What comfy video games have you been playing while locked inside?

What comfy video games have you been playing while locked inside?

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Why 4 in particular? I've been wanting to play GTA but I'm not sure which one to start with.

Mhw ib

great feel to it. the cars are fun to drive and it takes awhile to get tired of hurting NPC's. plus you have the best cousin in the world to hang out with

People are going out all day every day since they can't work where I live, also the stores are all crowded as fuck now that they are only open during day hours, kind of an embarrassing quarantine.

Play San Andreas or 4. If you like then do vice city and 3.


That's the exact reason why this is going to last for months and just get worse and worse. Because people are fucking dumb and don't listen.

People laughed at chinks but our quarantines are an absolute fuck up in comparison. Ded economy due to work stoppage AND people getting infected anyway because the goddamn imbeciles keep going out partying

How the fuck does that stop a door. It's a spin handle instead of a downward hinge handle so it doesn't block it. And because it's a swing open door chair isn't heavy enough to stop it from swinging open.


Been playing lawsuit against my neighbor who attacked me. I hope this boomer fucking drops along with his fat wife after being in my asymptomatic face.

Deus EX
Aged terribly but I really got into it I can't stop playing it

Why would he attack you?

Your Mom

I shouted to shut the hell up through the wall because it was 5:30pm and they were playing drums.

And he ATTACKED you over that? Did he damage you?

That's terrible and hilarious.
Please tell me that the grocery stores are usually up in the evening, but because of corona they decided to only be open during the day hours because that would be gold.

No. No damage. No marks on me. And it just so happens that the cameras at the end of the halls don't record the walkway where it happened.

can confirm
I live in florida and work in publix(a grocery store), we're still completely open but instead of being open 6 am to 10 pm we're open 8 am to 8 pm
but it's ok we took apart the dining area in the deli lol!!!
75% of the customers I serve are old retards who are probably on death's door and don't know where they are let alone that there's a deadly disease spreading around, exactly the kind of person who should be staying inside and not in my face ordering a fucking sandwich

The chair wedges itself into the floor

Oh. I can't see that lawsuit going very well then.

Replayed the first game after a long time, still loved it. Tried the first chapter of the second and hated the music, and dropped it for now. by that time animal crossing came out. So I've been play that and smash whilr trying to do my college classes online.

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Just finished a plague tale innocence. It was a fun distraction and the plague background is somewhat relevant. it has a fun photo mode to play in.

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Finished modded Fallout 4, it was okay. Modding Skyrim SE now, gonna be an orc and rape women bandits without mercy while doing shitty fetch quests.

you guys still have the "free" coffee at the front doors?

some locations do but some don't, mine doesn't
however we've closed down most of the self service stations like the gross soup garbage so I imagine if the coffee is anything like that it's temporarily dismantled

rimworld but im retarded so my people are constantly suffering

Death Stranding. There's the isolation thing in the first place. Plus I used to be a mailman so having people call me the Great Deliverer or the Man who Delivers makes it doubly immersive.

How is this even supposed to work anyway?

The new yugioh
Mediocre but comfy

No one's laughing, we're pissed off at them. A better world is when only cheap railwork laborers and tea come out China

Let's focus on mitigating the effects of coronavirus before we worry about what must be done about China. If Americans don't stop being stupid fucks who refuse to quarantine, there may not be a world left over at the end of this.



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It only works if the door opens up towards you. Whoever wants to get through will have to break the chair from the other side of the door.

X4 Foundations, thingken of switching to modded X3. Nothing better than comfy space trucking to escape reality.

Soul Knight on IOS, it’s been pretty fun so far. Also for anons that have played it, is Enter the Gungeon any good? I’ve never played these kind of games before and could use recommendations on the best ones.

Doing modded Skyrim right now too. It’s my first playthrough and I’m just fucking around with an unarmed hot girl

its a great twinstick and a good go few free content updates in. it goes on sale almost every other week on the switch and steam so it wouldnt hurt to wait for a price drop but even at full price its good shit.

I'm watching some anime. I finally found a really good really long one that I'm really into.

Ive started spamming grand strategy once again. Ive played literally all paradox games. Started with EU4, went to HOI4, then to Victoria 2, then Stellaris. Now Im all out of ideas. I played a bit of cities skylines but I think its boring, and I also got back into TF2 but Im not that into multiplayer. Any suggestions?

Try the Endless games. Endless Space and stuff.

This shit rarely works. You're lucky if your chair is the right height for your door knob.

my dick, currently speedrunning it

stardew valley and grinding to max level and all gifts in code vein

Wurm online.
I found a friend while wandering the lands, and he let me set up a place next to his cliffside village.
I've built a small shack complete with a vineyard covering the back walls, and a couple of carts I can use to carry stuff.
Currently in the middle of cutting down some of the older trees in a cedarwood Grove, in an effort to get the wood I need to build a second floor.

Home office...

And Classic WoW during weekends.

Have fun. it's a pretty short game though

I suck at it, so it will take me a long time to finish.

Just sucked up Animal Crossing for my autistic ass and nailed a island with peaches after resetting a few times.

If I was anymore autistic, I'd get that new sparkly gay ass cutely as fuck bear along with the peaches.

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Resident Evil 2 (1998)
its alright

Murder by Numbers, I'm on the final case. I fucking love Picross.

I don't understand why you would waste your time trying to get a specific native fruit. They don't sell for as much as foreign fruit and you can populate your island with any fruit trees you want once you get the corresponding fruit. I have some peaches so I would have happily given them to you.

You don't need to worry about the bear because you can reject villagers so it's easy to cycle them until you get the one you want, without having to reset.

What is it? I'm currently in the process of reading One Piece myself but I'm nearly done so I need something else

I started that game but it's driving me nuts trying to figure out how to pronounce Honor Mizrahi and there's no voice acting.

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For me it's Miz like in Mizu, Rha like in Rhapsody , Ee like in Eel. MizRhaEe.

Currently chewing through my backlog.

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Oh, I'm sure you know about it already, it's just BnHA. I'm really slow so I'm only just now getting to it but I'm surprised at how much I like it. Since it sounds like you are into shonen I would also like to take this opportunity to recommend Hunter x Hunter though if you haven't read or watched it, which it's possible you have since it's been around for a very long time but every so often I run into people who have somehow overlooked it, so just in case, I want to say Hunter x Hunter is really good.

Probably the comfiest game I've ever played

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Finished doom on nightmare now i'm working through the new risk of rain content, finding it hard to unlock artifact of glass on my own. And a bit ofnoita on the side.

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