When did Overwatch stop being fun for you?
When did Overwatch stop being fun for you?
2 weeks after launch
Never played it
the beta ended
After about five rounds
God I love her feet bros
it started to spoil on the dive meta, and then died completely with brigitte release
after a couple matches
Blizzard support China.
wtf i love corona now?
3 days after i paid for it
I quit right before Sombra was released. Not because I hated the game itself, I'm just not big on first person shooters in general.
When I couldn't find any good chubby Mei porn
it was never fun, I'm just around for the porn.
when i could no longer play the dwarf whenever i wanted
what fucking kind of game punishes me for trying to have fun LOL
the moment I could no longer play as a full team of winstons in fucking CASUAL matches I uninstalled. why play a game that the devs actively try to make less fun. i dont care about balance or esport bullshit, i'm trying to fuck around with my bros and shit on retards.
When Blizzard sold out to China. I kinda regret deleting my account, but I feel better knowing I'm standing in solidarity with my HK brothers.
Mei looks like she fucks white guys
Shortly after they added Orisa
At least post something attractive, this coomer body is boring.
I accidentally selected Hanzo for 3 seconds by hitting escape on the character select screen. Blizzard refused to remove the time from my played record so I quit and never touched it again.
When it never started.
With role queue
God I hate role queue
it never did i love getting that autistic community angry
Mei is built for fat cocks
It doesn't matter if white black or futa.
All that matters is that they're fat and girthy.
Pencil dicks need not apply to even try and cleave those thick chinese cheeks
i want to nibble
Its hilarious they refused to balance a character and actively blame their own players for getting reported for playing them
>Mei is built for fat cocks
>It doesn't matter if white black or futa.
lets be honest here. one of those types isn't big, and one is fictional. that leaves only one kind, and i think you know which.
It never was fun
Winnie the Pooh's cock since she supports him.
it never started to be fun
EWhen they buffed this anti-fun, game ruining, fat, bat eating insectoid
This is trash and you faggots need to realize that Mei is perfect on model, not this bimbo fetish shit.
What if she squeezed out a massive, healthy log right into those leggings
Imagine the smell
When Genji lost his triple jump. All I did was fuck around the map and not really do anything. Game was always trash.
1. When they introduced ranked and everyone became toxic over mic in every single game
2. When double tank double healer became standard. (even before ranked mode) and the game turned into pillow-fights where it was impossible to kill anything. and shooting ability/fps skill stopped being relevant. and it was just about spamming healing/cc and charging and comboing ultimates
Why are zoomers so attracted to this slightly obese bodytype? Is it their porn addiction?
Around the anniversary update. At that point, it didn't feel like there was enough going on with the game to keep me invested, and people were starting to get really bitchy over the littlest things.
tits and ass dont get boring
Mei has corona virus
>fat thot
made for black cock
Never played it.
I'll keep fapping to oversluts until I die though.
You just have low test.
You are retardedly mistaking zoomers for real men, son. Look up obese in a dictionary because your stupid ass clearly does not know what it means, bozo.
>At least post something attractive, this coomer body is boring.
What a retarded fucking post.
A little before Symmetra rework.
Now I just visit threads to watch the sluts.
the only virus mei has is jungle fever
I got fuckin scammed. I bought the game after I enjoyed a free weekend, only to go from 30s queues to 2+ minute queues. The game was still fun for a little while but eventually it just became a chore and the queues got even longer and that's when I stopped.
it's not funny if you say the truth
No shes Asian, everyone knows is asians are for bwc, while black chicks are made for mac (medium Asian cock cause that's the best they get)
When they nerfed Mei's ass
They removed the fun parts of every fucking character I liked
first they got rid of having more than one of the same character on the team, that wasn't ideal, but whatever.
then they forced competitive shit onto QUICK-FUCKING-PLAY of all things. I promptly uninstalled
I left when it became a tank push meta instead of a run around and shoot dudes for fun meta
When i got banned for telling someone that they smelt bad in chat
Mei isn't for just any random black cock
She specifically created for Coach Cock
When they nerfed Mercy to hate on smart players who used the ult correctly in the middle of a teamwipe
you seriously can't wait 2 minutes you adhd riddled faggot
As soon as you posted that image
when all the female characters straight up started starring in blacked porn films and recording amateur vids of them getting dicked by their black studs
too team worky
>everyone knows is asians are for bwc
coping whiteboys WISH asians were for bwc*
i still watch the porn sometimes though
>Queues are now 2 minutes long
holy shit, I haven't played in about two years but even Siege's queues aren't that long
A few weeks before lucio bowl first launched
>nerf the characters that require skills like genji and mccree
>buff the hold m1 to win like mei and symmetra
>all the new characters are shit
>shield everywhere
when my friends quit playing, and the hype died down and everyone went towards the competitive scene and casual died. Also Blizzard can't resist fucking up the balance, soul and charm in their games. Sombra was the beginning of the end. Constantly being toyed with by lootboxes was also annoying.