Research shows what average gamer will look like in 20 years

Research shows what average gamer will look like in 20 years

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>t. some assmad propagandafag mad that her boyfriend pays more attention to video games than her

Looks like he’s been doing a lot of thinking lately


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quality journalism

look at that MASSIVE brain holder

>Researchers of
Still funny


>some gambling website renders some idiotic grotesque image and calls it 'research'
>every news source and faggot poster shares this everywhere giving them free advertising

mission accomplished

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You don't fucking evolve in 20 years, this is bullshit.

weird because that looks like me right now.
time travel??

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Why are gamers so persecuted bros???

literally me

Scary how we look more and more like the little gray men. Were we the aliens all along?

>Research shows what average wagie will look like in 20 years

Think about it....if be gets as good as it should in 20 years...I'm thinking that really is what most gamers could look like ,especially if it's not regulated right


> muh regulation
Statist cock sucker.

I've always had a slight dent in my skull though

>a nail disorder caused by repetitive trauma such as tapping fingernails on a keyboard or controller
Literally no one does this

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Too much genius has already been wasted on the simplest, most bullshit vidya you can imagine, and when something writers have been warning us about for decades finally rears itself in the real you put up the paper thin defense of it?
Okay shill.

Craniumlet cope

slot machines are basically games with micro-transactions

I bet youd suck some horseshit off a boot heel if you thought it would make you 0.01% safer, huh?

The dimensional merge is happening

and what about smartphones

>0.02 Mickeycoins have been deposited into your account.

>He has early onset gamer skull

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It's literally okay to treat a man like shit if women decide they're not worthy of breeding.


literally everyone that wears a headset does. it goes away after a few days of not wearing one.

Call me when everyone has flying cars and we've colonized our entire solar system like they said we would have done by now back in the 60s.

if this was real musicians would have it too

>letting women decide things for you
nice move beta male


this. The sooner you learn this lesson the better. Women'll put the cut on you and when that blood's in the water you're finished.


how the fuck does a casino have researchers? who authorized this research?

Gonna give you all a Protip, place your monitor ABOVE EYE LEVEL. You must be looking up not down or eye level.

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Casinos utilize psychologists and sociologists to make them as addictive as possible

>The visualisation shows that Michael has pale and pasty skin from years of being in artificial light and the result of lack of Vitamin D and B-12. He has stress-related eczema across his legs and arms and a permanently bent back from poor posture. Michael has painful bloodshot eyes due to extended periods of time staring at a screen. The model also has an indent in his skull due to consistent, light pressure of wearing a gaming headset.

>Unsurprisingly, years of gaming have had a detrimental effect on Michael’s hands. The model suffers from Onycholysis - a nail disorder caused by repetitive trauma such as tapping fingernails on a keyboard or controller causes the fingernail to loosen from its nail bed. Meanwhile, Michael has built up ulcers and calluses on his fingers due to the repetitive strain injury of using controller.

>Finally, Michael has developed a hunchback and rounded shoulders. A condition that slowly develops over time, a hyperextended neck, rounded shoulders and hunchback will start as a dull pain occasionally and work its way from your neck to your hands and back as the strains slowly create a bend in the neck which creates the hunchback. This is caused by elongated periods of time sitting in uncomfortable positions without stretching or counteracting with regular exercise.

>How to avoid looking like Michael
>Exercise - Making sure you take time to get up, stretch and exercise
>Evenly light the room - Avoid glare from your screen by evenly lighting the room
>Follow a healthy Diet - Following a healthy diet will help to support your in-game performance by improving decision making, concentration and energy levels
>Sit properly and regularly stretch - This will help with short term aches and pains, and will protect you from the future gamer hunchback and rounded shoulders
>Stay hydrated - Try to avoid fizzy drinks, and drink lots of water

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>casinos profits are being cut into by videogames so they're funding research to get people to stop

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if anything the average gamer will be more attractive and more female

Tfw named michael

Do headphones really mess up your skull like this

no. The fact you even had to ask is sad, actually

What's even the point of this, and what are they basing their model on?

There's been video games for over 50 years now. We don't need a model to tell us what people would look like, we could just look at your average 20 year old today.

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>looking up
enjoy your stiff neck

fake and gay, missing the striped socks and panties

gotta find new ways to get people addicted to gambling

i never will though, gambling is unironically a waste of fucking money if there's a way to exploit a gambling system in a game i always do it just to get the rewards as quickly as possible so i can continue playing the game

Same here.

what i don't understand is that gambling isn't fun. at least a videogame as some manner of engagement.

Eh low stakes poker and shit like that can be super fun with friends. Casinos are bullshit though.

depends on how you're doing it. casinos where you're just throwing money down a hole aren't fun.
but when its something like saving your money for a deck of cards and opening to see what you got, that shits fun. because you're getting hyped up on hope that you get something good.
and then you keep doing it.

not if I replace my adderall with steroids

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>does a

>take roids
>still waify

I'm living in the future.

Technically speaking it could, depending on how its done.
If you're doing it from a young age improperly, and strapping it down harder than it should be, it could indent your skull.
strapping it down being something more like you have illfitted headphones, so you have them stretched wider than they should be and its pushing down on your head.
I'd imagine it gives a bald spot before it indents your skull, but it should be possible.

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How do gamers in 20 years go from this[pic related].....
to this ??!!!!!

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I look like this now though