>They remastered 3 instead of 2
Who asked for this? Even worse is that it's EGS exclusive for a year and it's capped at 30fps on consoles.
They remastered 3 instead of 2
Other urls found in this thread:
3 is better than 4
But 2 is the best
2 is getting a remaster. Volition announced last year that they had "found" the source code and were going release a version that unfucks the pc performance, port the two expansions, and add mod support.
>3 is better than 4
This but the exact opposite of this.
Apparently it's only 1 or 2 dudes working on it though so it's gonna take awhile.
There's no point if they don't add more interiors to the buildings and increase the exploration. That shit made the game really stale after a while.
They did the same thing with the Switch ports, they ported 3 and 4 but not 2 or 1. They didn't even bother to make the multiplayer functional in 3, local or online, and the game chugs along like a freight train in some instances.
Yeah 1 or 2 would have been better
4 is better than 2
But 3 is the best
Is there anything new to it or is it just the same exact game but with different lighting?
4 and 3 have different things going for them, 4 is definitely funnier and has more shit, but 3 has better sense progression. You don't start out as a literal god that doesn't need a car to get around.
>3 has better sense progression
not with the DLC installed
This better be a free update.
>remastering literally the worst game in the series
>EGS exclusive
doesn't sound like it
>Even worse is that it's EGS
It's Deep Silver, after Metro Exodus and Shenmue 3, that's to be expected, as disappointing as it is. They realized that they can make fast easy money getting paid for exclsivity, EGS sales, and steam sales later down the line.
It's the best selling game iirc, they're probably equating best selling = most popular, even though fans generally prefer 2 and/or 4.
>capped at 30 fps
Sounds like consoles are getting a 2x frame rate increase.
The worst Saints Row now with a bloom effect and motion blur. Sign me the fuck up!
>a remaster nobody asked for from a franchise nobody likes anymore on a digital distribution platform nobody uses
Great plan, Deep Silver. Fucking bravo.
>Deep Silver
Wait what? Isn't SR supposed to be owned by THQ Nordic? I could've sworn I've seen plenty of game news articles about them purchasing it
It's pretty much just an easy way to make some quick Epic bux. Whatever money they get from sales are the real bonus.
Dude, literally nobody outside a hardcore segment of the fanbase gives 1 flying squirrel shit about Saints Row 2. How hard is it for you delusional idiots to understand that Saints Row 3 is the most popular game in the series?
Remade lighting, better AA, more stable framerates, and remade textures.
The Embracer group owns both THQN and Deep Silver. But Deep Silver is operated independently. THQN does the AA stuff. Deep Silver does the AAA stuff.
>Volumetric lighting & fog.
>New textures.
>New models.
>Preserves the original art style while getting rid of the "cold vomit" aesthetic the original had.
Yet people still bitch. Why do so many people get bitchy about remasters like this? I'm starting to dread what's going happen when the Crysis remasters gets officially revealed. I can just image blind retards bitching and moaning that it "looks exactly the same" and whining about the golden lighting and volumetric effects.
>enhanced lightning
You mean bloom.
A polished turd is still a turd, broheim.
Why though? Saints Row 3 is not even that great to warrant a remaster so soon.
It's literally the most popular and successful game Volition have ever made. Holy shit, how do people not know this? Why do you think THQN spent over 100 million buying Deep Silver?
So basically the same game with better lighting.
Almost everyone who's played 2 and 3 prefers 2 out of 3.
3 might be successfull and popular, that's simply because getting 2. 3 is just more accessible in comparison.
>3 might be successfull and popular, that's simply because getting 2. 3 is just more accessible in comparison.
Not really.
>already released a port for current gen systems
>rereleasing the same game again on same same systems with extra lighting effects instead of as a free update
>no news on the fixed version of 2 because they don't consider it a priority
they're double dipping on top of being lazy as shit and ignoring shit that actually needs to get done.
I think all the models are replaced. Some people noticed that the police cars are a different make now. It's a pretty comprehensive remaster, and I'm starting to think that retards think all remasters should be literal fucking remakes now.
SR3 Remastered is by a different company. Volition is busy with Saints Row 5.
>Epic exclusive so they don't have to give free copies to people who already own it on steam
>Crank out cheap "remasters" of your old titles that nobody wants
>Nothing matters because Epic Games will finance the entire ordeal, making sales just a bonus
I dunno, sounds to me like Deep Silver's figured it out.
>All the weapon models replaced.
>All the vehicles replaced.
>Global illumination and PBR materials and all the usual stuff.
Because it's the more financially sound option. Way more people played 3 & 4 over the original two. They wanted to secure proper funding before tackling the older games. You gotta remember after Agents of Mayem the dev's were hit pretty hard from poor sales.
Hopefully after they get some cash they'll rereleased the first game on new consoles and PC. I never got to play Saints Row 1, only two and onwards (minus all the DLC, feels bad man), how good was it? I'm genuinely curious
Who the fuck will buy that shit, though?
A few diehard fans that want to dick around in new shaders? That's it.
>Saints Row Discord is run by Tumblr troglodytes who badmouth SR1/SR2 fans at any opportunity
>literally creamed themselves at this announcement yesterday
It hurts.
you have no one to blame but yourself, now go back
You do realise Saints Row 3 is an insanely popular game that sold 10s of millions of copies, right?
2 is getting worked on as we speak.
It's gonna take some time because they lost the source code for the longest time and only recently managed to get it back.
>New coat of paint
>rebuild the house
Up to the individual I guess, some games do deserve a total remake though. If they did Saints Row one, I'd like the option to play female and have the same level of customization as 3 & 4.
Before you loose your shit, I'm just saying any game that has character creation should go the whole time yards, even if you can make a character that clashes or even ruins the tune of the game. Being able to make a hedious affort to God that looks like if Chris-chan hate fucked a mutant Pig and gave birth to an incest child sounds way better than just a few head presets with samey hair cuts, shit face decals, and no facial hair options other than stubble. I wasn't shitting on SR 1, just painting an example for you.
Honestly, I'd prefer a remaster of 4 over 3. Playing 4 with its superpowers in coop just blasting all over the map was super fun, and that game was also fucked performance wise on the consoles; it'd benefit more from a remaster.
2 would be the ideal obviously.
I want more open world coop super hero games.
>I never got to play Saints Row 1, only two and onwards (minus all the DLC, feels bad man), how good was it? I'm genuinely curious
It has the very same foundation as SR2, while being more basic overall. It has better melee combat, visuals and animation work but has worse missions on the overall due to the Westside Rollerz consisting of missions where you drive and shoot at the same time. A lot less extra content than SR2, needless to say and Stilwater while still a great map, doesn't have as many vehicle friendly shortcuts or landmarks.
Nah, its clearly volumetric lightning.
There is definitely a place for remakes. And I'd expect a remake of Deus Ex, for example, to allow me to pick female Denton like the devs originally intended to offer. But I've noticed in recent years that companies like Activision are muddying the waters by creating "remasters" that are basically remakes. (Spyro comes to mind.) And so in the public mind, people are starting to think that a nice conservative remaster is "lazy" and that every developer should be spending tens of millions of dollars remaking games.
Played the shit out of this game, was great fun in co-op, don't see a reason to pay for it just for the enhanced graphics.
I was late to the party with SR2, would appreciate if it got at least better sound and working co-op, ofc graphics on this level would be great too.
Also, fuck Epic with their exclusivity.
Tim paid for your copy. Why are you complaining?
The remaster has GI/volumetric lighting and fog/PBR materials. We went through this exact same song and dance with Assassin's Creed 3 Remastered. That remaster had way better lighting. Way better texture work. But it was sadly rushed out the door by Ubisoft and cutscenes were unfinished and stuff like that. It kinda depresses me how many people can't tell the difference between modern lighting and shitty flat lighting from 2010 or whatever.
not only is it not a free update, they're charging 40 fucking dollars for it
for reference the original + all dlc is $15 on steam and it's not even on sale
also only 2 guys are working on it in their off-time while they're also working on another SR game (unless they were just talking about this remaster.)
nice same game just with an orange filter
That'll likely either be Saints 4 or hopefully the first game. A rerelease for that game on modern hardware would be amazing.
Or they could finally be finishing that damn Sniper Game they dropped between 2 & 3
It's more of a yellow, actually. Yellowish white.
And don't forget about god rays, particle effects, new weapon and character models.
surprised I'm hearing "Saints Row the Third" and "Epic Games Store" in the same sentence and it's not about Epic's weekly free-to-keep promotion
put the SR4 hairstyles and clothes in, you cowards
At the very least 4 wasn't just a cheap GTA.
I didn't know EGS was still a think. Glad to see their sticking to their "our shitty exclusive practices are only temporary" promise, amirite?
Also, as a huge long-time SR fan, I am really disappointed in Volition here. It also sets a precedent for the SR2 remaster, as well as SR5. I will pirate anything they make a EGS exclusive.
I did desu
Basically sorta like Xenoblade Defeinitive Edition
Saints Row IV is oddly the best selling SR game in the franchise and highest rated by the type of people that do those polls. I enjoy SRIV just fine but I am not sure why it sold/polled so well compared to 3.
The art director said they also updated story NPCs. You can see Shaundi being different in the trailer.
You think people are going to buy it AGAIN? It aint skyrim, theres no mods here
Yeah I watched the video and genuinely had a hard time telling which was was supposed to be "better" ... they went overboard on the orange filter and bloom. It looks like a fucking mess in some of the clips.
3 is easily the worst game in the series. Yes, even including Gat out of Hell.
Because Agents of Diversity hadn't been released yet. Otherwise it would have, been, five bucks.