We will change one of the words from a title game to “faggot”. Example: “Dead Rising” to “Dead Faggot”

We will change one of the words from a title game to “faggot”. Example: “Dead Rising” to “Dead Faggot”

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OP 2

Highly Responsive to Faggots
Story of Faggot Wonderland
Phantasmagoria of Dim Faggot
Faggot Land Story
Mystic Faggot
Embodiment of Scarlet Faggot
Perfect Cherry Faggot
Immaterial and Missing Faggot
Imperishable Faggot
Phantasmagoria of Faggot View
Shoot the Faggot
Mountain of Faggot
Scarlet Faggot Rhapsody
Subterranean Faggot
Undefined Fantastic Faggot
Chase the Enigma of the Gargantuan Faggot
Double Faggot
Faggot Wars
Ten Faggots
Hopeless Faggots
Double Dealing Faggot
Impossible Faggot Card
Gold Faggot
Urban Faggot in Limbo
Legacy of Faggot Kingdom
Antimony of Common Faggots
Hidden Faggot in Four Seasons
Faggot Detector
Wily Beast and Weakest Faggot
Strange Tale of Avarice ~ Submerged Faggot of Sunken Sorrow

Lisa The Faggot

Faggot: The Game

That was the alternative title of TLOU2

Faggot May Cry

Sekiro; Faggots Die Twice
Faggot Fortress 2
SCP: Secret Faggot

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Alone in the faggot


>Chase the Enigma of the Gargantuan Faggot
Yas Forums in a nutshell

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FAGGOT (2016)

Professor Layton and the Diabolical Faggot

Faggot vs Predator

Faggot Souls
Clash of Faggots
Crash Faggotcoot 2

Mega Faggot X

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Faggot Fighter

Space Faggot 13

>Double Faggot
>Faggot Wars
>Ten Faggots
>Hopeless Faggots
>Double Dealing Faggot
>Impossible Faggot Card
The Yas Forums(nel) starter kit

Final Faggot
Faggot Kombat

Vampire Faggot
Faggot Hunter: Darkstalkers' Revenge/Night Faggots
Faggot Savior

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Faggot Baits

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>Strange Tale of Avarice ~ Submerged Faggot of Sunken Sorrow

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Faggot: Door to Phantomile
Faggot 2: Lunatea's Veil

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>not Mortal Faggot

Black Faggot
The Faggot Scrolls
Divinity - Original Faggot

Dark Faggot: Prepare to Die Edition

Faggot's Creed

Gone Home

Faggot Eternal


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Is Maggot Baits actually any good? I like the art but I'm doubting the purported edginess.

Faggot Bound
Faggot Evil
Red Dead Faggot
Risk of Faggot
Final Faggot
Ori and the Blind Faggot
Faggot Hunter
Faggot World
Ghost of a Faggot
Lost Faggot 2
Faggot Online
The Faggot Parable
Faggot Planet
Faggot Row 2
Seeping Faggot
Mass Faggot
Faggot Story
F.A.G.G.O.T. 3

Silent Faggot
Silent Faggot 2
Silent Faggot 3
Silent Hill 4: The Faggot
Silent Faggot: Homecoming
Silent Hill: Shattered Faggots
Silent Hill: Book of Faggots
P.F. (Playable Faggot)

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You guys are trying too hard.

Metal Faggot Rising

Faggot Gear Rising

Metal Gear Faggot


harvest moon a tale of two faggots

Final Faggot
Street of faggots 2
Violent faggot

Faggot is (you)

No more Faggots

Grand Theft Faggot
Spyro 2: Faggot’s Rage
Crash Bandicoot 3: FAGGED
Warcraft 3: The Frozen Faggot

Parappa the Faggot
Um Jammer Faggot

Left for faggot

I want to be the faggot gaiden

Dishonored: Death of the Faggot
Saints Row: Faggot out of Hell
The Mystery of the Faggots
Faggot's Edge
Thief: The Dark Faggot
Faggot Star Online
Faggot Returns Final Fantasy XIII

Faggot Eternal

The Witcher 3: The Faggot Hunt

This quarantine makes me wish I had friends.


>I'm doubting the purported edginess.
playing through it at the moment. I'm enjoying it but the torture scenes tend to kill the pacing since you have to slowly watch people being burned, shot, raped and dismembered before you get back to the plot.

Voices are great though, they do a convincing job of imparting that the girls are being butchered alive.

Ace Attorney: Justice for Faggots

Super faggot 64

The quarantine makes me wish Yas Forums was funny.

Faggot Core
Injustice: Faggots Among Us
Batman Arkham Faggot

Well Yas Forums?

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Marvel's Faggot-Man
Faggot Isolation
Star Wars: Battlefaggot

enter the faggot
the world ends with faggots
demon faggots

Age of Faggots II : Definitive Edition