Thoughts on DoA?

Thoughts on DoA?

Attached: Misaki Tiara.png (1920x1080, 3.76M)

>tfw only 1 more day left to try my luck at pulling this suit

I want to have sex with that 13-year-old blonde one.

I like the porn webms

I love Leifang
I love Marie
I love Oni
I love Nyu

They didn't include Tina in Xtreme 3 or Venus Vacation so I'm caring less and less for the series as time goes on.

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KT needs to add more content to VV and 6. Hitomi best girl.

Is there any reason they don't just make outright porn?

I had fun with 6 when it came out, trying to relive some of my nostalgia for playing 3 as a kid - but it died pretty quick on PC.

I waifumain Tina and Hitomi in mainline games

Dead on Arrival, at least for the 6th installment. KT really fucked up the PR and release of the game. Little wonder the game is getting pumped and dumped by the publisher. A crying shame, actually. Having an alternative 3D fighter in the market outside of the Bamco wheelhouse helps to bring some outside ideas.

Women don't look like that

Built for rape

Because it doesn't sell as much, doofus

It's a rarity to see good taste in DoA threads these days, good on you.

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It doesn't help that Soul Calibur had it's return-to-form entry a couple months before, attracting the non-Tekken 3d crowd. This is of course occurring while Team Ninja got CORE VALUES'd

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[citation needed]

Needs official porn

Kind of went to shit after 3

It’s such a shitshow at this point.

I'm extremely lucky in this game. I have almost all girls except for Leifang and I don't even play it, just login and do free tickets or daily pulls. I'm still owner level 8.

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It is very satisfying to piledrive foreign thots with cornfed, Texan power.

>score over 3k points
>C Rank
I have no idea how this works...

Who on earth actually pays money for hardcore porn?

It’s way more profitable to fill up a “non-pornographic” product with loads of sexual imagery so that teens can buy it without feeling like their friends and family are judging them for being perverts.

6.5 million points in the current event. some niggas have like 30+ million. what the fuck.

DoA6 was intentionally designed to suck ass and bait retards into buying it, but they'll fix everything when DoA6 LR drops on PS5 and Series X.

Unequivocally based, keep doing you user. You're doing god's work out there.

Attached: rock you.webm (1280x720, 2.26M)

I see webms for this game fairly often here and I've never found one that has actual gameplay in it, just women being hot. I'd say that's pretty telling.

Based Tinaposter.

Because KT is retarded and make bullshit excuse "well Tina and others is not popular enough but have OC Donut Steel instead"

>fourth DOA thread today
>always using the same images
>totally not the same guy, bro!

Attached: Hitomi and Lei20.webm (1280x720, 2.68M)

>all girls except for Leifang
Bad taste.

Attached: Leifang sailor.png (1920x1080, 2.83M)

>t. Eric

When is Monica coming to Steam version?


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not another giant titty monster. when is that petite one with the horns getting in.

Just doing my part, always refreshing to see other Tina lovers.

>hold a backwards ass poll years ago that determines that roster which shouldn't have even been a thing
>only count Japanese votes anyways because the rest clearly don't matter
>make a gacha game that's almost just another Xtreme 3
>add in Lei-Fang to it and Xtreme 3
>never add in Christie, Tina, or Mila to said gacha game just keep making OCs
It's all so tiresome.

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>ywn piss in momijis asshole
It’s not fair bros

It's easily the stupidest fighting game series that people actually like.
Literally every other fighting game series has a more cohesive story.

I like tits, but i don't like the orientals, so I'm conflicted.

you know there is only a small handful of orients on the roster. a large majority of them look non-chinky.

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>never add in Christie, Tina, or Mila to said gacha game just keep making OCs
They're some of the best girls. I don't get it

the non-chinks look like chinks too... fucking asians.

When the fuck will the Japs ever stop having shit taste? Mila especially.

Bigoted trite made for scrotes.

Is there a Tifa outfit for Momiji?

I love Kasumi!

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>the nips hate Mila

Absolutely cringe

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God tier character design, bottom tier mechanics. They need to either make a real fighting game or just abandon all pretense and make ecchi games. I assume that's the direction the series is headed since their latest gacha game is far more popular than DoA6.

Worse still when you consider the fact they've been in the series longer than all of these OCs.

Never, Japan is eternally fated to have the worst taste.

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I'm pretty sure that's a Kokoro-only outfit in all the games, so you'd need to find or make a swap mod for it to get it on someone else.

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It keeping healthy.

>Worse still when you consider the fact they've been in the series longer than all of these OCs.

That really stings. Wasn't Christie one of the poster girls in like 4?

I just wanted to drop in and say that Tina is the best, nobody else can even ATTEMPT to come close to the goddess known as Tina.

Attached: Tina is best DOA.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

There are two kinds of people you filter in life:
Fans of Tina
Fans of Hitomi

reminder, before this thread gets deleted, that
luna is an autist
kasumi is a whore
honoka fuck dogs
helena is arouns 40 years old
sayori is a korean plastic surgery whore
and that marie is the best

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rent free

It should be illegal to be this hot

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What game to start on Yas Forums?

I love Luna!

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>all these tina-posters
I have never seen a doa thread with such great taste before

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That's it I'm filtering the word Tina

Don't know actually, I just remember Christie actually being bottom tier in DoA4 so if that's true it'd be worse too.

Absolutely based southern belle bros.

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