Am I the only one completely ignoring the bunny/april event?
I can't wait for it to be over desu
Am I the only one completely ignoring the bunny/april event?
I can't wait for it to be over desu
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anyone need Kicks? I have him in my town plaza
Dodo code is 4FMCN
doing it this year to get the diy and catalogue shit out of the way
selling all of the bullshit and never bothering again after though
there’s not much of an event. 14 recipes which can all be found and crafted with maybe 5 hours of regular play
Please, let’s have an AC thread without turnip faggotry.
Anyway, I’m sharing an island, and I noticed that fish/bug spawns are villager specific. I wonder if data mining can help figure out how it works. I’ve never seen a tarantula and my companion has never seen an agrias butterfly, and we’ve caught multiple, despite us playing the same times.
not playing this shit until all the cut content from new leaf is added for free. fuck kiketendo new horizons is so fucking bare bones it's as bad as splatoon
I'm just glad they nerfed the fucking water eggs. I can finally fish again. Never had a problem with anything else.
let's talk about those mouths.
Anybody have recommendation of bag to go with this "Evil Chinese James Bond Villain" Look?
Or the both of you are each just unlucky in your own ways.
Especially since completing your critterpedia gives recipes and Nook Miles, it would be unfair to lock that behind some vague notion of "cooperation".
pretty much nailed it
post cool outdoor shit in your town so I can steal it
Not with this gayman bag. no.
Or should i go without the bag... hmmm....
thanks family
you need diamonds in your face
Does the flower crossbreeding chart actually work? I’ve been watering my flowers every day for a week and haven’t seen a single new flower yet
>still missing good looking tables
this is fucking awful. i have so many decorations and shit and nothing to put it on top of.
its been 3 days and still only have blathers
Made this today though
post dodos
event never showed up for me
Is it possible to delete my update data and play that way until the 13th, or will my save not be read or something?
What's the point in using the island designer app for custom paths other than doing faster than putting your patterns manually on the ground? if you could not erase them as usual it would be a nice change, but it doesn't even do that.
I can't hate bunny day. It's an easy 300 balloons for the nooks miles and the chance at golden slingshot.
That being said, what's the reward for a 5 star town? I'm hard stuck 3 stars since I have too many trees, and I like too many trees. My town in very rural-style, but the whole north section is highlands with dense cedar trees and the campsite. I'll at most deforest for the reward if it's good, but I'm going right back even if it tanks my rating.
>that guy who puts generic flower gardens everywhere because he can't think of anything creative to build
is this you?
Haven't tried it. Can you round off the corners?
>he used the 300 balloons miles reward
ohnonono dont tell him
>what's the reward for a 5 star town?
gold watering can
They patched that, retard.
Can I pay off Tom's loan with bells instead of miles? It doesn't give me an option to pay with bells.
>that guy who gives a shit about what other people do on their islands
is this you?
the sound of walking on paths maybe
what is the point of doing anything in this game if not to impress others
>nintendo patch notes
To impress myself
is anyone able to craft the Bunny Day Arch, Bunny Day Basket, Wobbling Zipper Toy, or Bunny Day Wand? I'm guessing that the Wobbling Zipper Toy and the Bunny Day Wand are items you only get this Sunday since I'm guessing Zipper T. Bunny gives you the recipe for the Wobbling Zipper Toy once you craft everything else, but I haven't seen the recipes for the Bunny Day Basket OR the Bunny Day Arch yet.
first loan is with miles only, then the rest are bells only
It's for crossbreeding nad making hybrids
I've never seen the basket or toy? Are you sure you have the right list of items
Really? Ah man, I dont wanna pay with my limited resource currency. I always fuck myself later down the line.
I have just been planting random flowers in a checker pattern and it’s working for me
miles are fairly easy to come by and you'll only run out of them if you want to autistically search for specific villagers
I can live without it right now. Living life innawoods like I've always wanted to.
I didn't know about the basket or toy either. Actually, I didn't know about the wand either.
There pretty easy to get
I'm competently ignoring the game.
although I just booted the GC and Wii version on emulator to see what all they hype is about. Spent two days playing now, spent enough time to already payed off my mortgage in the GC version but I really don't quite "get it". Should I drink more ONIONS?
I hate my fucking double-south island but I'm 100 hours in
Anyone got the Cherry Blossom Pochette recipe they are willing to share? I got the petals and several other recipes if you wanna trade; bonsai, branches, lamp, floor, and umbrella.
what's so bad about a double south?
skinny coasts
have to put a bunch of fucking bridges just to not feel trapped
Maybe the silk shirt?
lol i havent got a single recipe yet, ive seen a couple regular balloons but they only had iron ore or clay in them
Zipper gives you the recipe for the basket and arch on the 12th iirc if you have the rest crafted, and after you craft those he gives you the recipe for the toy and then after you craft that you get the bunny want recipe.
Fuck. Coldbloods.
I for the life of me cannot tolerate the very thought of sharing the same village as these cold blooded animals. They’re are just as savage as the very ones we fish up from the stream and sea. They are barely evolved compared to us warm blooded mammals. You see, these Alligators and Frogs, and God forbid, Octopi, lack even the brain capacity to feel emotion. They only can think to satisfy their hunger and to reproduce. Are you comfortable with coldbloods by the carload in our stores and museums and village? Do you want them in our world?... Do you want to live on an island that is being dragged down to accommodate these marine trash?
My dear ol’ chap, have you ever considered that you can't have a set of backward savages living among people advanced in one kind of civilization and have a social Arcadia?...You realize that the Cold blood population is backward, don't you? You will concede that?
The GC version is fucking awful unless you grew up with it, if you want to emulate a good AC game I thin New Leaf is possible right now but I don't know. But seriously, avoid the GC version as a jumping on point.
>cruisin' through the game, loggin' in, doin' my daily chores
>bunny boy comes to town and kills all interest in the game
>bought whole inventory worth of turnips that I still feel I have to turn around so I can't just ignore the game until eggs go bad
Are they really? Well thank you anons, thats reassuring to hear. I thought it was gonna have some sorta gacha like system where once you finish all the objectives, the only way to get them was to log in everyday. Thank god.
after a certain point nook miles get really, really tedious/pricey to get
Octopus are literally smarter than most mammals
what the fuck i thought he just gave you 1 thing on the actual bunny day since thats what he implied. 4 things total, hmmm
>procontroller is starting to drift
you'll eventually unlock "nook miles plus" which gives you more mundane tasks (compared to the current ones) for smaller amounts of nook miles, and they're infinitely repeatable.
Man I wish we could turn bunny day off, I want to enjoy the Spring cherry blossoms but keep getting egg recipes.
Can a Octopus write a symphony? Can a Squid turn a canvas into a beautiful masterpiece?
of all the versions I've emulated the GC one is the most "fun" relatively speaking. I've been playing the Wii and DS versions and they both suck compared to the GC game.
Can you?
Surely fucking not
Do they drift too?