Is this some kinda joke?

>$80 in maple dollars
>Four hours to beat

People don't actually spend this much money on four hour games do they? They're not THAT stupid with their money are they?

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it's 40 dollars on PC

It's a Resident Evil, and you're complaining about the length of the game.
How old are you?

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This game makes more money per hour off of your buy than most wagies do in the US lmao

But it comes with a quality multiplayer mode.

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On steam it's 79.99 in Canada.

It's about $25 in my country on steam

Shut the fuck up, child. You can criticize RE3make for a lot of things but "more hours = good" is an infantile mentality for poorfags and children whose parents only allow them to get one game a month.
I'd much rather play $60 for a 3 hour excellent game than $60 for a 40 hour game that's just kinda sorta good.
Not saying RE3make is excellent, just that this argument against it is only used by underageds, retards or both.

A game shouldn't be full price if it can't deliver a longer play time. It should be $40 max if it's just a short experience. If you disagree maybe you should reevaluate your spending habits and the value of money.

Isn’t this a game from a series that’s made for subsequent play throughs? And doesn’t this game have two harder difficulties, unlockable weapons, and extra items you can get in advance? And doesn’t the game come bundled with a multiplayer game, technically making them both 30 dollars each?

The hours are fine. The fact they cut 60% from the original is the true shit.

just because you value more 50 hour open world checklist simulators doesn't mean that everyone else does too

Do you think Ghost Survivors will make a return?

I'm sorry, I understand this may be hard for a child to comprehend, but try to bear with me and use that brain of yours.
As you get older and more successful, you get less concerned about what's worth your money, and more concerned about what's worth your time. When I was a kid and begged my dad to get me a game advertised as a 100 hour rpg, I was ecstatic because I thought "I'm never getting bored again!" and was willing to put up with things like bad pacing issues, etc., simply because I thought I had a toy with unlimited mileage. This is a mentality everyone outgrows; hopefully you will too some day.

Now I have tons of disposable income, while I'm not going to outright blow money on what seems pointless to me like name brand wristwatches, I don't really care about the price tag attached to an experience as long as it's an experience worth having.

You're the kind of person who'd rather spend $50 on 150 McDonald's chicken nuggets instead of one amazing steak dinner and it shows.

He's live!

Wait a few months and it will be $40. Problem solved.

How the actual fuck did Zombie Brad sorry?

Well said, user.

Just pirate the game you fucking idiots. It took 10 days for re 2 to be cracked. This will be too. Stupid buy fags

I like you.
You're a cool person.


Why do you care what people do with their money?

You sound like a faggot who enjoys shitty games like the last of us

more hours = more good if it means more backtracking and ACTUAL level design. it's fucking embarrassing that only 1/6 of the 5 hour campaign is spent doing Resident Evil things like backtracking and collecting keys to open doors. It's embarrassingly linear.

How did he say sorry, despite being a zombie? On top of that, why is he a massive bullet sponge?

>he didn't play Nightmare

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Cause they cry about wether shits worth buying.

>he didn’t s rank inferno

Remember when that shitty Order 18 whatever the fuck game did the same thing and everyone shit on it? You faggots have the worst double standards. It doesn't matter if the original was that short, this is a remake using assets from another remake from last year, it should not be sold at $60 plain and simple.

Enough old to remember the old games time counter only records your last try when you die. The one where you speedrun to where you lost. And so the final time is deceiving.

In the new game the timer counts failed attempts.

Older games are marginally longer. Sorry for raping you.

That would be too challenging for OP.

>why is he a massive bullet sponge?
He was a member of S.T.A

>using assets from another game
>just like the original

you're literally a spoiled brat or done even know the value of a dollar good job faggot

Loved the game but I mean, REmake2 was about 5 times as long and they're charging the same price? Kinda fucked up honestly.

Obvious Samefag

Why do people love to post 80 in canadollars as if that is something impressive or more expensive? Make the conversion and you will have 60 american dollars

You're saying that like we're all those same faggots.

>didnt pay attention to Resistance
>Thought it was basically Outbreak 3
>It's actually RE: Dead By Daylight
Well out the fuckin' window that shit goes.

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It's $71.69 in my country.

>5 times as long
It’s like 2 hours.

>Tyrone speedrunning from RPD to the hospital
>Carlos speedrunning from the hospital to the crane control room
>Nikolai speedrunning all around Raccoon City (they can expand it into 3-4 separate parts)
>completing all of them unlocks Ada speedrunning to the last helicopter ride out of town

Only replied to tell you, you're wrong.

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>I'd much rather play $60 for a 3 hour excellent game than $60 for a 40 hour game that's just kinda sorta good.
Why openly admit that you're a massive idiot when it comes to spending money?

Shut the fuck up cunt

I meant for characters that got killed off extraordinarily fast. Like Murphy, or Brad.

>As you get older and more successful, you get less concerned about what's worth your money
LOL I dont fucking think so. Good fucking, lord, why do I even visit this board. Full of honest to god imbeciles.

Based character. Shame we probably won't ever see him again.

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How come Jill kept getting weirdly prophetic nightmares?

So what all was cut?

Quite the opposite. You find really rich people being extremely conservative with their money so much you wonder whats the point.

The point is there is a reason they are rich and you arent. If we distributed the available money and resources equally in less than 5 years the world.
would be exactly as it was before the redistribution. With the smart people hoarding the money and the retards working for the smarter ones.

I want them to remake the resident evil wone remake so it's called the RE-RE-RE-Remake

and make it bad too so it makes people reeeeeee

>all this buyfag remorse

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I'm a northerner and I paid sixty dollars for it because I'm a smart consumer.

>Four hours
Yeah, on Assisted maybe. Either way, the short run time isn't the problem and it's stupid as fuck that it's all anyone bitches about. The higher difficulties, even starting at Hardcore, are exceptionally difficult to the point of absurdity. Go figure that special items don't affect your ranking or achievements, so the game was clearly designed around grinding for points to buy the Infinite Assault Rifle and then steamroll the rest of the game. It's fucking stupid.

Wasting money is a retard/poor people hobby. Rich people either invest that money or try to get the best value out of it.

A millionaire's choice would be something long and high quality. The best value in this case would be Xenoblade 2. A 200 hours great game that only costs 60 bucks.

Some of the weapons got completely replaced.
Nemesis got a Flamethrower instead of a Minigun, though concept art reveals that they did want to have it in originally.
Nemesis only drops two weapon parts for the G19, which means the Cowboy Shotgun and STI Eagle got cut out.
The Magnum revolver got replaced with the Lightning Hawk.

Someone sent it to me to review.

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So you liked the order? Really want to hear your opinion on that bud

Pirate it, it's not worth the money!

>all this poorfag cope

>Based character.
Not in this version, fucko!

And just like the original, it shouldn't be full price

Ok poorfag.

When will it be our turn,pirate bros?

Fellow leaf here, I got it off greenmangaming for $60

Still isn't even worth that much though

Never even heard of it bud.

took me about 18 hours to 100% the game all records all difficulties and trophies i'm pretty happy with what i spent on it, it is on the shorter side but i don't really feel ripped off, i had fun that's all that matters

>people care this much about how much $ someone decides to spend on a game
One of the many problems wrong with this fucking board.

>rather spend $50 on 150 McDonald's chicken nuggets instead of one amazing steak dinner
That's called being smart, retard.

>get Infinite CQBR
>S rank Inferno for free
This game's difficulty balancing is worthless. Only Standard with no special items is reasonable. Anything above that is an insult.

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It’s two games for 60 dollars. You can even get RE2 remake bundled together with it for $77.99.

Only if you have 3 other trannies to play with.
Otherwise it's literally impossible to play as a survivor when your teammates are retards 99% of the time.

You pay for it, you are voting with a yes. Games like this must be pirated.

Git gud.

It's the closest thing we'll get to Outbreak 3, unfortunately. For what it is, Resistance is probably the best asymmetrical multiplayer game out there. It's really pretty damn good, but it's not gonna change your mind on the genre either.

Actual nigger logic.

You're never going to stop casual retards so why bother posting about it. Even if you convinced every person on Yas Forums, the publisher is still going to make a pretty penny. Thank reddit.

Oh, but I have. Can't you see? I got S on Inferno. I'm so good at this game. ;)

>Not wanting 150 nuggies
Bro that's almost an entire week's worth of food just there by itself, that's pretty based

Unlike Outbreak, Resistance isn’t canon.

>It’s free on pc

Fixed it for you, user

Ok, Casual. Com back when you stop cheating.

>This shill wouldnt download a car

I hate the genre. It's just "cheese strat or lose lol" shit like most uneven-teams pvp shit games are.

Not my comfy pve coop

If the RE canon is what you're worried about, then I don't know what to tell you. Non-canon allows the devs to do goofy shit with the scenario so I don't mind it. At that point, they might as well have reused the old RE heroes, but whatever I guess.

Where would you even find 3 trannies?

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Yas Forums

This is a joke post right?
Sure I'm not a fan of pseudo mmo games that demand hundreds of hours of grinding, but a really solid 50-100 hour jrpg beats out a 10 hour shooter any day. My time spent in Persona 5, XC2, and DQ XI beat out anything else this gen. That doesn't make length by itself good, octopath traveler and tales of berseria for instance bored me to tears, but if a game can hold my attention for such a long time it's going to hold a special place in my heart

So the casino was right after all

Haha why are Americans so fucking poor?

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I do think this is a very serious argument to be had about the state of gaming. Would somebody be more happy with something like REmake 2 that's fairly short or something obscenely long like one of the new Assassin's Creed? And on top of that how long should a RE game be anyway? 30 hours like 6? 6 hours like 1? Unlimited like in Umbrella Corps?

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But trannies don't exist on Yas Forums

It's 3.26 USD for an offline account and I still don't think it's even worth it.

I don't get this. You can easily finish REmake 2 in 3~5 hours without even trying hard. Sure there's another character and scenario but it's basically the same thing with a different character, very few different areas, and some items switched around.
Also REmake 3 comes with a very good multiplayer game bundled.

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So resistance is actually making waves or is it buyers remorse

>Why yes, i'm a gamer, how could you tell?

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>this game is pretty good i wish there was more of it

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