This is Rex. The protagonist of the popular JRPG Xenoblade Chronicles 2, which was released on the Nintendo Switch.
Say something nice about him!
This is Rex. The protagonist of the popular JRPG Xenoblade Chronicles 2, which was released on the Nintendo Switch.
Say something nice about him!
You should include he's going to be joining Smash Bros. this Fall!
Whoops. Wrong image. Here's the right one.
>end of the game results in him gangbanging Pyra and Mythra every night
What a fucking chad
shit fit
Did finally getting a three-day vacation teach you nothing? You already got banned for trying to play pocket mod once.
I haven't gotten banned recently, so I doubt I'm the person you're thinking of.
Rex is one of the most Chad Vidya characters of all time but people can't see beyond his wacky design. It's a real shame
>taking the mere existence of this thread as a personal attack
>projecting and assuming that people are only making xc2 threads because they're somehow mad at xc1's existence
Yeah I'm pretty sure you're the person I'm thinking of
I'm just calling out the autists who made this, and the other thread in the catalog right now with the extremely bland OP.
You don't want to talk about Xenoblade, you just want to shitpost.
He talks like a fag and his shit's all retarded
Why are you being so aggressive?
>why awe you being so aggwessive? :(
he's got a nice ass
You keep trying to get me into an argument with you for some reason, you're daring me to report you for reasons I can't comprehend.
I made this thread because I like the franchise. What's your deal dude?
He's a fuking drawf
It's a joke based on the OP of yesterday's thread. Stop taking video games so seriously and have fun.
You're a joke.
says the autist who dedicated his life to complaining about a video game
Rex I gotta say you are probably the worst character in the whole game, it's like if every bad Male anime cliche was packed into one horrendous scuba outfit.
>I'll kick his ass, then have a drink with him
He was pretty based
What a mary sue.
You HAVE played all of the xeno games, right Yas Forums?
Damn you got so btfo that's all you can respond with?
Fuck off Monadofag, the fact your shitposting doesn't get called out by the Lucky Labradors says it all.
I played them all. X has fucking spoiled me God damn. It's still my favorite game of all time. I wish Monolith made a MMO based on it because holy fuck was it amazing.
Take your meds.
He have a fine taste in woman.
Rex is not for sexual.
Oh no, the coomers are here, thread's over.
>he fucked all the girls interested in him
Absolute chad.
Thread was over the moment you pretended you didn't got spot out right
You will never be a woman.
Post more fucking Nia. I’m not even a waifu fag and I never played another xeno besides Xenogears way back on my ps1 but damn I got waifu feels for Nia after playing
Jesus fucking christ this game's story was goddamn trash, just tropey uninspired garbage up until the very end, I regretted every dollar spent on this shit when I saw the ending
No he didn't, because your game was a children's anime.
Fuck you niafag you ruined this series.
2's story is actually pretty good. Not as good as 1's, though. Some of the humor and dialogue early on in the game is DEFINITELY tropey, though. I think that's on purpose.
I like his attitude.
You have to be fucking brainless or just have never played any jrpg before to think this story is any good
Both Xenoblade 1 and 2's stories are better than any JRPG made in the last decade, tied with FF14.
The story of X is hot trash, though. Fun fucking game, all the same.
>Say something nice about him!
he cute
I have a brain, and played more jrpgs than you can count, and the story was good for the most part
I don't want to be one either.
>Both Xenoblade 1 and 2's stories are better than any JRPG made in the last decade, tied with FF14.
Definitely not. It's not better than Growlanser IV or OG Nier
The gorgeous environmental visuals were enough to make me give praise to your otherwise laughable harem sim.
The main problem with X is how it left so many loose ends and sequel baited when it was a big gamble.
After playing Torna, I'm starting to aporeciate 2 more. Xenoblade 1 honestly is kinda bland compared ti the rest of the characters.
But Torna retconned a bunch of shit from XC2.
How many times are you gonna post this and get banned?
Who is this girl from? Eroge?
>his creator sunk into despair once he realized even if he fixes the world some asshole like him will be born to fuck it all up again
>looks his creator in the face and thanks him for giving him life and the opportunity to meet the people he grew to love
good shit
Not really.
I give you Nia with Melia, but still WIP. Artist may finish it in the next days.
sssshhhh, Rex is sleeping.
What it was?
Probably Japanese Humor dot webm.
He's a nice boyfriend.
>non boring vanilla shit for once