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Hostile Jesus

Good lord, how much of a loser do you have to be to unironically watch fedorafist?
Have some standards.

Angry Joe is retarded but Razorfist is cringe. Also not video games.

hey joe

Loco José

Is this shopped or is he actually that fat now?

>e-celeb vs. e-celeb

posting in epic thread

can't really pick who's more cringe inducing,razorfist or quarter pounder

Joe is worse than the tranny but not by much. Trannyfist is a pseudo intellectual that gets shit on everytime he's actually live and not writing with a thesaurus.

>that political debate with some faggot where he got utterly BTFO on every point and the guy destroying him wasn't even that smart

I managed a minute of this.
What the fuck is this shit, can Americans really stomach listening to this?

>Watch like 10 seconds

Then why are you making an autistic edrama video

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What's his name again?

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Mad Jad

Did he get to bang that slut?

Is she a mail order slav?

>the cringeaholic

The casual taco who started games on the 360 is less annoying than the pseudo-intellectual tryhard edgelord.

Normally I don't buy into the whole e-celeb shilling thing, but holy shit you're channel is awful and don't shill your garbage here.

I thought you guys were memeing about him gaining weight

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>listening to kind of faggot who tinks youshould go out and die for shekelburg
he's a ben cuckpiro with shittier taste in clothing

>Watch this one cringy e-celeb faggot winge about some other cringy e-celeb faggot
How about no.

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Christ, all Youtube ragebois are faggots, but this one has pretty impressive lung capacity

who are these fags and why is anyone watching them

i miss TotalBiscuit guys

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>He's a big guy

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you just know she takes the BBC behind his back

Hey its razorfag back to shill another thread, busy day huh?

Kill yourself.

>vague nondescript explanation of a supposed debate that happened somewhere with people I don't name where this person I don't like supposedly got BTFO'd
>citation: "Bro trust me, it happened"

lol who is that guy, edgelord spoony?

>all these autists claiming to be above razorfist
You had ne for a second there

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Razor used to be a decent channel but the 2016 election snapped his brain. Every video he's made since is him screeching about how much he hates SJWs

this only because Co-optional was the only gaming podcast worth a fuck

Dont care about this eceleb shit flinging, but Enraged Enrique does need to lose some weight though....

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seethe leftie

nowadays i fill the void with dropped frames but they're just do fucking reddit

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hungry jose


Razorfist and his best friend Asaleri spent years waging a two man army against Angry Joe and literally every other shitty internet reviewer because they wanted to be the popular shitty internet reviewers

2016 election fucked with the entire planet
weird shit. the entire year was devoted to get people to fight and sometimes kill each other

Holy fucking shit what the hell was that? Does this guy wear leather jackets, shades, and band tees to cover his nasally nerdy voice?

She actually does, check it out.

He's probably talking about the debate Raz0r had with Kyle Kulinski.

>...a Wii U system?
>Yes, it's business related, and i do still own it

white women were a mistake

This guys voice sounds autistic as hell lmao

Why do white women obsess over bbc so much guys? its like they can't keep their mind off it.
neither can i ;]

>Normally I don't buy into the whole e-celeb shilling thing, but I'm buying into the whole eceleb shilling thing

Literally children reeeeing

I cannot this fucker seriously, i cant.

you're fat


>edgy angry metalhead man who always wears aviators because he's so badass
It's not that hard to be above him.

AJ can lose weight easily but there's no workout routine that will ever cover Razorgimp's receding hairline

Pussy edgelord pseud hiding behind """character""""


Fat spic that only 8 yr old normalfaggots watch

It's okay the rest of Yas Forums can't stop obessing over bbc either.

I never get why people think this reply is clever. Did you completely flunk out of 7th grade English? There's a "normally" codifier right in front of it. That means that this is an abnormal exception.

>TB's doom 2016 first impression stream
>TB never got to play doom eternal
that shit hit me hard because my father loved doom 2016 and died before eternal, and he wanted another doom game quite a bit after beating 2016

thanks for reading my blog

Yes, that's literally what he said, that he doesn't normally do something but he's making an exception this time. You are so fucking clever for re-iterating what he just said, you bigbrain clever boy.

I like Angry Joe and Razorfist

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Yeah I hate Joe but this guy is 100% cuck, is there some reason to continue watching this maxed out faglord?

Remove the photoshop and 10 pounds of make up and every jap looks like some pig disgusting cave creature.

>Haha you are fat
>Repeat 100 times


You spelled human wrong

Damn, he got really fat.

I usually don't, but whenever I watch it for more than an hour, I can't stop speaking with a British accent all day. It's especially bad if I play Dragon Quest or something.

Seething chinkanese insect

>What's your blood type, alfredo?
Alright I actually chuckled at that

He murdered that bastard

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holy shit

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Funny, I actually just beat the shit out of Joe in a RE:Resistance match

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No faggot, nothing can save chinks.

why do spics always get a white gf if they get rich?

based razorfist


what about his ugly tranny face

spics are basically "safe black guys" to white women, she wants to piss her daddy off without getting beat to death


twitch dot tv/videos/585115290
The match starts at 02:37:10

mods please make /esoc/ already

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christ, i knew he got fat but i didn't realize it was THIS bad

No, what's clever is calling OP razorfist as if it actually were him for whatever reason. That's top notch intelligence tight there!
>for absolutely no reason at all, just this once, I'm believing a stupid meme theory that this youtuber actually cares enough to spam his vids here
Keep seething redditards

Wrong. A nuclear bomb can.


>thought it was a vid of him saying he had covid or something
>just useless non vidya drama

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>Angry Joe is just another irrational, intolerant, low-IQ, loony far-left imbecile

I've never dropped anything so hard and so completely.

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>not hideous cave apes

Well that part is true

You sound ultra-fucking mad over nothing dude. Did you change your diapie yet? You got a big stinky poo-poo in your diapie and now you're cranky hmmm?

? Did you think that your post was going to make me mad or something?

>Watching e celebrities enough to form an opinion on who you like
Fucking kek

how do you develop a stung by a bee type of face shape

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Blatantly not true. Why do you lie, roastie?

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Oh are you homeless? Confirmed nigger?

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no, that's you, whiteboi

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Gotta say based

hey peter

Discontent Diego

You're posting 3DPD, keep your shitty attempts to insult to a minimum simp.


Fuck you hater, he's just becoming a real american. Already got his green card and now he's working on the physique

>your chin has more sequels than Star Wars

How do I learn to roast people like this?

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