You can only keep 2

You can only keep 2.

Which 2 do you pick?

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switch and steam

I pick PC. Don't care for steam.

Steam and Switch, now you have every game worth giving a fuck about

Switch and Steam

Nintendo and Sony. Easy.

Xbox is already part of PC anyway
Steam and Switch

Switch and steam.

PS4 and PC, Xbox has no games worth a fuck that you can’t play on PC and Nintendo makes weeb faggot shit or baby games.

The rest don't even matter.

Are they systems or brands themself? Why have the Playstation and Xbox logos, but then have the Switch logo instead of Nintendo?

steam and playstation

>he buys sony or microsoft post 2010

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steam and switch are the only two in that pic that i use so yeah, i'm thinking switch+PC = MASTER RACE

I prefer books, thank you very much, faggots.

PS4 and switch

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Nintendo and Xbox

PC and Switch.
I can play games for free on PC and make my games in Lua to run on my Homebrewed Switch.

1. Steam
2. Let the dogs fight it out, whoever survives can be my neglected second system.


Steam for stationed gaming, Switch for portable gaming


Welcome to Yas Forums, aka nintendogaf, with a chained up bitchboy Steam in the corner

PC and Switch. All Xbox games are on PC. Playstation movies can be watched on PC on youtube.

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Ps4 has one of my favorite games ever as an exclusive but otherwise it's an absolutely worthless platform. And the game isn't repayable so I guess I'd pick switch+steam.

What game?

Delete Steam because PC has other places to buy games.
Delete Xbox because it has no exclusives that aren't on PC.
Keep Nintendo and Sony so I can watch you spergs shit on each other for the rest of my life.

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this is stupid. what retard would pick Xbox and PS, they're practically the same system

I only really need PC, so PC and Xbox since it supplements my Windows experience the best

Last guardian

Nintendo and Sony
How is this even a debate

This. PC + Nintendo handhelds has always been the way to go.

Nintendo and PC. Everything should be on PC but at least Nintendo makes innovative consoles. Snoy and Xbox are just brainlet tier

Obsolete. Only faggots play on the go and if you want to play in bed or on the shitter you just use steam link

PC and Nintendo
everything else is filler except for Fromsoft and Kojima Productions

switch + pc

Nintendo and XBox.
Just bring the five Playstation exclusives onto XBox and you're good.

Steam and Nintendo

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PS and Switch

Sega, and only Sega.

Steam and Sw---

Fucking based honestly. For once Yas Forums is actually right.

Steam only. Fuck consolefags

Absolutely this

Why would anyone pick anything else other than those 2

Steam and PS4.

Xbox and Playstation

nintendo and sony

steam is just one of many stores/launcers, xbox is useless

lmao this

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Basically this

Already picked this years ago. No regrets.


Based, Not even Steam just PC should be the right answer.

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PC fags are desperate to remain relevant

You don't have to play it on the go. Just use it to play first party Nintendo games and the odd third party exclusive such as Bravely Default 2.
>but muh graphics
shut up

playstation and nintendo obviously

t.Seething poorfag

Steam and Switch

Xbox because 4K RDR.
I truly don't care about Sony and Nintendo.

Xbox and Playstation

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PC and Xbox are basically the same, Switch is pointless and emulable....i guess PC and PS4

Playstation and nintendo

Consoles will be fine without xbox and pc gaming will be fine without steam

In what reality do you live?