>tfw you live long enough to see your favourite franchise die
Tfw you live long enough to see your favourite franchise die
I'd love to see my franchise die instead of seeing its barely alive corpse being dragged around
t. Fallout fan
I remember thinking I would have loved an ff7 remake. Back in 2003.
I've already witnessed FFXIII and FFXV. At this point they're just pumping bullets into a decaying corpse.
For me, it's Persona.
What's most painful is that they will drag it through the dirt for 3 or 4 more games before people finally wisen up. And that's not including all the cash grab spin offs they'll make.
>Internet barley a thing
>Halo: Combat Evolved online was simple and came with cable
>Fast forward to now
I feel the same way. I thought 4 was just a test into new territories and that they'll patch up it's faults in Persona 5. But instead they doubled down on everything that made 4 bad and created that dumpster fire. And like you said, 5 gained piles of new fans into the series that don't have a clue and are mostly underage. They'll eventually go through exactly what we are experiencing right now but it could be years until then.
just let it die at this point.isnt the director an eratard who even got banned there?
>I'd love to see my franchise die instead of seeing its barely alive corpse being dragged around
thats really what it is, isnt it
fallout is in a weekend at bernie's situation with bethesda right now
it was a mass killing for me, all of ridge racer, burnout (bar a remake of a 10+ year old game) and midnight club died
t. super Poké-autist.
Not quite yet, most of my favorite franchises are still roaming around aimlessly. Begging for death but never receiving it.
There's a shitload worse different kinds of hypocrisy behind the transition to Halo's online system then and now that sorta goes a bit further than video games chap.
But I do miss some simplistic online Halo in Blood Gultch.
Sniper rifles only.
Banshees on.
That's all you need.
Pokemon when?
all i feel is rage
Doesn't that mean the franchise is already dead tho? After FO2 the franchise died, then another company took the corpse and started flailing it around.
New Vegas was a valiant and almost good effort of necromancy at least.
Bro that's like amputated foot to mario
its a separate series pretty much, I dont give a shit about new super mario bros 47
>Road Rash
Eh, not really. It just kind of fizzled out. It sucks to not have a new one with online gangs, races, customizing and being able to bust other players as cops, but at least the series didn’t completely shit itself like Mortal Kombat or Twisted Metal (my other two favorites).
Series like that are more properly classified as undead.
Dead but not allowed to truly die.
Shit forgot pic related
Yeah, I can see that.
>tfw you live long enough to see your favorite series get revived
If only we had known just how bad it would get...
halo as a game is dead.its nothing more than a copy of recent trends in gameplay,artstyle and story.the art style change is actually a hint at a deeper problem which is their failure to understand what made the older titles fun.this is why the new the designs are bloated with details and why their games copy features of other games when nobody asked for it.it doesnt matter how much shit you stick on a house with a shitty foundation.
This thank god ubisoft forgot prince of persia ( the cell shading was good the art style is beutifull)
partially, in some ways just dying allows the community to carry on the game by supporting the final version through organizing stuff around it or producing mods and fan content, while a butchered new version can sort of destroy the scene/community. For example this happens in fighting games a lot, the scene is perfectly healthy despite no new version in recent years but a new game that doesn't meet expectations can fuck things up a lot. UMvC3 was super popular, but despite being an ok game with good netcode the terrible presentation, marketing, roster, etc. of MvCI set the scene back years and years. Now communities for 2, 3, and infinite are all starting to build up again, but compared to the height of its popularity it's still nothing.
>sqenix want to necro'd parasite eve again
lol fucking kill me
>you lived long enough for one of your favorite franchises to come back from the dead
God I love Rune Factory
Happened to me with Metal Gear
it hurts bros
>It just resident evil 4 but ff 13 gameplay
The only think im afraid is for vagrant story
What's the point of Rune Factory? Literally just play Harvest Moon or Stardew Valley
I remain skeptically optimistic. He’s killed the series twice now and started from scratch. If he even gets to where he was previously it would be a milestone
>favorite franchise is long death
> idiots want a revival
Why not?
>want darkstalkers to get a new game more than anything for years
>Resurrection happens
>capcom completely fucks it up in more ways than one and gives up on it
>still want a new game deep down but gave up any hope of it happening, much less being good
This is fine. Everything is fine.
You mature and realize your franchise was never really good in the first place
Welcome to the club, been a victim of it numerous times.
Not him but hes just a big weeb that game is just comfynes dont pretend to be more than that
I prefer my favourite franchise being dead instead of infected like pic related or denigrated like Fallout. I still have nightmares about the old rumors of Bethesda buying the STALKER IP.
>tfw Thief, Castlevania and Custom Robo are all dead.
It hurts so much bros. They turned him into a prostitute for the shitty C-grade nu-Ghost Recon games.
Remember the first Deus Ex? Now take a look at the following entries.
>tfw you've lived long enough to see your favourite franchise get better and better games, only to have the rights fumbled by fucking activision and one of the best studios for it gutted and absorbed into the COD-making mass
Please no
Dude is better dead
Darkstalkers was the experiment for sf alpha mechanics and capcom knew that from the start they never expect does crazy characters will gaing popularity
What game? buddy
you have Indivisible bro
Feels like they've blighted it with how they treat my hedgehog. Honorable mention going to Dishonored as well.
dont even joke about that bro...
Maybe VTM? I mean, it was just two games as far as I'm aware, and the second was much better, AND the downfall of Troika can be atributed to Activision...
But I think I'm wrong.
I still like the new Deus Ex games but Sqeenix can go fuck themselves
Okay but more importantly, what did Shoujo die of?
It's in the picture buddy, Transformers.
Started off with jank as shit NES games, some neat but weird PS2 games eventually, and then some fucking stellar ps3/360 games in WFC and FOC from High Moon Studios, and then the raw kinography that is Devastation from Platinum Games.
Then activision just ripped them all off any storefronts and dropped the license.
Dead Rising 1 was the only reason I got a 360, DR4 was a real kick to the nuts.
Pfff, the new games feel like Fallout 3 and 4 applied to Deus Ex, with Invisible War being the equivalent of Tactis and/or BoS.
Besides, wasn't Eidos the main developer?
It's not dead, but it'll take a miracle for the sequel to come out.
>tfw you live long enough to die
Oh man, I didn't think about that. WFC and FOC were indeed some very solid entries. Well, at the very least Transformers will still make decent shows from time to time.
I feel you bro I play vtmb like 7 years ago and how good it was more impresed that game came out in 2003 (I was busy playing silkroad and gunz at the time so missed that)
>Turn Dead Space 3 into action-horror rather than horror before its demise
People who cry about their childhood being murdered is the most cringe shit.
>tfw you live long enough to see your favorite franchise die
>tfw you live long enough to see it come back again
Yeah, cyberverse was pretty kiddy but fairly cool, went hard in the last season. First season RID was super kiddy too but fun as hell. That netflix show looks kinda cool, but could go either way because fucking Rooster Teeth is involved apparently. And the Machinima series is best fucking forgotten about.
there hasn't been a REALLY really good TF series since Animated in 07, Prime was okay and all but kinda all over the place and poorly paced. The Bumblebee movie fucking ROCKED though, best shit to come out of the franchise in a straight decade.
Aside from the current toyline of Siege/Earthrise, look at these sexy Optimus offerings man. Fuckin' golden age to be collecting in.
You know the best thing about these kind of threads? It's the only time Yas Forums users will get along, even if it's in mourning.
Good characters and gameplay don't deserve to rot like Darkstalkers and damn near every other Capcom fighter besides SF has. I don't see how it's a prototype, it definitely influenced Alpha though.
>every single thing about DS3
Doesn't help that Visceral was strongarmed into most of the retarded bullshit either, if I remember correctly. MOONS
I would much rather my favorite series died than what it is now, mangled beyond all recognition to appeal to lowest common denominators
I'd kill a puppy and eat a basket of kittens to make it happen bros.
>During the interview, Omega pointed out how Kitase was a producer for the PSP game The 3rd Birthday, which launched all the way back in 2010 as a PSP exclusive. Omega asked Kitase if he would like to see more Parasite Eve games in the future, to which Kitasei responded, "The characters are very deep and rich, especially Aya Brea. I don't know of any plans right now, but it would be a waste to not use those characters."
Not big fan of transformers ( I really like beast machine and the sequel) buy only remmenber playing the movie game and it was hard as balls decepticon campaing
not all of them
not yet
>tfw the whole genera is dead
Here's some insider info for you, courtesy of me being able to literally go MUH FRIEND WHO WORK AT HASBRO, Beast Wars is getting some big focus in the next line after Earthrise, keep an eye out for that probably next year