You find yourself awake in a dimly lit room

>you find yourself awake in a dimly lit room
>in front of you are five doors
>above each door is a sign
>from the left to right, the signs read:
USG Ishimura
Silent Hill
Raccoon City (pre-nuke)
The Zone
Which do you choose?

Not choosing results in you being trapped in the room, being Chris-chan's torture victim for the rest of your life

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The Zone
well, that was easy

Enjoy your mutated dogs and vodka.

Raccoon City. Slow zombies are only a threat if you're a retard, and I doubt I'd run into shit like lickers if I start leaving fast enough.

The Zone is the only place you can realistically survive without too much trouble and you can pretty easily leave it by just walking out of it

Silent Hill. Hopefully, I will learn something important about myself.

I just realized I put five doors, instead of six. OP is a faggot, as usual.

I was thinking that too. Pre-nuke? If the point is you have enough time to avoid it, sounds like it's early enough in the night to avoid the big outbreak.

You probably have mommy issues or like titties too much. There ya go.

Definitely the latter, so my stay should be relatively pleasant, right?

in 3 out of 4 original SH games you're tormented by monsters that aren't just personal therapists. and a major point of 2 is that james doesn't already know he's just being delusional and going through therapy. so no it wouldn't be pleasant.

If you like giant spiders with vaginas for faces and tit sacs with baby spiders coming out of them, sure.

I could stand being tormented by titty monsters. The best relationship of my life was like that.

Raccoon City is the best choice. Just run to the border of the city and try to get in contact with the military doing the quarantine. It was pretty much a freak accident that Leon got through into the city after the outbreak started. So it should be easy finding the military and be safe after that. Also, the RE universe is a pretty good world to live in compared to the other choices. Who the hell wants to live in a sci fi world where necromorphs will eventually kill everyone or live on a combine occupied Earth?

I feel like Silent Hill would be fun. Also possible i could live off snacks and be a mutant in Rapture

How'd you know I like spiders? It sounds like it'd be unpleasant, so I'd definitely want to leave, but I think I'd be okay for a little while.

I choose to argue with the narrator over the description of five doors when there are clearly six.

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I'll go with Rapture. Plasmids are cool as fuck.

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Silent Hill ez

Are you able to find a means of escape from each one, that isn't death, and if so does it put you into the world the game comes from? For instance if I escape Ravenholm am I still in combine controlled Earth? If escape is possible and brings me back home, Ravenholm. If no escape, the zone I guess

Raccoon City. I immediately turn around and leave.

i walk out of rapture with fucking superpowers, so probably that

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The fact that both Leon and Claire and no end of helicopters and spies and shit got passed them: I wouldn't put too much faith in the military at the blockade.

Silent Hill is not an eldritch psychiatrist, it's a parasite that tortures you with your fears, regrets, and self-loathing.

The Zone should be easiest to escape by wide margin, unless the door dumps you literally into the middle of the Zone or in bottom of a underground lab.

You find the door's hinges are rusted shut.

I make a 360 degrees turn and walk away

Silent Hill simply because if I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die to the weirdest stuff

Well, yes, you can escape.

But you wouldn't have Adam once you leave.

doesn't it just come from slugs? just grab a bowl and some seaslugs and start a farm

USG Ishimura here I come!
I'm going to cum on all the walls before i die.

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Ishimura is just fucking suicide the zone or raccoon city are more easy to survive in

I agree RE world is most similar to ours

Enjoy being trapped in sinking shit hole

Ravenholm because I could chill with my bro

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imagine not picking the zone
imagine being an absolute fucking retard and choosing the USG Ishimura

Why the fuck would you choose the ishimura horrible ways to die and your stuck on a huge spaceship

The buildings are already on the ocean floor, how is it sinking? I'm assuming OP meant the Rapture from Bioshock 1, no one liked the Rapture in Infinite.

The Zone without a doubt, I've been preparing for this day my entire life

>doesn't understand the headcrab state

Raccoon city, I’ll die but whatever. anyone who picks ishimura is one ballsy motherfucker

more fun to think about the hardest, Ishimura is fucking suicide especially because you don't have any suit to at least tank a hit or two. Ravenholm will end with you being head-crabbed and you are also suitless.

Rapture is unfair, but you might scrape by long enough to get something good so who knows.

>die inmediately by a slasher and get turned into one of them later. If you somehow survive you will die eventually with the rest of humanity. Even Isaac died in the end.
>a headcrab out of nowhere jumps on your head and you get tuned into a zombie. If you get out, you still have to live in a shithole world
Silent hill
>End up mentally fucked for life if a monster doesn't kill you first
Raccoon City
>If it's like in the og RE3 opening cutscene you get cornered and eaten alive by the thousand zombies everywhere. If you escape the city before it gets nuken you're good
>A leadhead splicer faggot aimbots you to death. Hard to escape.
The zone
>Asuming you start in rookie camp you try to carefully walk out of the zone while trying to not step on a mine, enter an anomaly or get killed by bandits, may actually survive.

I chose the Zone.

>>End up mentally fucked for life if a monster doesn't kill you first

Heather and Harry both got out with their marbles intact. Given that normal people are able to escape, I'd say Silent Hill is the second easiest behind The Zone.

Pre nuke coontown, here's why
Shits fucked and if you manage to unfuck it you're lost in space
>Silent hill
Literally just a hell dimension of your worst fears
Shits fucked and if you manage to unfuck it you're still trapped in a decaying underwater city. If the people don't kill you, the pressure will
>The zone
Russia fucking sucks and you'd probably die bending over to tie your shoe to some anomaly you can't even begin to fathom
Oh no a gang of zombies, I better get in my car and drive away. Granted resident evil world fucking sucks, your chance of survival is considerably higher

Rapture, because you get super powers.

>Given that normal people are able to escape
Seems like there are only 5~ people left alive during those games though, so it's still like a 99.99% chance of dying

I'm going for it, lads.

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Do I get to keep what I have on me? I am not trying to sound like some try hard tough guy, but I do have a concealed carry permit and if I can keep my gun I'd try my luck with Raccoon city. I think with a handgun I could possibly make it to the outskirts and escape. Hopefully in a vehicle, but even on foot. If I go in with nothing then it is a lot more complicated.

Why was the character so thick headed here? It was obvious she was a ghost. K would help her and she could be a good teammate.

I don't know why everyone is rushing to the Zone. All major entrances/exits are controlled by the military who will shoot on sight. Any off the path entrance/exit is still going to have a military presence and you have to try to escape from bandits (who even if they are drunk slavs, are more intelligent than Zombies), mutant dogs, and invisible anomalies that could instantly kill you.

I feel like Raccoon City is the easiest depending upon your starting location. If you are near the edge of the city you just need to be able to run faster than zombies. If you start in the center and have to work your way out, you're probably fucked. The rest of them are just unworkable and there is no chance of escape. It is The Zone or Raccoon City.

Alright new question which is the last place you'd choose?

Ishimura has to be top of that list, SH is second worst, desu a place like Rapture or the zone are bad but with all the resources available I feel like theres a hope to, if not escape, build a tolerably comfy end to your days

>choose Raccoon City
>get nuked right after
wtf bros

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>headcrabs are a problem
Can't you just wear a bicycle helmet to protect yourself?
You could even put spikes on it for extra protection

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>Racoon City
>get to hang out with Jill and be protected

wow so hard

I always wondered that. Like nigga, just wear a hat and those little faggots can't do shit.
Besides which, they don't instantly get on your noggin in either half-life anyway, they jump around like dickheads and chip away at your health.

They bite into fucking skulls to take over brains. An inch of Styrofoam and a hard candied plastic shell might slow them down: but it ain't really going to save anyone.

>might slow them down
That's the whole point right there
You don't want to turn a corner and get instakilled by some faggot headcrab that was waiting there an then spend the next few months waiting for someone to fucking kill you because somehow you're still half-conscious

Ravenholm was the easiest level in HL2, so I wouldnt have a problem there, but the ant lion sequence was the most fun.
Do we have to stay in the vidya reality forever after we beat the level?
I dont want that G-Man fucker slithering around my head and watching me masturbate like he does with Gordon.

If we do have to stay, I guess I'm headed to Racoon Town instead.

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>hang out with Jill
>get your face caved in instantly by Nemesis