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yes. zoom zoom

game that was good at release is still good

>litterally says nothing
>lets videos talk for themselves
>People start losing their shit

Attached: smuglage.jpg (1080x1080, 626.87K)

There has never been a case where OLD GOOD, NEW BAD has not been true.

refute it

>Popular game BAD
>obscure weeb game GOOD

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The irony is that the statement has been validated so much, that its actually become an argument in favor of it.

REmake 1 was a case of OLD GOOD, NEW BETTER.

>everything BAD
>myself GOOD

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This but unironically

old game GOOD
new game GOOD

Didn't know you held boomers in such high regard.

>My games Good
>YOUR games Bad

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>doesn't understand cherry picking

you're right, you don't.

new game bad.

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Is he gonna do a video on the FF7 Remake? He better.

>old game good
>new game bad
>newer game bad (but everyone praises it)
>newest game good (but everyone seethes about it)

>doesn't understand greentext either


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>points out details previous games had which the new one doesn't have
>uhhh you are just cherry picking!

Who are you quoting.


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How can one man cause such butthurt?

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There are people who have literally made careers out of talking about how shit some old games are. You'll never see them shown in a unfavorable comparison though because no one ever remakes a bad game.

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He doesn't have anything to misdirect or latch on to for shit posters. You actually have to acknowledge the argument before you can talk about his videos.

Good games get remade.
Remakes are almost always soulless cash grabs to maintain IP rights.

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>while omitting details new games have that previous ones didn't
>and also focusing said said details in the first place, as opposed to looking at the larger picture
Yes, that's what cherry picking is.

>new game gets worse in many ways
>w-well its fine because it improved in other ways

A sequel shouldn't be worse in any way to its predecessor.

I mean, is Max Payne not still the greatest shooter ever made? Not seeing an argument here bub, I'm going to have to sick the history niggas on you if you don't behave.

>litterally[sic] says nothing
What even is framing?

Name a perfect sequel.

>People hate the video

dark souls 2

Portal 2 is basically a perfect sequel.

You would be a hypocrite to nitpick anything wrong with Portal 2.

because he cries a lot

>name a game where it just takes the original game but improves it

Honestly the hard part is thinking of a good modern example. I can think of several old games that do this, but modern sequels suck.

halo 2
half life 2
doom 2
doom eternal

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Crash 2. Resident Evil 2(og)

Warcraft 3.

suikoden 2

Writing in Portal 2 was a downgrade, game got far too caught up in trying to be funny that it forgot that Portal 1 was just as much about having a bleak atmosphere, not to mention it ended up feeling like it belonged in the TF2 unvierse instead of the Half Life one.

I'm not even one of the faggots who claims the gameplay was casualised, but there's plenty of people who will complain about not having enough white spaces on walls. Or tell you the game didn't need a "so quirky" robot companion.

Would you describe what you said as "cherry picking"?

Tomb Raider 2

wrong on every count


>he actually believes this

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>wrong on every count

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No because I'm not even trying to argue that Portal 2 is a better game, just that's not an improvement in every possible way because practically no sequel is.

Hell the dumbest thing about this is isn't even right because his most well known video literally titles itself "GTA IV is better than GTA V"


good now we know his videos aren't cherry picking.

Please be bait.

assassin's creed 2

New game bad
Old game bad

I'm not cherry picking because I'm disputing a overgeneralised claim instead of trying to make one you god damn retard.


Max Payne 2

Attached: gta_3.jpg (650x350, 249.38K)

Actually removed the best feature from the first game by taking the town bell system out. Also made an already easy game even more piss-easy.

Went full retard on the plot.

Plot really isn't really a technical aspect that can get worse or better.

yeah and now its perfect

>while omitting details new games have that previous ones didn't
that's not the point of the video, retard

it's not about what they added, it's about what they took out

The escort mission is ass

>A sequel shouldn't be worse in any way to its predecessor.
The bottom line is that there's pretty much no such thing as a sequel that's better in every way to its predecessor, there's so much to a game it's inevitable some aspect of it was done better first time round. Every sequel that's been posted on this thread that I've played I can see something that was done worse.
>taking out the best part of the first game makes it perfect

Street Fighter 2
Mega Man 2
Star Fox 64

Don't @ me if you disagree with any of these.

the best part of the first is worse than the worst part of the second game