Game begins with a quote

>Game begins with a quote

Attached: 1581487673678.gif (236x250, 1.47M)

Other urls found in this thread:

war has changed

>You lose all your equipment and abilities at the beginning of the game

Attached: Crash Hardman.jpg (325x278, 23.21K)

>NPC is delusional

>game begins with a fictional quote from a fictional story in the game's universe

Attached: 1497039310488.png (778x512, 45.21K)

>game begins with character creation

Attached: 1562122411528.jpg (1920x1080, 160.89K)

“OP is a fag”

The ever novel pleasure of a useless occupation

This is the way the worlds ends.
This is the way the worlds ends.
This is the way the worlds ends.
This is the way the worlds ends.
Not with a bang but a whimper.

Attached: 1585620005872.gif (500x342, 1.27M)


Fuck you Bioschock 1 start was goat

>game has a hour long opening cutscene

Attached: H9BgPzz[1].jpg (700x434, 20.57K)

>The quote is from the game itself

Attached: geraltisexasperated.jpg (400x305, 21.04K)

>"Wars come and go but my soldiers stay eternal"

>game is where the main antagonist did nothing wrong but still gets the blame

>Quote is in a foreign language

Attached: 1567997558808.jpg (401x401, 20.91K)

>Quote begins with a game

Attached: dd9.gif (300x300, 177.03K)

>game starts with a letter claiming to have baked a cake for you

Attached: livia.gif (400x231, 465.37K)

>medieval fantasy game begins with a quote from a 20th century French poet

what's the problem you fucking faggot

dude, the chapter where she dies

>Game ends with an end quote

Attached: IMG_2299.jpg (570x487, 44.87K)

>game begins with quote

Attached: cs.png (586x436, 491.25K)

>Game start with a tv spot

Attached: 457869896.jpg (600x614, 33.84K)

>Game ends with the quote it began with

Attached: l65k6hi.gif (250x209, 2.67M)

It is true I killed my mentor, yet I am not his murderer

>deep into that darkness peering
>long I stood there

Attached: 1578446708335.jpg (885x1080, 102.99K)

>game starts with an explosion

>game starts
>shows quote
>game ends

Attached: 1582643143320.jpg (630x594, 58.07K)

>game ends with a sunset montage

Attached: awwjeeze.gif (600x338, 2.48M)

man I really like morrowind's opening

"Once, there was an explosion..."

>each level has a 15 minute ending cutscene and a bunch of cutscenes in the middle too
kh3 was tearing my soul from my body it felt like

>game starts with gameplay

Attached: 50F98DF7-955B-4867-923B-6B09AF0E58B9.jpg (240x240, 5.11K)

>game ending loops into the beginning even though that makes no sense

Attached: 71Okj3gDOxL._SX466_.jpg (466x466, 29.64K)

>ending is 2 hours long

Attached: 1529086059320.png (1042x992, 806.56K)

Game starts with the final scene.

>game has a beginning, middle and end

Attached: uncleted.jpg (350x350, 95.62K)

Attached: Vergil nyes.jpg (950x1358, 317.13K)

>3 hours of gameplay
>9 hours of cutscene

Attached: 1582091067632.jpg (743x715, 58.57K)

Attached: if-god-did-not-exist-it-would-be-necessary-to-invent-him-3.jpg (850x400, 41.35K)

>game starts with a nietzsche quote

Attached: B218FD08-3D7F-42A0-AB25-EEB9332317AE.png (516x409, 175.64K)

>game starts with you unconscious
>wake up
>"ah, i see you are awake"

Attached: 1531698163403.jpg (1024x774, 51.41K)

>ever level has an hour opening AND ending cutscenese

Attached: 5442d901e6dd2b1fcf42a7f120fd2f92.jpg (560x300, 52.95K)

>world begins in darkness

Attached: 1497161107870.png (773x512, 468.75K)

>game starts with a quote from Smashmouth

Attached: all that glitters is goooooold.jpg (2000x1270, 856.09K)

Attached: yIZ7M[1].jpg (1920x1080, 272.76K)

>The game starts with a cliffhanger

Attached: F8D24C02-8651-43D6-881A-3CCFC3D6A230.jpg (500x876, 115.45K)

>SNES game starts with a fully voiced quote

Attached: 1574948382718.jpg (426x640, 17.62K)

>game begins close to the end
>rest of the game is a flashback to how it got there

>post begins with a greentext

Attached: 1582660838823.jpg (326x326, 17.01K)

Oh god a quote how pretenti-
>If you're going through hell, keep going

Attached: unnamed.jpg (373x147, 14.71K)

>long cutscene ends
>you move character two steps
>another long cutscene plays

Attached: 1289786310761.jpg (800x800, 50.38K)

>game begins with a definition for a word every person on the planet knows while "profound" music plays

Attached: MKMythologiesSubZero.png (871x340, 130.39K)

>Joy beyond measure, la'de'la'de'lo'de'de'de'la
>Beyond time and time and the dream of a world unburdened la'de'lo by the [incomprehensible] towards new horizons of infinite [incomprehensible]
>Yorik Alderson

When you find out the developer committed suicide 2 years ago.

you are a dumb dude

Those Metal Gear Solid 4 TV reels were kino as shit, don't lie on the internet.

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>final gameplay of game is QTE

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Attached: phantasia.png (480x320, 3.29K)

I will now buy your game

>game starts with a minigame

Attached: xfsf.jpg (200x231, 8.58K)


>game cutscene puts your controller to sleep