>I waited 23 motherfucking years for a fanfiction.net-tier self-plagiarism
>my face right now
FF7 Remake Thread
>tfw the time jannies were in the right all along
All of this is a joke, r-right?
If we're lucky COVID-19 will wipe us all out.
Everyone! Your attention please! I have something important to say!
>linking the new thread to the old one
>OP using a off-topic image
It's become a shitposting general. Time for the real jannies to end this.
FFVIIR vs Episode VIII, which is worse
Bro, at least 1 in 4 fanfics that don't involve Reno being a buttboy are more logical and well paced than this.
>Mom says it's my turn on the Xbox
the absolute state
Here's mine.
Wait what the fuck? This is meant to be og Bahamut? Even Crisis Core looks closer to the original
Ew, that looks fucking awful
Show how Tifa's in game model looked in FF7.
Not the outsourced CGI one.
The one you played as.
Incoming cope in 3...
Mr. Chingchong-pingpong, here on Yas Forums, we have these things called 'reaction-images'.
Still, +0.0002 social credits for making me reply.
No, thats the combined form of a bunch of time traveling ghosts.
This looks like a rejected Power Rangers monster.
You waited for final fantasy 7 remake on ps4 since the initial release on ps1? Why?
dumb Yas Forumsirgins will never know happiness
cant wait to dab on some time jannies and HAVE FUN
I'd like to take this time to thank JJ Abrams, Rian Johnson, and Tetsuya Nomura for finally letting these old IPs die. Rejoice! A new decade has begun!
I still smile when I remember the absolute flood of cucks and China shills seething at this one baldie
why is everything so over-complicated? Keep it simple stupid.
Damn the new Highwind can get some fucking altituuuuude.
SE shills are damage controlling hard on Twitter
What were the writers thinking with the twist? Did they think it would be deep and a great way to subvert our expectations through being a remake? How did they waste so many years outsourcing their most important remake to CC2 before doing it all in house?
There's just so many questions at this point. Someone needs to shut down SE or shake it up greatly, though a mercy kill would be generous if this and FF15 are what they pour millions into.
Beautiful. This needs to blow up in Square's face.
G-Man Interns
Why does he continue to live in your head rent free?
Choose one and only one.
>the writers
If you've been watching Nomura ruin franchises as long as a lot of anons have you would pick up a nose for his permanently 14 year old tastes. It's really easy to pick out what this guy thinks is badass when it gets shoved all over projects.
You need to understand that ffxv is one of the best selling games in the whole franchise. Same thing will happen with ff7r
Is this xeno jiva?
It's such a simple business equation. People wanted a non-cringe and fun 90's anime plot with no cringe or keikaku bullshit, just like how they remembered it or how people who never played it thinks it plays like. Whether or not the original plot was ever not cringe or not is actually completely besides the point, because what's more important is how people remember the original game, which is more important than what it is. A remake is a rare opportunity for a company to sell a game as people remember it with modern graphics for full price and make lots of money while doing very little creative work. It's such a simple money making formula that I am shocked that no bean counter has the ear of SE leadership telling them that this is what they should do, rather than doing this KH bullshit that just alienates any new customers and ruins any chance of making a new mainstream jrpg after having fading into a niche over the last 15 years. This was their one chance to make it back in a big way into the mainstream pop culture and they blew it.
What the fuck is a time ghost
>All these retard babbies crying because they got their hopes up only to have them crushed
>I went in without any expectations and am free to enjoy all the stupid bullshit that is this remake
you should probably make a cry thread, see name
>"Where's the art of the Highwind?"
>"Uh it's not ready yet."
>"Damnit who cares, I'm MF Nomura. Print it anyway."
>FFVII is one of my all time favorites
>Been wanting a remake since the PS3 tech demo
>All of the marketing for the remake triggers intense nostalgia, I haven't looked forward to a game like this since I was a kid.
>Game comes out and Nomura pisses in my face with this time jannie shit.
It hurts, Yas Forums.
That was kino but the FREE HONG KONG crap was underaged reddit cringe
>You need to understand that ffxv is one of the best selling games in the whole franchise
Butthurt virgins will never know such joys
Can someone explain the whole "time ghost" shit to me? I haven't kept up with the Remake at all and the only reason I remember people bashing it was because of the episodic bullshit.
I kno I feel it 2
I thought the same thing.
Free Hong Kong was fake and gay but blowing up Chinamen who encroach on western industries will always be based
New plot element added to 7R. Sephiroth from AC found a way to go back in time and the ghosts you see in the trailers are trying to prevent history from being changed
Don't reply to him. He's been doing this for almost a decade now and he destroys every thread with it.
You know what hurts more? The game is actually amazing when it isn't shoving this shit in your face. When it really is being a remake, it's fucking magical.
And then they end it with a veritable diarrhea tornado as if to say "Haha, you actually wanted a remake? Too fucking bad!"
No ONe
AbSOLuTeLy nO onE
big chungus
Both were massive franchises incredibly important to their respective media, but SW is just plain bigger than FF7 in every way. So Rian's fuckups are worse by several orders of magnitude.
Where is he now, when we need him the most?
>had zero hype although ff7 is my fav game of all time
>"wah you cant be a real fan if you're not hyped for this remake!"
>nomura's history niggas happen
>enjoy all keks
this is fun as fuck honestly
Yes? This better be good.
And the demo was fun, too.
Man, SE can't damage control this trainwreck soon enough.
To be fair it's not 100% Rian's fault. The fact that there was no plan whatsoever meant that Rian was up shits creek no matter what he did. Since he had to open a mystery box with nothing in it and make it presentable
TLJ because the most common complaint about 7R is the ending, the rest of the game seems fine
TLJ was just "what the fuck" throughout
I think I prefer FFXV's version. Definitely prefer FFXIV's verion.
Sephiroth is my new favorite character.
pfhahahahahahahahahaha this is so fucking stupid
It's like that Ed Edd n Eddy episode where things start out normal but then reality starts collapsing around them into retardation
I would generally agree but it's obvious that the story is setting itself up to be a straight up fanfic-tier Good+ end that will supercede the original ending so that everyone lives and happy rainbows. Nobody wants their games to be even more derivative.
i don't get it, whats wrong with the remake? I've seen countless threads getting hyped and jerking off to how amazing it looked then suddenly it gets a metacritic score of 89 and now everyone is in tears and angry. WHAT the fuck happened?
This, but saying 'It's better than Last Jedi' is like saying 'It's better than Too Human'
Square Enix said they wanted to go back to remake Parasite Eve, didn't they? After this and 3rd Birthday I wonder if they'll try to reintroduce time traveling again. Fuck it, they'll probably remake Versus 13 for the next gen.
How do we fix it bros? What can they do in the sequel? Kick Nomura out? Get rid of the ghosts?
Goddamn, this looks like it belongs in a YTP. Just add exaggerated, human-made motorcycle noises.
Read, faggot.
>incorporating AC
Fucking gross
Wow they really are just jannies
So with the remake of their single largest creation in their history, possibly the most anticipated game in years, they decided to completely smash the legacy of said creation
What a way to fuck it up, wow
Nomura did nothing wrong
It got NOMURA'd so hard it retroactively killed the entire franchise. It's not a remake. It's a sequel.
>Expect exact remake, which is flashy coat of paint over the game that will always still be there, you can always go play ff7
>Get a surprise psuedo-sequel
Can't make this shit up
Hope that enough people bitch that Square has no choice but to backtrack in Part 2 and/or patch a new ending
Yeah but FF7 looks like shit.
They straight-up LIED about it being a remake. It's yet another Dirge of Cerberus-tier sequel which outright assrapes the original plot with TIME TRAVEL.