers who didn't know any better (myself included).
God knows why you would still play it as an adult in 2020.
It is literally the best mmorpg available right now.
>all locked behind thousands of hours mindless grinding
you can make vorkath/zulrah accounts to sell in under a week, don't be retarded
mmorpgs are a shit and outdated genre
runescape lasted so long mostly because jagex are such an incompetent company that every other project of their was a huge failure, so they stuck with what they knew.
valid point.
They are incompetent and that's why rs3 is dead and they had to restart the whole game.
Yet, you cannot deny, OSRS is the best and most played mmorpg right now, despite the genre dying (or being already dead)
where to download runescape 3d models
Always looked fun as hell but I'm just too fucking awful at it.
>they had to restart the whole game
what do you mean? are you referring to old school launch or something else?
I really liked the story and characters but the combat put me to sleep.
Yes. They scrapped all updates after 2007
My friend suggested me this too since I bought switch I looked at combat in youtube and I am not playing xenoblades
>They butchered Ace of Spades and fucked up big time
>And then fucking did the same mistake with another shitty block shooty game
Jesus fucking Christ, Jagex would simply cease to exist as a company if it wasn't for Runescape.
Jagex is the Runescape Company, at least they know that.
Original Sin 2
best game to chill/drink/watch netflix too. You can be comfy as hell in osrs.
>Devs originally never intended for someone to go for maximum levels
except smithing I quess lmao
do we play bro?s
Look at skills for RSC. The highest requirements for wielding best armor and weapon in the whole game was 40 combat stats. For 2 years, there wasn't a better weapon or armor than runite. Then after 2 years they added dragon weapons, which required 60 attack.
Okay, skills. For more than a year the highest fishing you needed to catch the best fish and best food in the game was level 50. Again, after a year they did add higher level requirements for better fishes.
But they never (rarely) added something that required level 80 or more, because there were very few people who would grind that long for that to be achieved.
Also this guy is right . Smithing runite armor and weapon was the only way how you could get certain pieces of best equipment in the game. And to not ruin the economy they made the requirements ridiculously high (to reward the players who actually put in the work to get smithing that big). That's why in todays OSRS you can use smithing to get dragon shield while you cannot even smith rune bar.
>grind to milestone
>play new content
>grind to new milestone
>play new content
Play the content, its a buffer between grinds, which aren't that bad
fuck you nigger, funorb was the shit
>fuck you nigger
fuck you? am I jagex?
last real skill was summoning
Theres a private Yas Forums server on /vg/