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What graphical settings did you guys have yours on? I compromised with ultra nightmare on 900p, so the game wouldn't look like a slideshow.

t. gtx 1060/4790
ultra w/ UNightmare texture filtering, gonna all nightmare later. there's this section in level 1 that's always in the low 40's for me until i turn it to low, and dynamic res gets really fucking blurry.

god, i wish that were me

I have a gtx 960 with 4gb VRam. Can never do dynamic resolution as everything ends up pooking like it was smeared with vaseline. I'm lucky if I can manage to stay in the 40s with static resolution. I know I should upgrade, but I'm too much of a cheapass.

Battlemode is so fucking fun. Slayer is a bit stressful for my tastes in even matches but if you know how to quick swap between ballista/sniper mod/super shotgun you can melt bad or aggressive demons in seconds

Demons are tons of fun in duos. Don't random queue if you value your sanity.

Protip: healing zone sucks, noxious zone is an amazing burst damage, trap, and area denial tool.

I love slayer gates

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Samuel Hayden is the Seraphim

I have 960 too and I can get 60-70 fps easily, I had to turn some of the settings down though.

If you want Hayden to die then you are a faggot

used 1060's and 1070's are cheap as shit now, i'd go for it.

Nah he has to suffer


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That's thing, I just hate having to turn it down to high. I sound like a pleb but I'd rather slum it with 40 fps than going two or three tiers lower graphics wise.

kys bootlicker cumstain

Who cares.

I care


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honestly ID did a great job retaining fidelity across all'll be really hard pressed to notice anything past high. it took me around 30 seconds to spot a difference between high and ultra in screenshots, and it was slightly slightly thicker fog.

I'm trying to work up the motivation to get the last two batteries but I just don't want to deal with left-side killing a Doom Hunter or blowing up a bunch of plasma shields. Oh, does that mean my left or the Doom Hunter's left?

What about between nightmare and ultra?

for me, 60 fps is the bare minimum
if the game runs any slower than that I will tweak the settings until it gets to 60
fortunately, Doom Eternal (and also 2016) is optimized crazy well, it looks amazing and still runs very smoothly on my old machine

Pretty sure it's your left. I didn't even bother with that.

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His left
I found out the hard way and had to replay the level

Their motivations are like apples and oranges. Why would the Khan Makyr's secretary care about monopolizing Earth's economy and spend billions in researching something he knew everything about? they probably just didnt want to hire somebody else for 2 voice lines

I noticed that. Especially the Urdak. Looks spectacular. I guess it depends on the game for me. If it's a fighter or Tetris 99, no sir, anything below 60 is unplayable for me.

I think maybe he felt pity for humanity.

oh shit oh fUCK
even less so. I'm also the kinda dude that wastes time agonizing over the smallest changes in LoD, but it genuinely looks good across all settings. unless you're running 14440p or higher, the higher settings aren't really worth it.
texture filtering on Ultra Nightmare (16x anisotrophic filtering) but that's all you gotta worry about

It was a cover, and it explains the knowledge he has about argent energy, 5he makyr civilization, the deal struck between khan and dark lord (even other maykyrs didn't fully understand).

Samuel hayden also cucked humanity to near extinction
Perhaps the Seraphim does but there's no way they're one in the same.

which reminds me, any theories on who the mysterious voice is?

Eveything else can be left on high besides texture filter?

Because you are an autist

A lot of people praise Urdak, but I don't get it. My least favourite map, looks kinda... plastic? Not at all what I expected.
>If it's a fighter or Tetris 99, no sir, anything below 60 is unplayable for me.
But it's playable in an FPS? Especially one so fast-paced?

Somehow I can manage in an FPS. Always have been able to work around it.

most of that would've been discovered during their argent energy research before the 1st game, Hayden in Eternal would've pieced it together seeing the Makyr running the invasion as he was running ARC, and is just used as a convienent plot device for where to go next.

Demon worshipping scum. I wish the Imperium of Man was real and all you edgy nihilists got turned into slaves for a righteous cause. You look at the epidome of fedoratipping retardation in fiction and you worship it because muh voice kys autist

yes. you really don't need to worry about it, the "impact" it'll have on your experience is placebo.


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>most of that would've been discovered during their argent energy research before the 1st game
You're saying any old joe shmo would just waltz by and discover argent energy? That sounds unrealistic.

I know what you mean. I kinda like the fights in that level but the level itself is boring as fuck.

Imagine believing and following a crippled guy on a golden WC.

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I didn't mind. It was kind of a nice break from all the Metroid Prime puzzles and franticness of hell. A bit of a breather for me to be honest

>a game where multidimensional demons make a deal with porcelain superaliens but are endlessly thwarted by 1 really angry hillbilly with a shotgun isn't realistic
the UAC is on mars to mine for resources due to an energy crisis, and they happened to strike soul gold.
plus ARC has a surprising lack of Makyr tech at their disposal, something you'd think alleged Seraphim Hayden would utilize.

Shut up about the lore already geez

blahblahblah fuckin robot farted argent shit on mars and then blahblah.. who cares

>reeee don't discuss things i don't care about without meeeee

>Doom eternal dropped 2016's cinematic act and went full arcade
>rev up all arcade elements
>except score mode which is gone entirely
y tho

What is the Seraphim?

absolute max
i5 4590
2060 super

idk what FPS I was getting but its still smooth af

I just finished eternal today, and I really liked it. That being said, there were a few things I found frustrating.
First, why is there a button to switch grenades and a button to fire grenades, when there are only two grenades? Why not just have a frag button and a freeze button? It's weird and makes me think there either should have been more grenades, or the flame vent used to be on the same button. It just feels clumsy to use. Similarly, I hate how I have to watch the weapon switch animation every time I use the crucible. The chainsaw takes one button to use, but the crucible needs to swap weapons, then use, then swap back. Feels very clumsy, especially when they streamlined the chainsaw anyway.
For the demons, most were good and felt fun to play against, including the marauder. What I didn't like, was how powerful the archvile was. Not because he was too hard, but because I'd always just bfg or crucible him to get him off the map. There's no other demon as important to kill as him, and I think that's a bad thing, because I never really got to fight him much. If he summoned slower, or didn't buff, he might actually be harder, because you'd have less justification to kill him with your most powerful tools. On the other hand, the pain elemental is much too weak. While I love his design, I don't think one ever killed me, and they go down pretty fast. They were kind of disappointing.
It also felt like they were missing makyr enemies. There were larger makyrs in cutscenes and statues that you never fought, which is kind of dumb. I wonder if they just ran out of time for them.
The other issue I had was that the plot and characters were far worse than 2016. It was a nice kind of character building when hayden would tell the doomguy to not break stuff, and he'd just smash it anyway, and hayden would be mad. The only thing that was similar was the shooting mars thing, but it wasn't the same with hayden just turned into your ship, and no longer doing his own thing.

Ur mom.

Some things were funny, like the scientists in the ARC level, the guards in the bfg-10000 level, but otherwise the attempts at humor were very bland. The hologram woman was kind of funny at first, but was always too blatant. 2016 had much funnier holograms, with lines like "Unlike everything else in your life, your work here matters", and "God rested on the seventh day. But imagine how much further along we would be if he hadn't? The UAC is committed to excellence, that's why we implemented the seven day work week. Now you can achieve greatness alongside your coworkers every day. Let's never stop achieving". It was subtler, and felt a lot more like real employee propaganda stuff, than the eternal hologram woman, who must have made the same "mortally challenged" joke at least 3 or 4 times.
I felt that in general the plot was very messy, and had no real direction. It just seemed like contrivances to go from level to level, which is fine, but I really missed olivia pierce as the villain from 2016. Eternal never had the cool sorts of moments where you'd finally get to the lazarus facility and see recordings of scientists doing human sacrifices, and see the kind of horrific experiments they were doing to try to weaponize demons. Eternal kind of just went all out from the beginning, there was really nothing interesting to think about like that.
All in all I loved eternal, and will certainly keep playing more even though I'm done the campaign, but it really just felt like a bunch of levels that weren't really connected by anything other than contrived plot, which was disappointing after 2016's (relatively) tight story, and better written characters. I hope the dlc is more than just a few new maps, because there's so much more that could be done with it.
Also I have no idea what they were thinking with the battle pass. Unless they put out a fuller online mode, I can't imagine anyone will still be playing the game in a month, which is kind of disappointing.

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>pain elemental is much too weak

they are one of the most bullet sponge enemies in the game what are you on about

thats not Crash

but they don't do anything. Cacos are much more dangerous to leave alive, which I think is backwards

Ultra nightmare 1080p on GTX 1080/4770k
Ran 120 FPS most of the time

the plot is tying everything together from previous DOOM games and 2016

DLC will explain the story more I think, hopefully we get at least one that is after the events of Eternal, but for sure there will be one between 2016 and Eternal where DOOM guy gets the coin thing to kill the first hellpriest


GTX 1060
Ryzen 5 2600

Ultra settings, 1080p, literally never dipped below 60. Probably the most well optimized game I've ever played

>bullet sponge
>two ballista shots

its at least 4


me on the bottom

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So here's a question. Since they're pretty obviously going to bring the "Dark Lord" as a villain in the next game or one of the DLCs, what sort of visual design do you want them to go with for him? They could go for the classic Baphomet goat-man look but I don't think they'll do that after the Icon of Sin.

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Just got the BFG. The game is no longer a challenge, not because of the BFG, but because I know have too much HP an amour. Should I switch to nightmare?

Poor imp

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Ultra with a rtx 2060

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I think they should do something weirder with him. Make him look like a normal human, or make him invisible and formless, or make him an AI

Pain elemental is the best demon

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