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Whisper Rubcum

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Nomura did nothing wrong


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Why can no one post a proper screenshot of this? They just keep posting the same picture of a screen. I'm convinced that the ones reposting this don't even have the game.

Why are people so butthurt about this again?

What's the context of this?

Jesus fucking Christ what is this shit

of course they don't have the game. why would anyone spend money on this bucket of shit?

the only butthurt people are you shills that keep trying to shit down our party threads

>go back in time to kill hitler
>time ghosts kill me instead
These guys are real jerks!

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>Cloud just barely gives a fuck

what kind of cope is this

It's bad is what it is. The entire story is KH fanfic tier trash and completely shits on the original and with how laughable the animations are it's only icing on this dumpster fire. So glad I was skeptical of this and decided to pass.

All this ghost posting is making me want to play this more. I really want to know what these ghosts are about.

Is it Jenova? Sephiroth? Time Traveling? Materia monsters? Ancients? The Cetra? Weapons? The Advent Children Disease?


Bros you can see a cameo of the FFX-2 shinra in the shinra building. It's in the president shinra bit of the museum. There's a photo of some kind of team, all sat down, and the guy in the middle has a very specific looking gas mask on whereas nobody else does.

I've never played the game either. I'm just tired of seeing the same shitposts day after day. And yes, I am aware that that is all Yas Forums does.

you keep saying this in every thread, why aren't you playing yet?

Seek help.

it's okay to admit it hurts your feelings that Yas Forums shits on your favorite game you know


The games not out yet.

>comes into my thread
>instigates argument
>gets butt hurt
>tells me to seek help
well you could just leave this thread you know?

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>muh thread
Get a load of this faggot.

Because that particular one is fake. The actual monster is "Whisper Hanbinger". Its description is similar to OP's pic, but slightly different. The overall meaning does not really change between them though.
Whispers are extra-dimensional beings who appear when destiny is challenged to make sure it succeeds, are are attuned to every fate thread there is. So yes, they are maintaining the cohesion of this timeline in relation to other timelines, which is likely because Sephiroth somehow knows the future and has AC's powers.

If they're heartless or nobodies, I would have my mind blown. That would be fucking awesome with KH already connecting to FFXV with Yoruba/Noctis.

If this is what Versus wanted to be then I can confidently say Nomura is back.

They're ghosts trying to keep the original timeline intact. Literally being jannies in the game.

Are you fucking 12

>that wall of cope

That's fucking amazing. It's completely out of the blue and really needs to be delved deeper.
No retard, I am a 34 year old that has waited 23 years for this game. Unlike you little virgin kids that can't accept change I fully welcome it. It's worth seeing what differences Square is trying to do. There's a reason why remakes are so prevalent in today's culture. We old fucks already seen the story million of times, we want to see what new twist they can get out of it. You fucks are just mad you can't play the game that we played 23 years ago without your "ACTION RPG! shit." Turn based is fine. Play the PS1 original if you want FFVII's story. Since that's all you care about.

It's genuinely incredible how absolute shit those animations look on the ghost jannies. What the fuck were they thinking with this game?

>Game is amazing
>Tight and fun gameplay
>Great graphics
>Amazing story
>Top notch memorable characters
>Cream of the crop music
>Good length, sidequests and secrets
If this wasn't FFVII, you fucks would be creaming all over it. But it's also Square and a JRPG, so you'll find something else wrong with it as well.

It’s not fake at all lmao. There is three mini whisper bosses like the one you see there as well as the big fuck off one. It’s true

Here’s a new pic from my own game with your post number included.

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this looks like a MMO cutscene, did they get the animation staff for XIV on this
jesus christ she fell on a fucking testicle ghost i expect a bit more emotion

Fuck. Using phone and the rotate fucked me. Twist your heads you’ll be fine.

>Great graphics
>Amazing story

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They were thinking how they could do something different with the same story. The ghosts are going to add to this game so much. Even the characters are completely confused with the Ghosts. What are they bringing? We don't know. It could be anything from Jenova, to Organization XIII, to even Garland from FFI. We don't know! And that's what's making this game so fucking good.

>time police ghosts are fucking amazing
>34 years old
HAHAHAHAHHAAH you can't make this shit up

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>Not an amazing story.
The fuck?

No, user, this is FFVII REMAKE. Not FFVII.

>If this was the game they've been promising us for the past five years instead of a shitty fanfic story that shits all over the original for no good reason, you fucks would be creaming all over it
Fixed that for you.

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if you think retarded, incomprehensible time travel shit is a great concept try kingdom hearts some time and learn just how fucking awful nomura is at writing that


It's okay to play your nintendie kiddie games with your chiken tendies. they'll be done in 5 more minutes sweetie!

>this game
Pick one.


>mfw time jannies

>that has waited 23 years for this game
No you didn't.
23 years ago remakes or remasters of video games weren't a thing.


No if they made it exactly the same with updated graphics, you fags will still bitch about how it's so short, there's nothing exciting or special about it, it's just a nice new coat of paint.

The remake is making the community talk about the game again. And that's whats good.
We DON'T KNOW! That's why it's so interesting. Please stop reading the FFVII wiki page. I know you only played FFVII last year with the steam update because you can't handle the blocks, but when us ACTUAL first generation fans played it, it's incredibly interesting to see what changes they made after 20 years.
Do you need your poptarts with milk too sweetie?

>actually wanting it to tie into fucking kingdom hearts
fucking christ subversionfags are the absolute worst, the game could end on a 30 scat scene with cloud burying sephiroth in a pile of diarrhea and it'd be the neatest thing since sliced bread as long as you didn't expect it

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>i waited 23 years for nomura to take a massive corona shit all over my favorite game


>Lunar Silver Star Story Complete
Okay zoomie. Do you need your milkie warm sweetie?

I bet I could piss in your ear and tell you it's raining.

4 days until release, retard.


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>The remake is making the community talk about the game again. And that's whats good.
Ah yes, every developer's dream: To make hundreds of thousands of people shit all over their game just by hearing the concept of it.

That would be amazing and unpredictable. Look at your reaction image, it's that stupid Billy and Mandy show. That's how baby you are. This is why this game isn't made for you 20 year olds. It's made for us old farts that want to go back to 1997 and relive our childhood. These changes don't appeal to you because you never experienced a childhood like what we did. Just wait another 10 more years, and when they remake your Call of Duty, you'll all understand what us oldfags are feeling.

do you rike it?

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the one thing i'm eager to see is how people who shit over KH for having a retarded story who also love ff7 react to this, seeing as how its the same style of stupid shit

Well yes, again this game isn't for you. Hell some of you can't even play FFVII original because it's TURN BASED.

This is ghost Genesis, isn't it?

Is that a comment or the actual review

> And that's what's making this game so fucking good
>fucking good

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

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if the game isn't for us then why are you so desperate to convince us how amazing it is?

If it's not for me, then why are you here trying to tell me it's good?

Because it's different stupid. It's not the same game I played 23 years ago. It's brand new and different. Tehre's a reason why there's so many remakes of old movies today. We know these were classics and deserve a new interpretation.

I don't have it. Someone on resetera said it and hasnt posted the pic yet


>pls buy it tho pls

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I haven't played it. It's amazing because it's different. Simple as that. You don't have to play it, in fact you fags shouldn't play it. You two need to go back and play your Pokemon's and other shit games like Minecraft.

Sephiroth from the future is trying to change the events of 7 and the Ghosts are trying to course correct to ensure 7 happens the way it does

>it's different stupid
you can say that again

actual review. they even did a highlighted blow up text insert of it

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Its in the actuall review:
"The way FF7R wantonly spouts nonsense that it just expects you to roll with toward the end of its story can only be properly described as “Some Kingdom Hearts BS” – and I say that as a fan of Kingdom Hearts. On top of that, its insane climax left me with a bad taste in my mouth no matter where the story decides to go from here"

This isn't an interpretation of the same game, though. This is a totally different story that just happens to have the same characters and share a lot of the same locales. It's a really shitty sequel.

I didn't tell you to buy it, I already bought it. You fags can do your circle jerk all day long and not play it. Me and a few others will enjoy our game and eagerly anticipate the next installment.

>Me and a few other
so now you're just conceding that only a handful of retards could possibly like this

>I haven't played it. It's amazing

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>Want to save the Town Slut Aerith
>Time Jannies wont let me
Fuck Norburo

That's even better then. If it's a sequel I am interested in how it's going to play out. They gave away all of FFVII's original plot twists already. What twist are the three directors going to introduce this time? We dont' know!

lol then why are you still here?

Again, this game isn't for you. It's for us. you can play your Call of Duty or repetitive gatcha games again.