Why doesn't Disney make anymore fun licensed games?

Why doesn't Disney make anymore fun licensed games?

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Doing stuff costs money, and they don't like spending money.

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The big suits probably excepted GTA/Call of Duty money from their games. But since they didn't, they just pulled the plug on their studio. RIP Split/Second

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Disney decided making piss poor, shit quality games was not making them any money and pulled the fuck out.

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>Disney used this exact scene to make a fake ad for desperate single ladies ads.

Based of them.

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They do

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It's not enough to make modest returns on modest budgets anymore. You have to make the highest profits possible, or the shareholders sperg out.

What is this

Right now, Disney shit itself hard, so there will be management restructuring. I'm sure new bosses will be just as retarded.

Wait what?

Did the brother fuck the aunt?

Then why are they blowing so much money on the live action remakes?

The brother fucked the brother.

They don't get Japanese studios to make licenses games for them anymore. Same reason wrestling games since No Mercy on the N64 aren't good. They hire cheap and not good western studios.

What happened?


Fuck that's hawt.

Star Wars (including the land), Captain Marvel, Coronavirus.

A high school set in a all boy school, all the characters redesigns are made by the artist who does Black Butler
Wreck it Ralph 2

Sure why not.

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as someone who went to an all male high school it was really fucking boring and not worth writing anything about compared to the female equivalent

Which is the submissive and which is the dominant?

The Lion King remake is the highest grossing animated film of all time, $1.657 billion. Beauty and the Beast remake made $1.264 billion.
Whenever someone tries to argue that success = quality, just point them to those numbers.

The Disneyland game on Xbox is fun to walk around in

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Are you saying you're disappointed about the lack of homosexuality in school?

Isn't that just because the market is so much larger (e.g., chyna)?

>Captain Marvel
I don't know who you're lying to but you should stop

Captain Marvel made over a billion dollars.

it triggers me they put all sjw landwhales in to the movie but not a single nigger or spicc
fuck the jews

No I'm saying that only the most reaching fucking fujoshit would make it interesting and only to them, there were a few of them (fags) and everyone was pretty thoroughly revolted.
Girl schools have petty girl drama and stuff to work with. The best you can do with a dude school is Otokojuku which is good because it's absurd.

That's partially it, but I think it's mostly Disney weaponizing nostalgia to an insane degree, while "modernizing" it just enough to give it an edge.

The music in this part of the movie was so perfectly timed


With Mandalorian (relative) success, they might consider capitalizing on that with a video game.
The SW vidya license is still in dirty EAs hands which is creatively bankrupt and cannot make interesting game though, so who knows.

This is apparent if you look at their mobile games ads. Take old familiar characters, give them decent looking models and throw them into some random gacha gameplay. Advertise it just enough and boom.

These numbers are purposely inflated in some way. I think it made something closer to be Homecoming.

Dude, stop. Just accept that things you don't like, even things that you despise with every fiber of your being, can be insanely successful. Despite what so many seem to believe, success and quality are not tied to the hip.

Disney themselves?
Capcom made the fun Disney games.

They stopped giving a shit about console gaming and jumped ship to making mobile games like most other license games did. They can shit out far more mobile games at faster rates and lower costs and make more money back.

Disney has never taken video games seriously as a form of entertainment. To them it's just another licensing deal like putting their character on a cardboard plate.

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In the movie Wrek it Ralph 2, Ralph gets distracted by a person handing him an ad about "frisky aunts in his neighborhood." On the ad is a picture of aunt Cass, the character in question. It's a blink and miss it thing.

> Girl schools have petty girl drama and stuff to work with.
And boy school has petty boy rivalry does it not?
Everyone liked fallen order
Sure they are user

It's really not the same thing, girls are literally constantly trying to undermine and outdo each other as far as I can tell, they never take a break. It's not the same as getting punched out in a hallway or having a rival in a SPORTS

They hired the worst person they could find to run their Star Wars projects. Fans now despise the franchise and the amusement park was doing terrible, now it's doing just slightly below that.

There is a lot of speculation that the Marvel franchises are going to lose popularity.

Also the corona virus.

Boy schools have sissy crossdressers sucking dicks in the backyard.

You can't really explain male hierarchies to most women, dude. They tend to assume that everyone operates exactly like them in life, and just won't budge.

Damn right it's not the same but the drama is there

fuck off fujoshit/enabler

Girl schools have dykes pegging each other

You know, maybe that's a good thing. If they took it seriously they would buy a major studio and drive them into the ground.

You want them to turn Nintendo into what they did to Star Wars?

With lacrosse sticks, no less.

Because kids these days don't play single player games, they play multiplayer competitive games

What a shame.

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The most dramatics would occur outside the actual school environment if anything

Yes. That's also irrelevant to the original question.

Yeah it's mostly this, the Lion King broadway show is also the most profitable in history and has been popular since it began running but its lifetime gross is still way less than the remakes.

I'll be honest, I just want to post more from this cartoon.

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Nobody makes licensed movie games anymore. 15 years ago if the the sonic movie came out then it would had a game on every single console at that time and would have been more dogshit than the average sonic game.

They're shit and they've realized they're shit

What was the last movie game anyway on major platforms? Avatar? Wolverine? Iron-man?

i normally hate racing games but damn was Split/Second a thrill ride.

Live action costs less than animation, from what I recall.

Did you see the fiasco with Disney Infinity? Disney Infinity was the top of the Toys to Life market, literally surpassing Skylanders and Amiibos. You know what they did? Axed it without any warning to the developers who were already in the process of making the next game and had multiple figures in development and in the pipeline (Spider Gwen and Peter Pan were set to hit store shelves even). The reasoning? Because it was more profitable to license out their products than develop in-house. So even though DI was the most profitable in-house project for gaming they had ever done and was earning hundreds of millions if not a billion they threw it down the trash. I'm still mad.

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