ITT: Hilariously bad armor

What are some of the least practical armor in vidiya?

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you start op


pic not related?

Man, she sure is cute and funny in this picture.

Hilarious for my dick maybe


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I love healthy girls soo much

OP here. I just wanted a Chi-Chi thread. Dont tell the mods.

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John: I really, really, really like this image.

This meme isn't even that old but it's really starting to feel like it

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oh, okay

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Here's your highest tier light armour, bro. Perfect for sneaking around.

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What the fuck is up with all the off topic bullshit threads there's THIS Chichi one, there's also this Ranma one and this Action Anime one over here And yet the mods do nothing?

I REALLY like this armor. Got anymore examples?

>clever reinterpretation of scene
>surprisingly in-character
Damn, a good webcomic.

>sneaking in any armor
It's a good thing they made it so ugly to dissuade anybody from using it.

>Chi-Chi translates to booby in Spanish
Based Toriyama

It does in Japanese, too. It's intentional.

Bikini Armor shouldn't be in fantasy game.

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Bikini armor actually somewhat makes sense in fantasy settings, if your foes can conjure fireballs and lightning bolts you might as well wear nothing rather than be hindered in any ways and boil alive inside a plate armor.

my god
what a healthy girl!

I want to mating press this sexy little girl

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why did the ox king let his daughter dress like this

cuz he was a pedo

Imagine that flabby tummy jiggling around while you pound her.

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Listen, it was a different time, he had different values. You can't judge him by modern day standards!

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I don't think there's anything wrong with it if it's the aesthetic your fictional setting is going for, but I think it's silly to try to come up with a logical reason for it.

It's one of the reasons that people like the designs in Nier Automata and Bayonetta but mock Quiet from MGS. Because Kojima tried so hard to make the fact that she was in lingerie and torn tights be taken seriously.

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better question: why doesn't goku make her dress like that now?

Because Goku is canonically a braindead, sexless manbaby. Super revealed that Goku has NEVER kissed Chichi, meaning Chichi likely tricked Goku into fucking her, or fucked him while he was asleep.

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I see a lot of girls at beaches in string bikinis, no one cares.

Is this mugen? How do I get this game?

girls who look no older than 10?


Chichi was so cool in Dragon ball and she even had a good relationship with Goku. Z completely ruined her and the entire cast is useless aside from Goku-Vegeta since Android. The DB cast was just so much cooler and more interesting.

Toriyama designed armour is fucking lit, fuck you faggot.

Have you never been to a public beach?

>water is wet
Not sure if all the db cast is best
I like the design of some of the Z character and admit that Wills looks sick

Agreed, hell Goku felt like a way different character in the 23rd Tournament and Saiyan arcs. They really played up how his training with God made him smarter and more "aware", for lack of a better word. He never really gave off the same vibe in Cell arc onwards.

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>going to the beach

Yes, Gohan. You faggot.


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>They really played up how his training with God made him smarter and more "aware", for lack of a better word. He never really gave off the same vibe in Cell arc onwards.

He was fine throughout Z. Especially in the Buu arc where he was at his most mature and wise.

Maybe it was the fact that those arcs had more downtime where he could goof around, admittedly. Still, anyone who says Goku is a static character clearly never went through the whole thing.

She's dressed so much more lewdly than every other DB/Z/GT/S character.

After her it's just denim jackets and lab coats.

Fuck Super, It shouldn't be considered canon


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what a dangerous body!

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What's the appeal of small Chichi's tummy?

I fucking hate this generic style every fucking twitter artist has


Squish the small child’s tum

If you're going to make it impractical, at least make it look good.

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having a massive support for a prosthetic leg if the character plans to get into fights is a good idea, and jumpsuits aren't a bad idea. Hell, the belts actually fucking make sense for once which is incredibly rare for a nip design.

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