Where were you when the Duke fought back, Yas Forums?
What's Randy doing right now?
Where were you when the Duke fought back, Yas Forums?
What's Randy doing right now?
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Duke Nukem Forever leak WHEN
When the probably several people that own leaked copies realize that Randy doesn't have the balls to actually take them to court over it.
Or when Randy goes to federal prison.
I wouldn't doubt one of these within the next 10 years.
fuck randy
Grow up.
Duke was great for his time, but I don’t think you want Duke 2020.
Ironically Duke in Borderlands would be pretty cool. (or fucking terrible but I'm willing to take that bet)
Fuck this post reminded me of this relic
Forgot my image
No, you fool.
Duke IS what we need, just not what we deserve.
I want Duke, I just don't want Gearbox Duke. I don't want woke Duke. I want fucking Duke Nukem.
never forget youtube.com
Wait, Duke was in bullet storm? I had no idea.
>Duke is being left for dead
Duke Nukem confirmed survivor in L4D3.
only in the remaster. and iirc they didn't record any new lines for any of the other characters acknowledging duke so he's just kinda there talking to himself
We need Duke more than ever these days.
He's dead user, let him rest in peace.
>duke voice actor is leftoid faggot constantly posting/retweeting things about drumpf
>randy is randy
i don't think you want duke to return unless you want a shitty version
I forgot to ask.
Did they finally make Borderlands fun with 3?
>makes fun of liberal bullshit throughout the whole game
Maybe modern id could make a new Duke Nukem. They seem like the only current devs with actual balls.
he also whined that some twitter rando who occasionally makes videos of a bad duke impression saying stupid shit got more attention than his own stuff and later deleted the tweet
he's right, boredomlands is peak r*ddit
Lemme guess, Jon also got swindled by Randy?
no he's mad they aren't making more duke games so he doesn't get paid to voice duke
what happened with seoylands this time?
I wanna hear Jon St. Jon do a line read of those posts in the Duke voice.
DN3D was one of my favorite games as a kid, they need to bring it back
>We need Duke more than ever these days.
> these days
*makes Duke trans*
Is there any sliver of hope that Devolver Digital could convince Randy to sell Duke? Megaton Edition seems proof enough that they're safe hands for ol' blondie.
>Is there any sliver of hope that Devolver Digital could convince Randy to sell Duke?
They could just kill Randy. Seems like that would probably work.
Fps are shit
>Randy doesn't have the balls to actually take them to court over it.
Randy is only where he is now because he has been able to dodge numerous lawsuits and controversies that should've taken down any other bottomfeeder like him. He must have a crack team of lawyers.
Don't count on it. Duke is Randy's trophy since duke custom mapping is how he got involved in game dev. He's never going to let it go until Gearbox kicks the bucket.
>wanting DN in the current year
you cant be this fucking daft
>t. tranny
>Throughout the whole game
It's got the one "Mortally challenged" joke that it runs into the ground that was never funny to begin with.
are you actually retarded? genuinely wondering
Tbh a modern day duke would be fun, but it’ll have to be in a setting where everyone now thinks Duke is a washed up celebrity and that Not cool anymore while Duke doesn’t give a shit what everyone else thinks of him and kick ass.
Look at some of the magazines in the Slayers room. Theres shit like, "Why the Slayer owes the Demon community an apology" and shit like that. They got so much shit for the mortally challenged joke and instead of caving in and removing it like people thought they were going to they doubled down on it.
Why am I even bothering you're both just shitposting retards anyways. Kill yourselves.
What a ride
Dumbass, if it was up to conservatives this game would never exist because muh jesus.
>but it’ll have to be in a setting where everyone now thinks Duke is a washed up celebrity and that Not cool anymore while Duke doesn’t give a shit what everyone else thinks of him and kick ass
Why does everyone always want to use this lame premise? Just have Duke kill aliens and save babes, that's it. There doesn't need to be any smoothbrain-tier commentary on Duke as a character and his current place in pop culture. Retarded.
I fucking never understood it
>game consists entirely of gunning down demons
>it's seen as heretical and satanic
What the fuck do we do? Try to turn a Pinky with a pamphlet?
Duke's shtick is so played out at this point that it's now cringe inducing, and over the top comedy games are a dime a dozen. I don't understand how anyone can still want him played straight after Forever showed how completely unfunny that shit is now, and that was ten years ago.
So many great, hilarious and fun self-aware humor games have come out since Duke; Just Cause, Saints Row, Bulletstorm, Mad World, Vanquish, and way more. Duke now is like the equivalent of demotivational posters and Chuck Norris jokes, not funny or relevant, a Duke Nukem game in 2020 would need to be way different in order not to end up an embarrassment like Forever.
Did he delete the tweet? So much for not giving a fuck
Unless it shows no devil imagery and it's all about prayer, you will not see a conservative friendly video game.
They would fuck up the actual gameplay at the expense of preserving the tone of the game and Duke's character.
No thanks, I don't want a Duke Nukem/Quake-style arena shooter rapebaby that constantly has me fucking off to wait for cooldowns or watch cutscenes for ammo.
Not even ten years ago. Nine.
It throws me off sometimes too, since the game feels a lot older than it actually is when you play it.
wasn't one of the original id guys mormon and he was like "I don't see it conflicting with my beliefs, you're destroying demons because they're bad, that seems like a pretty christian thing to do"
Fake tweets