Yas Forums was wrong again.
Yas Forums was wrong again.
So do we call them Time Jannies, or History Niggas?
I was a little upset over it but now I'm ok. I think it makes things exciting.
I don’t get it. If you want the same story you can still play the original. In fact, you’ve had like 20 years to do so. Why are the weebs so worked up over this.
I don't see how people thought the story was going to be the same. Around the time it was announced they admitted the story would change, even hinting that characters in spin-offs could be featured, like Genesis. All the outrage surrounding this game so far can be chalked up to "I didn't pay attention at all" or "I'm trolling and pretending to be upset". The only legitimate complaints I've heard are about the lighting and how they lied about how long the game is.
Times jannies
History Niggas honestly sounds forced. Time Jannies rolls off the tongue better.
Someone unironically explain to me why the time jannie shit is that bad. It opens the door for some new ideas and concepts. Did you really want a 1 for 1 remake with nothing else, and if so did you HONESTLY expect FUCKING NOMURA OF ALL PEOPLE to deliver that?
This isn't the games faults. Its purists for expecting Nomura to not retcon or add horse shit. Did you also not expect kojima, the king of non sensical movie games, to make death stranding a movie game that has a retarded story?
time jannies works better
history niggas is only for the "___ niggas" threads
The thing that makes it better is it's kinda a sequel PLUS you're still going through the original game at the same time. I don't get it.
I'd rather they didn't call it one thing and give us another
you want to cash in on FFVII by making a sequel? have at it
but just call it a sequel
Its Burgers who haven't played it shitting on the new kid on the block
I don't know much about it, but I haven't seen anybody say why it's bad other then it's different or out there. But this is a franchise built on insanity. FFVII as a whole has an insane story. Cloud and Tifa can fall into the lifestream and she can crawl around his brain piecing his memories back together and nobody complains. But ghosts? Holy shit get the fuck out of here.
As long as the characters are interesting, the atmosphere is good, the progression is fun and the music is great I'll be happy.
I think the time jannie shit is interesting in that Nomura trainwreck sort of way, but that's a dick move from SE to market the game as a straightforward remake and then bait and switch it like this. they should've explained from the get-go that this game was going to new places rather than being a remake. REmake was a remake. Twin Snakes was a remake. This is a weird time traveling sort-of-sequel series that's obviously going to give all of the characters happy endings to fix all the bittersweetness fans have whined about over the decades.
those arent the same people though
>t. autism
Believe it or not there's more than one person on Yas Forums
>you're still going through the original game at the same time. I don't get it.
Probably because the timeline shenanigans undermines the impact of the original plot and themes making it not a good way to experience the original FF7 story?
Kewl, but where was it advertised that it was a 1:1 Copy
You're still visiting original FF7 spots anyways, visiting original parts of the timeline. So I don't get the autism?
zoomer filters.
by putting the word "remake" in the goddamned title. nobody was expecting to be 1:1. they were expecting it to be as much of a remake as Resident Evil 2 or Twin Snakes.
Given that it's Yas Forums, I would not be shocked if the majority actually is the same people. This place is all about disingenuous complaints.
Not to say VIIR won't end up shitting itself and being an utter embarrassment, but I can't really take this place seriously when it gets outraged.
nowhere, but acknowledging that the original game exists inside your "remake" so that the plot differences you are making can't exist without it doesn't make it a remake
it makes it a sequel
"remake" =/= "1:1 copy"
what you were expecting was a remaster, not a remake.
Not that user but...
They make a reimagination or what?
And by my definition remake is still correct.
ALSO they can also argue that 'remake' is a name, so where was it advertised as a copy with new graphics?
Yeah you're right. If only there was a way to experience the original final fantasy 7 story, maybe even a full game? Now that would be awesome.
Know what's even cooler? Being able to experience the final fantasy 7 story, then remaking the game changing elements of it to include more lore from after the release opening up new ideas and opportunities
>haha lets do this for FUN! time jannies will fix it in the end.
>well i dont like this character, lets change her... nono this is permanent change.. a more modern change, no time jannies here.
its fucking dumb and everything is now subjective.
Shinra from ffx-2 is referenced. Theres a picture of him in the shinra building history section
I'm glad i already made the decision not to play this when they showed off the gameplay. Changed to much then and changed way to much fucking now.
careful user we don't know if nomura thought that far into his theory of time travel yet
>j-just play the original if you want the same story again, nevermind they advertised the game as a mostly faithful remake and they tried to keep this ghost shit under wrap until the game was out globally!
Shills are going all in today.
cause time jannies belong in a Saturday morning cartoon, not $100million dollar movie games
but it's not a remake or a remaster or even a reimagining. it's a sequel that alters the original game's timeline. I think it's an interesting idea but it should not have been advertised as any sort of re-whatever.
Go play in traffic, kid.
>dude, what if Jessis dies comically to her own thrown grenade instead of tragically when the plate falls?
>dude, what if we undermined the concept of death by killing and instantly reviving Barret even though character deaths were big deal in the original?
>dude, what if Hojo just fucking announces that Cloud wasn't Solider when the player isn't suppose to learn that until way later in the plot?
>dude, what if we just showed a segment of the canon ending AND showed one winged Sephiroth AND showed meteor AND showed Zach's "final stand"? lol just fuck pacing man
Show me 3 times when they stated it would be a 1 for 1 remake and I will literally shit into my own mouth on stream.
it's bad because I have good taste and you don't. that's literally all it comes down to
Chrono Niggers
>implying I care enough to debate a schizophrenic nomura stalker
>please explain why time ghosts are bad
>please explain why getting rapped in the ass with a dragon dildo is bad
If you can’t immediately see the issue then you are most likely a shill
>being this pedantic
Just stop. The guys making this already admitted that they called it a remake for marketing purposes.
>mostly faithful
Dumbass sweatshop worker, read.
>reddit spacing
>writes like a fag
Every time.
Ok goober what should they have called it then
People wanted ff7r since Sony went full retard with the tech demo, so if they got anything that wasnt called ff7r people would cry and say WHERES DA REMAKE REEEEE
The issue is the fcat that the changes fuck over character progression
If it was purely Sephiroth coming back and trying to reset shit and have him kill Aerith earlier or some shit could've worked. But Zack? Hell nah he needs to be dead for cloud to work
imagine being such a manchild that you compare not having your expectations met by a luxury entertainment item to being raped.
Those new to the game won't have even a 10% of a same experience as those who have played the original, because this is a sequel/reboot, not a remake.
I dunno just have Nomura attach one of his autistic subtitles to it. At least it would have been honest.
>I will literally shit into my own mouth on stream.
On top of all the shit you've let Square dump in there? Nobody wants to see that.
user I don't think the thing showing up in your room with a dragon dildo strapped on is a ghost.
>Sony went full retard with the tech demo
how is it sony's fault that square made a tech demo and didn't follow up on it for ages?
>Shilling for SE this hard
I bet you do like eating shit regularly, dumb faggot.
>But Zack? Hell nah he needs to be dead for cloud to work
It's a good thing he's still dead in the Remake world then. We have no fucking clue what impact he'll have on the main story, if any. They could even just release some Zack what if DLC exclusively to his own world, never touching the Remake main story.
Nice Strawman
Fans wanted the same game but with better graphics, maybe some more side missions or some towns fleshed out but nobody wanted the timeline to be changed
>what should they have called it then
"Advent Children 2: Electric Pooinloo" because the game is shockingly shit!
Oh please, if you fags would have bitched if they kept Yuffie and Vincent as optional side characters like they should be.
>autistically crying about people not liking his game
>calls others man children
I sincerely hope he isn't revealed until Cloud falls into the lifestream with Tifa. First time he was shown it blew my mind and I don't want them to spoil it for newcomers.
you spergs were already bitching about the art style and the side quests long before the twist leaked out. you are impossible to please.
Try first making a coherent, meaningful sentence you dumb fucking cuntwipe freak.
>complains that I got sold a remake but it was actually a sequel
>impossible to please
>seething this hard because his precious game isn't what he wanted
It's back to your hugbox sweetie.
>Hell nah he needs to be dead for cloud to work
But... He doesn't? Nigger zachs entire purpose doesn't even come into play until over halfway through ff7. Him not dying opens up so many other ideas for Cloud. We get in the original he was a nobody and became Zach because muh memories or whatever, but wouldn't it be interesting to see cloud have Zach still around and cloud doesn't take up the mantle because muh memories? Don't you think that's a fun idea? I just don't see how the what if scenarios aren't fun. The second thing is that we don't know how the characters are going to play out. Seriously, we are only 1/3rd through the story, with all these what if scenarios there's possibilities for characters developing in different ways.
I don't know all the spoilers, so I could be wrong, but I won't write it off just because its not exactly the same. I know the story off FF7 inside and out, its fun to think about what ifs
>calls others seething while typing 100th wall of text for the day begging strangers on the internet to like his diarrhea remake
Fuck off Nomura
>why dont you rike it
Now that this twist is leaked whos to say they will or won't be? Nomura is a notorious lying gook, I wouldn't be surprised either way. In fact this twist gets me more excited to play the game, I don't feel spoiled to anything because I can go into it knowing now that anything is possible. I kind of wish they revealed or teased the time jannie element before, it encourages people to play the original and then play the remake seeing the differences.
this is a weird larp