Why was this game so comfy?

why was this game so comfy?

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It's comfortable to watch movies
sitting back on a couch with some popcorn and drinks, wrapped in a blanket

PC port when?

When the game stops generating revenue on the consoles, they'll port it

Cope beggar

but pee see masterrace has so many games they dont care about console peasent games

The sequel should have more focus on the combat and less on the story. Specially drop those MJ/Miles stealth sections and the puzzles.

it was alright, not something I’d go back and play though

I agree they sucked hard ass and make the world a little bigger too

I better get to have all my costumes in the next one.

Even if it does, how is that an excuse to not port it to PC?
>Duhhhh you already have games, you don't need more
Why though?
Consoleturds don't exactly make sound arguments, why do you even attempt to argue?

They really should at least have made them skippable on new game plus.

This. For the life of me I'll never understand playing as MJ and tell Spider-Man what to do instead of just playing as fucking Spider-Man.

It checked all the "Spiderman Game" boxes
>Chase missions
>Climb up a wall and dodge objects missions

Still doesnt hold a candle to Spider-Man 2 on PS2.

and pc turds act like they make sound arguments then beg for console ports i dont get it

God this game was so mediocre. Reskinned Arkham Knight with half the content

i feel it was better i think thats your nostalgia talking

Good swinging.

cringe post actually go and play the game its nothing like the arkham games

The combat is absolutely better here.

>QTE Combat

its a better spiderman 2 its the definitive spiderman game change my mind

>I didn't play the game

spiderman 2 had qte combat aswell i dont see what your getting at

Webswinging, the main aspect of Spider-Man is absolutely shit on PS4. Its to unfun it isnt even funny.
PS2 version was so much better and fun and had proper physics.

It has the best depiction of NY since GTA IV

It's pretty fun apart from the side missions.
We get it. Parker is le smart science man so everything involves him solving all the problems of new york.

The game is good because the combat and stealth as Spider-man was done properly. The story is complete shit. The side missions are complete shit. The characters are complete shit.

It's basically Batman Arkham: gameplay is what's great, everything else is shit.


>Webswinging, the main aspect of Spider-Man is absolutely shit on PS4
im shtting bricks did anyone in this thread even play this game? oh yeah its Yas Forums no one plays video games on here

one person asking for a port doesn't amount to the entire billion people userbase of PC's
go drown in a bucket, retard

Someone post that webm.
You know the one.
The one that compares jumping off the empire state building in Spiderman 2 PS2 and the PS4 game the one that shows the PS4 loose like all fucking momentum.

Web swinging is the best mode of transport
Id argue it's almost as fun as running around the city in Saints Row 4

Sorry, but no. Just because Spider-Man 2 was used as ammunition for arguments when the shit web slinging was revealed for the new Spider-Man, doesn't mean that the game is good
Spider-Man 1 for PS1 was the only good Spider-Man game ever made

>"spiderman 2 still holds up" meme
Seriously, has anyone ever touched that game again in the 18 years since release? It's plays like hot garbage.

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>Saints Row 4
no that game was shit

On a serious note, why the fuck do you faggots have such trouble spelling ‘lose’. Is this an ESL thing?

No. Nobody actually plays it, people just use it for the web slinging argument.
>B-but muh realistic physics of web-slinging
The mechanic might be garbage in the new one, but 2 is still a shit game overall.

Traversing is fun
Combat is enjoyable
The rest of this game is hot wet shit.

>zoomers that have only ever played Spiderman on PS4 upset when the physics and features get beat by a fucking PS2 game
Every single time.

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It wasn't comfy. It was 80% comfy with 10% stupid MJ bullshit and 10% stupid Miles bullshit.
And it looks even dumber now that Spiderverse exists with good MJ and good Miles.

swinging around in the sunset was great but i hate the arkham combat. mj was kind of a (b-word) story was decent though.

I say this as a PS4 owner, but playing any Ubisoftesque open world game or Bamham will give you about the same experience.

Add a huge sewer and subway network underground, the kind we saw the sandman fight take place in Spiderman 3. Will open up lizard segments as well. The map will also feel a touch bigger when given a vast underground network feel.

Improve the stealth, Arkham light makes no sense when we can crawl on walls. More use of stealth costumes on stealth missions, web zipping into shadows to hide rather than just jumping perch to perch.

Vertical combat from web of shadows, fights from grounds to walls to air but I can't fault the combat too much they did a good job and I'm sure it'll improve.

No miles or MJ segments.

Kraven the hunter random encounters where he keeps learning a move of yours so by the end of the game he can counter everything.

Bigger charged jump like sm2, so goddamn fun.

Symbiotes are coming, please don't add a morality system it never works and is always trash like kill the puppies or save the pregnant lady. Fuck that.

Peter Parker segments, taking photos of city events. Different car models for car chases ffs. More side mission variety.

GTA 4 level detail of NYC was unreal, if they had just reused the map it would have been amazing but they went one step further

>boomer defending an old as hell game that looks, sounds and plays like shit
It deserved a lot of the praise it got during it's time but it doesn't even hold up on PC with mods.

Pacing of the game was trash. You spend most of the game after this demon man, finally fight him and then in an instant the conclusion of the story is upon you and 8 boss fights happen consecutively and the city is burning. If they had just had us fight each of the sinister 6 seperately and then throw them in prison followed by their escape and fighting them all at once would have been a much better way to pace it. Instead we get chasing one baddie for most of the game and then bam it's all over

It's funny because Spider-Man 2 literally had Bamham combat before the Arkham games did it.

Why can't we have closed levels in the new games like the PS1 Spiderman? Just have us enter some cool underground doc ock lab and have a fun linear Spiderman segment

Make a spiderman metroidvania

>everyone parrots spider-man 2 as THE spidey game because of the swinging
>it has shit everything else
>ultimate spider-man copied the swinging AND was actually fun
>nobody ever brings it up

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It gave me Raimi vibes throughout.

How the fuck would a superhero metroidvania even work?

It's not really that difficult. Trying to implement it on an existing character would be hard but an OC could do it.

It was better than I expected it to be, which i guess says something because I called it a piece of shit arkham clone as first.

My only really complaint it still the swinging though. I mean I'm glad it's not quite moonswinging, but once you find that swing-jump-zip pattern there's really no room to expand and experiment like you could in spider-man 2.

Also the miles/mary jane sections were terrible.

God I hated that so much. I blame Insomniac trying to pull a Naughty Dog.
>muh cinematic experience
Because there's not enough Spider-Man movies apparently.

no it didn't

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Somewhere in the game I found an in-game ad where it was showing a white woman and the there was the words 'black men' but I can't found it again. I thought it was a straight up White woman/black men propaganda advertising.

The combat and side-missions are better. The only thing SM2 has is the swinging, and in all honesty, I think think we'll EVER see a licensed game top it.

playing hamster in overwatch isnt bad

Venom chasing electro was 10/10, all chases in that game were 10/10 especially the beetle one oh lawd why haven't we had a fun city chase like that again

How many cassandra cains are there in comics? dc has at least two and now i guess marvel has one as well

And all city missions are suspended during this big climax scene so you have no choice but to slog through the final missions one after the other and finish the game in the next hour

what the hell is this guy on about

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I don't think an image can stutter.

why did people say she had a big jaw again?

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everyone says remove miles/mj which is obvious, but the challenge is can you keep them in and make them fun?

Dude, I enjoyed the game but what they said isn't even wrong.

At least use a proper picture tranny lover.

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