Only steam oldfags can post in this thread.
Only steam oldfags can post in this thread
Remember when Steam was basically useless buggy malware? When did it stop being a burden and start being a boon? I honestly don't remember.
Move away boomer
When Half Life 2 got released.
Kill yourself.
Is 7yrs alright? I downloaded steam to unlock my illegal Orange Box dvd and play L4D2 for a free weekend.
>tfw 11yearlet
Nobody cares
How many games you got bro?
6 years personally, downloaded steam on my school laptop.
when internet speeds got better and when worse alternatives existed
cope, you can't buy yourself to oldfag status
oldfag here desu
2011-2012 is when steam finally upped the user interface quality
TF2 was like a test run, sort of, for improving the UI and functionality of Steam itself
my account is 10 years old now. i cant believe how much time has passed.
wrong pic lol
I'm not an oldfag, but it's worth noting in this time I've made 3 friends and I'm immediately related to 2 of them. Pathetic, huh?
This is my 2nd account. I think I would have had an extra 3 or 4 years. I had thousands of hours in CS:S and GMOD I lost.
Prove you're not a degenerate that levels up steam account.
Guess which game I owe my account
>people who level up Steam accounts
God, disgusting. My friend is 4 and is level 100+ on Steam. He only owns somewhere between 20 and 30 games, too, and I know at least 5 of them are F2P. Genuine disgust desu.
im level 80 suck my dick bitch
uhm, hello? based department?
Yeah. I'm really lonely.
ur gey
Do you enjoy playing the steam sale games? Faggot.
I think I installed HL2 a week or two after launch when my new PC came in.
>tfw dont remember anymore
Here's that macro you asked for, sir. Sorry it's a little late. Someone sent 200 requests to the printer again.
i don't because i didn't care about anything but games back then
i literally had no concept of DRM or always online
I honestly can't remember why I downloaded Steam. I thought it was for HL2, but according to Wikipedia it didn't come out until almost a year after I installed.
Maybe Team Fort Classic? Idunno. God I'm old. I need someone to help me with my ear hair.
I'm only 9 on Steam, but I remember when the UI was just flat black/grey and the functionality was reminiscent of an early 2000s online forum. I remember, too, it would ask if I had DSL, Cable, a 56K Modem, or something else regarding how I was connected every time I installed, and if I was at a friend's house with a borrowed laptop or something I'd have to ask his parents because none of my friends understood hardware at the time and I was a little anal faggot about it. How the times have changed.
jewish people have never done ANYTHING wrong and any proof posted there is schizo tier collages. Pure delusion
>tfw 6 yearlet
probably counter strike
t. jew
Play on the TF2 partyvan.
I've made plenty of friends that way.
fuck off newfags
based fellow 2011bros
I remember DLing it in the 6th grade because I was in some honors math class in a rural backwoods town, and these two other fucking losers like me talked to me and told me to download Steam and play Alien Swarm with them and we could all hang out together. So I did that, and chugged along at all of 20FPS on my 2001 Dell Dimension, and eventually killed it from Alien Swarm. Good times. Idk why my account didn't count all of those years, though. Maybe because F2P.
>being forced to install steam just to play half life 2
wait wtf i'm only 5 years until june
i got it for super meat boy lol
Desu I own 198 games and TF2 is still far and away my most played game. I don't play it anymore because I bought it when it was $25 and desu I'm genuinely really sad that Valve is axing support so I've been apathetic about it. I should sell my Bill's and Buds before it dies so I can make money off of it.
If partyvan is going to be maintained though I'll probably hop on occasionally to make friends. Just sad because I've lived and died by TF2. Do you have a group that plays games or anything, any games in particular besides TF2?
This is an Epic Board, steamies. Move along
based portal2chads
>you lived to see the rise and fall of vidya
>and to see the world become irrideemable shit
Should have died when my grandmother dragged me down the road with the car. Filthy cunt never cared for me.
> When did it stop being a burden and start being a boon?
after they finally fucking fixed green steam and then not long after they changed the ui. it still amazes me steam survived because god damn what a shitshow it was early on.
I had always thought I got steam when I bought the Counter Strike Anthology at Best Buy. But apparently that came out in 2005. So I have no clue why I made my account.
so why is EGS getting shat on when its going through the same motion?
June 20th, 2009
newfags dude
tfw your username is a dead email address
c-can i join this thread?
didnt use steam until i was asked to play tf2, thats what i still mainly use it for anyway
>green Steam
Wow. That's a throwback, user.
could be tf2 f2ps too
haha gottem
I'm level 54, but I have no idea how, I don't try to level my account
This is the first time i'm seeing this badge
>I think I installed HL2 a week or two after launch when my new PC came in.
I installed on the day HL2 came out, Nov 16, 2004, so that is correct.
based boomer
Stand back scrubs
I got mine when I got some bundle with a GPU that gave me every Valve game that was out at the time (so pretty much everything they made in GoldSrc). Maybe you did something like that.