Final Fantasy Remake thread

>best materia
>favourite party member
And other things. Lets have fun

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Other urls found in this thread:

>>favourite party member
Tifa by far, her gameplay is just so damn satisfying and her monk like stance charge is ucking great. You really fee the weight in each of the punches
For the materia, i really like the fact that they made them related to objectives to fulfill in battle. Not only does it forces you to be more versatile and use different things but you get rewarded by unlocking new materias.
So far the huge positive for me is also the music, it's fucking fantastic

>best materia
Elemental materia. It's basic but combining Tifa's punches with the fully leveled fire is excellent

>best party member
Tifa or Barrett.
Aerith a shit.

>>best materia
The summon materia Jessie gives you randomly haha just like I remember.
>>favourite party member
Red XIII, oh wait...

Fuck off shitposter

Nice thread shill

be edgy somewhere else faggot

game is shit.

Red 13 sucks.


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nigga, you will NEVER have an actual discussion about this game on Yas Forums.
never ever.

Oh no is this the hugbox thread you created to echo chamber your positivity about this abortion of a remake that disgraces the original creators? GO fuck yourself. Squeenix has been misleading customers for years about this game.

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>edgy teenager thinks Yas Forums is the super cynical sikrit club
Try harder to fit in faggot

What about the negatives?

You're welcome Yas Forums

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>everyone who disagrees with me is only trying to fit in on Yas Forums

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Okay? So answer the OP or fuck off? Some people like the game

>best materia
Ultima Blade
>favourite party member

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I'm going to discuss the game in the way I see fit. Feel free to shut the fuck up to reduce the likelihood that I will respond to you.

>Best Materia
First Strike, combine it with Whistlewind Scarf and my Cloud practically starts the battle with two ATB filled, easy free hastes for the party.

>Favourite party member
Probably Tifa, Divekick being insanely quick to execute, especially following a Whirling Uppercut, compared to stuff like Cloud's Braver makes it really reliable to use on enemies that move around, and for the lower moving enemies, the kind that you can get off an Aerith Tempest on, you can just spam Starshower. But honestly all of them are pretty great and all feel different to play.

Thanks cobber.

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That's funny, I had my Tifa use Elemental with Ice, it was a surprisingly reliable elemental weakness with few enemies being resistant. Gave her Shiva too for thematic purposes.

Dude. Are you lost or something? We don't descuss video games here.

sounds like crisis core

Gameplay can be a bit wonky, especially with the camera. Faster non staggered ennnemies can be a pained to deal with too because as they're agile and suffer no hitstun from your hits, you end up whiffing half your combo and the tracking is not the best.
The graphics quality is not super consistent, people already know about the infamous ground texture, but they're a bunch of example of this throughout the game.
So far those are my issues with the game

>I'm going to discuss the game in the way I see fit.
Except you're not discussing the game, you just want to start shit and call people shills


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I directly replied to somebody and gave my opinion of the game. You disagreeing with me doesn't mean I'm somehow not discussing the game. I'm talking about it presently. You're trying to criticize me for not talking about it more while simultaneously prompting me to correct your stupid fucking accusations. If you want me to talk about the game, shut the fuck up and let me do it. If you don't like what I say well you can go fuck yourself because I'm not going to hold my opinion back to spare your thin skinned feelings.

Well well well. Cloud strife, youre looking...nice

>evryone that disagrees with me is a shill
fuck off

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How is Nomura gonna do Lucretia’s and Vincent’s story?


> 29 Replies, 16 Poster

Holy shit dude you dont like change okay

Have sex faggot. You deliberately entered a thread to say how gay it is over 10 times. Reevaluate your life kid

i hope he wont i hope he dies

I didn't accuse anybody of being a shill. I accused some faggot of getting worked up because somebody dared speak something negative about the game. He accused them of being edgy and tried to force them to leave the fucking thread.

Of course I take issue with that. This isn't fucking reddit. You don't get to control people here.

fun? did somebody say spi- ghost post?

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And here you are fucking whining about how I'm not being more positive when all you're doing is compelling me to continue being aggressively belligerent towards you.

Pick one you mother fucker. Either you respond to me and see me type bad words, or you actually back up the shit you claim you want and shut the fuck up. That's the only way you're going to see me stop replying to you.

Take your meds.

I wince at the mere idea. I honestly can't imagine them finishing this game, it's just so fucked. Will they get lower and lower in budget? Will they somehow improve? This one barely covered what really happened in Midgar so how will the rest of the game even work? It doesn't even make sense that the story will follow the original's, looking at Midgar already.

It's just gonna be impossible to have a conversation about this game, isn't it?

you bet it is - take him away, jannies!

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Its over-priced trash. There's your conversation

We can discuss it in 10 years when it is cancelled after part 2 finally launches

Pretty much, it's the new hotness so it's fun to hate for some reason

So it turns out that this character is form the The Kids Are Alright: A Turks Side Story novel. People were worried about just Compilation stuff making it in but they're really scrapping the bottom of the barrel to make sure they include as much stuff from the spin offs as possible.

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And time dementors

lol time ghosts

no he's right. the worst thing is obviously the KH time travel plot.
but red 13 not being playable is one of the big things that makes this unfinished rush job even more insulting.

Do you think there's a chance they'll scrap all this time ghost shit in the next installments if people don't react favorably or are we already locked into Nomura's wild ride?

Nojima did write that novel so I'm not surprised though it does lead me to believe that he has more of a hand in the dumb changes than Nomura. Nojima is the guy who wrote the novel where Tidus kicks a bomb and his head blows off after all.

I was hoping to play a remake of the game that impressed me so much. Same thing, but with cool new graphics, AC-like style, with fresh battle system, with some addings of quests and maybe caharacters, maybe minor retcons. But this is fucking joke, and it will last for fucking ~4 parts. The game is full of fillers, the plot sucks now, the music sucks, and my waifu Tifa is now horrible slut-like alien gook.

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Tifa has been Asian since Advent Children, you've had 15 years to deal with it.

Why is she more like Tifa than Tifa herself? Give her Tifa's OG outfit and thats it.

>they referenced Avalanche HQ from Before Crisis but not the other cool Turks.

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The damage is already done. Even if they turned a 180 and made every game after this align closely with the original it wouldn't erase the fuck up made in the first entry. You can't unring the bell. The only choice they have is to push through with even more bullshit retconning under the guise of an alternate universe in a game literally titled remake.

It's unreal. At this pace you will need atleast 10 parts to cover everything. Which is not going to happen obviously. You need like thousands of unique assets and tens of thousands of man-hours. The games is fucked. The only positive thing I see that now they have a woking base with all the characters, animations, rigging and shit so they don't have to make everything from scratch. But again. There's ps5 and it's babyproblems. At this point we can only pray.

Wew can talk as much as you want about how terrible it and square are for what they did.

You were hoping to play a remaster not a remake. People who just wanted a 1:1 hd version of ff7 should keep their expectations in check, it's reMAKE as in reMADE, of course it's not gona be the same. Hell, the producers says it was a reimagining of the game. You faggots have only yourselves to blame for being disappointed.

Well those guys are supposed to be in hiding at this point in the timeline, I think.

She was a beautiful asian now she is off and weird. Btw she is hafu.

Best part of the game is when the left midgar and cloud tells the party everything about sephirot. Because nobody knows him.

there he is. found another thread to copy paste huh?

So far so good, I kinda get the feeling that Yas Forums is overreacting as usual. Time to pop some fucking adderall and play for 10 hours.

I did not wanted the 1:1 reamster do you even know what a remaster is? Reread my post. Omg you dumbfuck.

They're not.

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>putting in expanded material that came post-FFVII
>scrapping the bottom of the barrel
Every other fanbase would call this based. Only here including stuff like this is considered a crime...

They're not going to do it, that was the whole point of letting Nomura destroy the story.

It's COMPLETLEY possible to remake the game, that argument has always been pretty fucking retarded especially when their textures are stuck in the PSP era like they are. But they copped the fuck out because they want low budget garbage with shitty filler instead.

They have no dignity.