DLSS is good now

+125% more performance, literally no visual downgrades. We did it, RTXchads.


Attached: [email protected] (1200x676, 899.16K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>We did it, RTXchads.

Meanwhile AMD sits super cool, with its awesome drivers and superior cooling technology

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>awesome drivers

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I really regret buying my 5700 XT. I've had it for sale on multiple websites for cheap for months now. No one fucking wants it.

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>awesome drivers

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Honestly I was thinkintg about building my friend a PC with AMD CPU and GPU, but what's wrong with the AMD gpus? I always hear people having problems with it.

Stuttering even on desktop. horrible drivers. runs hotter. uses more power. the screens randomly going black and hard locking the PC due to driver crash issue that can happen completely at random (AMD took like 10 months to even fix it and its not fixed for everyone). I took out my 5700 XT I bought in September 2019 and bought a 1660 Super on sale. No joke, the 1660 Super runs things BETTER and quieter than my 5700 XT did. No stutter, cool, low power usage. No issues.
AMD GPUs are shit. CPUs are fine though. I recommend Ryzen 3600. You don't need anything higher or lower unless you want to waste money and have a hotter/louder CPU for no reason.

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So we've reached the point where new GPUs are designed to upscale because games are just too heavy to run at proper resolutions? What the fuck is this.

you have the 3600?

its just the latest marketing gimmick that doesn't even do shit. GPUs I will argue have not evolved much since 2014. You can still use a R9 280 3GB or even a cheapo RX 570 / GTX 970/1060 and run any game at 1080p medium/high settings. These more expensive GPUs are only for 1440p or 4k which in both of those resolutions is so absurdly expensive for the hardware and the monitor and you can barely achieve 60 fps ultra settings. Its so fucked to me. GPUs have not evolved much at all in 5 years. The GTX 1000 series was in 2016 and you can still use the GTX 1060 or GTX 1070 and you can run everything. You don't need anything else. People got rid of their 980 Ti cards because the 1070 was basically a 980 ti at half the power and was better. People kept their 1080 Ti cards because RTX was nearly double the cost for barely any improvement.
yes. it runs any game I want fine and stays under 70 degrees (decent air cooler not stock). If you want to be slightly more future proof, get a 3700x, but as I said, you don't really need too.

>Can 540p look at good at 1080p
man, investing $1,300 in that graphics card for 540p makes me feel immeasurably good right now, Yas Forumsros

>Stuttering even on desktop
no it doesn't. I don't know what people have installed that makes it stutter for them, probably some shit useless monitoring software
I didn't have a single issue with 5700XT since damn August and I played about 50 games since then.

>I don't have the issue so all these people who say they have the issue are wrong

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that's literary how it works with PCs. there is a right way to use a PC and a retarded way, no thirds.

>all those people who had the issue are just retards
you could have a fresh system with nothing on it except the required drivers and it would stutter. it was amds shit drivers.

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It would have been good if it's supported out of the box instead of devs having to implement it themselves.

yes ati is famous for good drivers

I've seen retards who installed windows without admin rights somehow
so fresh system doesn't say much
people fuck up trivial things because it's so set in their mindset of how to do it right with PCs, 80% of it is wrong

>I've seen retards who installed windows without admin rights

this might be me how do I know if I did it right?

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Nvidia made DLSS as a partner for their RTX technology. In short, RTX takes a fuckload of resources to run, so much so that games like Battlefield 5 runs at 40-50fps at 4k with a 2080Ti with RTX on.
So how do you solve shitty performance? You upscale. DLSS is AI-powered upscaling, which samples a whole bunch of different games thousands of times and the final version is sent to the user through driver updates. So now that you upscaled the game to 4k from 1080p, you're using absolute peanuts in terms of resources, which means you can run DLSS+RTX+4K at 144fps+.
At least that was the theory. In actuality, DLSS sucked shit and looked way worse than the resolution it meant to emulate. Lines were blurry, some textures like hair and chain fences would completely disappear, transparancy textures were incorrectly tendered, etc. It was pretty bad so everyone turned it off, and then complained
>hurr rtx on framerates off
even though they didn't even use the provided sister technology that solves that.
So here we are now, and DLSS has finally been updated to a point where it is hardly distinguishable from actual 4k. This means going forward, we might see RTX games the way Nvidia originally planned for it, at 4k/144fps+ running RTX.

I've had more problems with my 1080Ti than I had with my Radeon VII and that card was a complete afterthought for AMD

What the fuck are you guys talking about when you shit on AMD's drivers?

before this threads divulges in consolewar-tier faggotry, ill just say that i think this is pretty cool and ill prob end up switching to nvidia if this gains traction.

Um right click a program and try running as admin

DLSS has always been good, it just wasn't good enough to compete with actual rendering. Now it's impressive.

>supporting proprietary solutions while AMD is hard at work creating a pro-consumer, open source alternative to nvidia's bullshit as per usual
Impatient faggots like you are why we have increasingly higher GPU prices.

Did you even watch the video? It makes 1080p look nearly identical to 4k for an 11% performance decrease. It will make cards last longer. When 1080p performance starts stuttering in the future you can lower to 720p/540p and still get a good looking image.

Because raytracing at 4K or above cost a fuckton of performance, so if you can render it at piss poor resolution then upscale it to 4K, performance would be much better. The problem is a great algorithm/AI that can reconstruct the image to be as close as possible to the OG image, which is what DLSS is aiming to do.
I commend them for trying to do things smart though, and it would really help if you are a poorfag too if you still want to use those fancy shiny effects. I reckon the 3070-3080ti (and maybe consoles too) will last pretty long with these tricks. If AMD can release something similar but work out of the box then they'd btfo nvidia hard.

Nothing most of the time. You'll be able to play all the same games, AMD is just reallly garbage at drivers, so upgrading drivers or expecting a fix for an issue is always a crapshoot.

>2060 super
>new drivers fucked up MHW

Not for me bros, not for me. :(

If there was proof that you have no idea what you're talking about, this is it.

GPU prices were fine until the bitcoin meme.

Don't PC gamers usually shit on console gamers for the Xbox one X and PS4 Pro not doing true 4K? Isn't this basically the same thing but not based on 7 year old technology?

>Impatient faggots
even if you point was somehow valid, did you not read the part where i said im *switching* to nvidia? ive been using AMD since 4xxx series


bitcoin has nothing to do with the price brackets increasing. We already had $800 GPUs when buttcoin mining was a thing. Then it became $1000 with the Titans and $1200 with RTX

Only faggots who just want to start platform war hate it. If you do things a lot more efficient with little to no drawback, why not do it?

I didn't even have to search it was the second listed GPU on pc partpicker before doing any filtering. Eat shit.

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boutique home buyers are probably a declining percentage of gpu sales, so it's better to soak industrial use

>superior cooling technology

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Who gives a fuck about the top price? XX70 is the only one that matters for any sane person. The 70 series now costs almost the same as 80s from the last generation

Cool a feature maybe 10 games will use this year!
What a great way to spend an extra 200 dollars when shopping for a GPU. Just grab whatever has features that 10 games will ever actually support.

Fuck Nvidia, AMD is gonna blow them the fuck out soon enough

can't amd just make their own version too? I mean isn't that they usually do?

Polaris and older are unironically super stable, shame they can't make their new stuff work properly

>All the fucking replies missing the obvious joke

Holy shit, brand wars are a cancer.

Yeah once you nvidiatards have beta tested it AMD picks it up and does it better like freesync

>better like freesync
Nvidia tax sucks, but you get quality and higher/stricter standards. I'd care if AMD did the same. As it stands AMD support Freesync, Nvidia supports both.

AMD will support G-sync in the future too, although you're right that Freesync is slightly worse than G-sync due to not having the variable overdrive thing

Moore‘s law is dead.
No more guaranteed gains.

>AMD will support G-sync
You're high


>AMD sits super cool, with its awesome drivers and superior cooling technology
3/5 bait should’ve been less obvious

>1660 Super runs things BETTER and quieter than my 5700 XT

You're a fucking retard. Idiots like you who can't do even the most basic of troubleshooting is why overpriced Nvidia garbage exists.

>However, AMD GPUs still won't work with G-Sync monitors currently on the market.
I'll be sure to go replace this monitor for no fucking reason at all

>10 sec in the video
>"put it to the test of the ray-tracing killing app"
an "app"? who the fuck is this retard this is clearly a game what kind of piece of shit calls a game an app fuck that guy fuck your post I wish I could report it

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>Nvidia has an AI running in a closet that grinds upscales on a game by game basis
Even if it works it's stupidly convoluted

you're retarded if you think "killer app" is about phone apps. It's a phrase that's been in use since the 80s.

The first recorded use of the term in print was 1988, in PC Week 24 May. 39/1. "Everybody has only one killer application. The secretary has a word processor. The manager has a spreadsheet."[11]

>on a game by game basis
Their DLSS 2.0 training data is supposed to work with every game, no need for specific training anymore. Each game still needs to implement it themselves though, which sucks.

Even when it was on a game by game basis, training does not take THAT long. Not especially when you're using distributed computing. You give me all the textures in a game, and I could make you an upscaler in 2-5 hours or so depending on how many GBs your textures are.

yeah i'll buy their shit when they put a fucking DVI-D output on their gpu again, that's how monitors were made a couple years ago you can't expect consumers to change their entire hardware setup all the time

I don't know what's stopping them from making an injector like the FXAA you can apply from their control panel.


this game sucks

what i find extra hilarious is if they went with a pretty protagonist, i bet it would've sold 2x as many copies

Yeah. If it's just an upscaler and doesn't need specific training dataset I don't see why it's not available universally.

I have a 1070. Would a RTX 2080 be a noticeable improvement to my framerates? I normally play heavily modded Skyrim VR
