What are some comfy switch games you guys are playing?

Only have 2 switch games and want to expand my collection with some worthwhile games. What recommendable switch vidya has Yas Forums been playing during their quarantining?

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try breath of the wild if you haven't, it was the 2017 GOTY for a reason

So is this getting a whole animated movie's worth of episodes?

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Xenoblade 2 is unironically kino

Is it? I've been considering buying it for a while but when I look at gameplay I see a lot of cringy cutscenes and oversaturated battle UI/skill trees. Do those things not detract from the gameplay experience as much as I'd think?

rune factory 4s
not that guy but xenoblade 2 is probably my favorite switch game, it's very polarizing but it's worth it

I played Ryza, working on Luigi's Mansion, grinding dungeons in Omega Labyrinth is aight.

Sometimes Salmon Run is comfy.

It has some cringy cutscenes but all the worst offenders are side content. Overall its a wonderful game & one of my favs in the Xeno-series.

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why does Yas Forums still hate TMS? STILL assblasted? C'mon, if there's anything the Switch is lacking in it's been JRPGs and TMS is above average.

In my opinion there's only like a few "cringe" cutscenes in the entire 60 hour main story, and I'm not even someone who watches anime. The story starts out a little bit silly and it might take you a while to get into it, but it's always engaging and by the halfway point or so you'll be absolutely hooked.

As for the gameplay, on the combat side, I wouldn't call it oversaturated, but there are a lot of different steps to building your party, and because of that, many different ways to do so. I think the main way the game fails in combat is just the way it explains it. It shows you a lot of information in a tutorial and there's no way to view them again in game, so a lot of players miss stuff. Overall the combat is very deep, in a good way.

The other main aspect of gameplay, the exploration, is also great. Monolithsoft's best quality as a developer is the way they design and create environments. They're full of secrets and quests and all sorts of things to do.

I'd really recommend this game, as well as the rest of the Xenoblade series

the soundtrack is also absolutely insane btw

>link's awakening above BOTW
>pokemon sword and shield on two separate tiers besides being essentially the same game
who the hell decided the placements in this """official""" list?

Oh right the soundtrack, idk how I could forget it. I listen to it all the time even now 2 years or so after I've beat the game.

Look at all that first party, lol. I would actually love to try out Splatoon because I like methodical team-based games but there's no way I'm buying a console just to do that. Even though my 360 was a Halo 3 machine but that's because I knew I would get years of mileage out of that game alone. Why is TWEWY in low btw? It seems like they really went all out in fixing the mistakes from the mobile version no?

There are hundreds of great games on the Switch. What do you have and what do you like? The only thing I'd suggest if you have lots of time and barely any games is avoid Smash and Animal Crossing. I bought both of those on a whim because of the hype and they're probably my biggest regrets.

Splatoon 2's meta is dogshit, the english speaking community is full of TWANZWRITS, and almost every match has a DC, it too late.

I currently have Pokemon Sword and Smash, but I'm looking for a type of game that I can spend tens if not hundreds of hours in without getting too bored. RPGs usually fit that criteria for me, but I'm open to other genres as well. Got tons of time to kill now that I'm out of work and don't have classes.

DQXIS or BotW.

Pic is clearly bait.
>Link's awakening over BotW
>Pokemon sword a tier over shield when they're the same game
>Let's go eevee over Let's go pikachu when they're the same game
>Animal crossing low tier

there's a Bravely Default 2 demo out, try that. for full games that fit that criteria
>Breath of the Wild
>New Horizons
>Mario Maker 2
>Three Houses

All the Xeno games are.

I hope so they are starting to get me interested in their game, i wish arms have had something like that the free trial is almost over and i can tell the characters are great but they never really explored their normal lifes or motivations in game

BOTW is some good comfy fun, although there's not a lot of traditional replay value imo

Luigi's mansion I just got, comfy platformer thats fairly simple but fun and has a multiplayer component

ACNH is probably the maximum comf switch-wise atm

animal crossing isn't as good as the higher tiered games to be fair

Currently playing the ace attorney trilogy and ffxii. However, I am taking a break from ffxii to finally beat ffx on pc. Also should i get rune factory 4 or animal crossing.

Playing yomawari, a very comfy survival horror.

Animal Crossing goes at real time and eventually settles into a daily thirty minutes to an hour of checking up on your town then moving on to something else. RF4 is more of a traditional ARPG where literally everything can be grinded up and RNG can fuck you out of progressing on occasion. If you're looking for comfy short daily routines then AC, but RF4 would offer you a lot of grinding content right off the bat.

I hope it gets some meaty updates. I miss Desert Island Escape.

rune factory for sure

Should I? Just bought Arland trilogy a week ago so these 3 are gonna be in backlog for long ass time.

But the price though, THREE game for 55 buck.

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I might just get runefactory after exams, I feel like with animal crossing my adhd would get me bored after a week of playing due to timegating of content.

Where the fuck can you even buy a Switch these days?

You could find one easily on ebay or craigslist

animal crossing. AVOID doom 2016, it's blurry and runs like shit on switch.


You can sink a shit ton of time into Animal Crossing

>He didn't buy it in the first year and got a hackable one
Oh no no no

If you like action RPG type games with lots of dungeons and quests and easy "go here" markers then try Cat Quest 2. It's co-op (you control both characters in single player) and you can switch between ranged weapons (magician) and swords/axes and you pay money to upgrade the armour and weapons instead of having skill points. So if you want to be an ice mage for one dungeon then put on the appropriate armour and weapon.

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They'll go on sale again, but probably not for 3-6 months. It depends on how soon you think you'll get to them.

You gotta get off of Yas Forums more often, user. Everyone here is shitposting all the time. Even I might be shitposting right now. But Xenoblade 2 is still one of the best games on the Switch.

XC2 deserves to be right next to Torna. Anyone pretending like they're not both amazing is retarded.

Why do you regret it

>FE3H, BotW, Mario+Rabbids, Xenoblade 2
>All on the same level as NSMBUD
Yeah, I'm thinking it's bait.

I heard the new cooking mama's good

Divinity 2 if you like crpgs. Also, Civ 6 is like $15 new nowadays.

Not sure how often it goes on sale but Romancing Saga 3 is a pretty fun JRPG to sink your time into if you like classic turn based games. The great thing is you don't have random battles and you can save at any point outside of battles. It's also very open world like so you can run around exploring and talking to people to open up new areas.

Stardew Valley

>Also, Civ 6 is like $15 new nowadays
$15 is steep for fucking trash, user.

is celeste worth buying?

>finally get job a month ago
>get caught up on all denbts
>all switch consoles now sold out or ludicrously over priced
The struggle continues

i got astral chain for my birthday a few days ago and i really like it, i just finished file 4 earlier

Just some Switch games that I've been enjoying recently, some are ports, some are indie games, it's just what I enjoy playing:

Animal Crossing New Horizon
Fight'n Rage
Dragon's Dogma
Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Scarlet

Other games you should get that I've not been playing recently:
Breath of the Wild
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
Hyrule Warriors
Mario Kart 8
Mario Odyssey
Smash Bros. Ultimate
Splatoon 2 (if you never played the first one)
Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Also don't ignore eShop sales. This site is a better way to browse them (and to browse the eShop in general) than trying to do it through the Switch: dekudeals.com/hottest?filter[format]=digital&filter[store]=eshop&sort=most_wanted

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Remember to walk the fine line of game balance. This is what I have so far. Given there might be some overlap categories but that's how I'd first describe them.

>Mindless Fun
Animal Crossing
Mario Kart

>Meaty Timesink
Monster Hunter

>Good Story
Hollow Knight
Ni No Kuni

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Shinsekai into the depths. Just beat It today, quite a journey.
Quite short, in my opinion.
Dat ending tho

What's so bad about Dragon marked for death? The trailer looked alright

i preferred torna to the base game cause of the tighter story, changes to the combat system, quick switching between characters, and no shoehorned happy everyone survives ending
but i think it's a moot point since you've really got to play both

you mean
>shit battery one

why would you not just declare bankruptcy
or just stop paying your debts
this is the post-corona world, no one's going to show up at your door unless there's a body
maybe not even then
you can do anything you want nowadays