Tfw you watch Alucard get ruined

>tfw you watch Alucard get ruined
>tfw you watch Star Wars get ruined
>tfw you watch Warcraft 3 get ruined
>tfw you watch CnC get ruined
>tfw you watch MGS get ruined
>tfw you watch Halo get ruined
>tfw you watch Half Life get ruined
>tfw you witness FF7 get raped in front of your eyes
Why are we still here?
Just to suffer?

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Watching Aeris literally rape Cloud has hurt me.

Honestly I've gotten through the complete degradation of my childhood franchises by getting into new series and using tabletops to 'fix' what I hate about the old ones. Currently running two Edge of the Empire campaigns, one in the star Wars setting and a (currently in testing) mass effect adaptation of the system

Starcraft got raped too. I honestly can't think of a single franchise I used to love that's still intact.

It sounds like you watch thequartering

except alyx is great and hl3vr is going to be amazing

What's Alucard and CnC?
Also Half Life is fine I think.

I agree though, shit sucks. To add to your list.

>The Witcher
>Full Metal panic

Unlike zoomers, older folk with opinions of their own don't need to parrot some e celeb twat

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You just parroted a Yas Forums buzzword

What happened to fill metal panic?

Also do the two main characters ever canonically have sex?

DMC got saved you dipshit

Give me a quick rundown on the ff7 remake. Why is everybody reeeing about it?

Cnc is Command and Conquer a RTS franchise made by Westwood who basically invented the genre
EA ruined it with CnC4 then again with the cancellation of Generals 2 and again with the mobile game
Alucard is the protag on Castlevania SoTn
Castlevania series ruined him

hypocrisy doesn't negate the accusation

Maybe if you weren't a nostalgiafag clinging to your childhood you could enjoy new games instead of praying a cash grab with popular IP title would be good

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>>tfw you watch Half Life get ruined
how so?
people that played the game say alyx is a pretty good HL game

Tortanic fags. Nobody but Yas Forums is having an anal prolapse.

most people think its really good desu

>DMC is saved
Based timeline

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The game isn't a 1:1 recreation and has a plot that involves Sephiroth gaining knowledge of the future and changing the game's script. The party also kills some time police ghosts or some shit so that they can change the plot of the game without being railroaded into just doing the plot of VII.

Also Zack is alive or some shit.

you're on Yas Forums

At least pizza will never be ruined.

they didnt remake the entire game like they said they werent going to do now people are mad that they didnt do the thing they said they werent going to do

This is what happens when you watch webms and try to talk about a game's story.

People actually believed that Squareenix wouldn't fuck it up and then at the last minute realized that they indeed fucked it up. I think they're more angry at themselves than anything.

>Give me a quick rundown on the ff7 remake.
You already know but you are calling the shitposters to shitpost

Fuck outta here autistic shill cucks.

Peak contrarian.

It makes me wonder, if we were to replace the entire game industry with republicans, would it become better?

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feels good to be a DMChad

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Man this fucking blows
I've been looking forwards to this for so long, I figured "oh sure, they'll pad things out, maybe add a few characters"
But this? Fuck you sqeenix, fuuuuuckkk yooouuuuu

Bro, I know that they have same fringe-like-thing, but that ain't no motherfucking Aerith that you saw.

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The long awaited new season was awful.

DmC 1 and 2 are fucking trash and the modern tranny filled fanbase cope is top level cringe.

That's what I thought but you should have said C&C.

We wouldn't have to talk about the story at all if they just used the original's story, instead they fucked with it hard and here we are

We are talking about DMCV you retard

You'd be bitching about something else, like tortanic fags do.

yes DmC is shit
then DMCV saved the franchise

feels good man

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The developers of the 90's and early 00's were basically ultraconservatives by today's standards. Trannies have pulled the overton window so far to the left that John Carmack looks like a nazi white supremacist KKK grand wizard.

It's more of a sequel to Advent Children than a remake, in the early parts and then absolutely when Sephiroth(time traveller edition) returns and messed up the timeline completely.

And just in general the game is generic gameplay wise, borrowing heavily from the terrible FFXV style of side quests and NPC design.

You'll see some very good fan coverage after the game comes out, so for now ignore the shills saying we're just whining. It's a perfect example of a company taking a dump on the fanbase, and since it's not even a remake first time players won't know what the fuck is going on. It's just dumb.

thankfully this is a problem that solves itself

>Mirrors Edge Catalyst
>Wolfenstein 2
>Wolfenstein young lesbians
>Mafia 3
>Watch Dogs 2
>Mass Effect Andromeda
>Revolution 60
>Depression quest
>Life is strange 2
>Pillars of Eternity 2
>Dishonored 2: Death of the Outsider
>Where The Water Tastes Like Wine
>River City Girls
>Drawn to Death
>Agents of Mayhem
>Bless Online
>Hyper Universe
>Telltale Games- the whole company


>Borderlands 3

Tekken 7
Soul Calibur 6
Kingdom come deliverance
Postal 2
Tomodachi Life.
Days Gone
Postal 4 No regerts
Doom Ethernal

>possible candidate : Fire Emblem Fates JAPANESE VERSION
>possible candidate Animal crossing new horizons jap version
>Far cry 5 ??? "needs confirmation"
>honorable mention : heartbeat

also should i add bannerlord in the anti sjw list?

If you are seriously defending cutting up FF7 into "episodes", you need to immediately throw yourself into oncoming traffic.

DMC5 is also known as DmC2

The rest of the episodes will be more new than remake.

There's a lot to explain so I'll summarize the important detail
Basically the director of FF7R Noruma who didnt direct the OG FF7 completely change the story of the original game despite advertising it as a faithful remake.
And these are simple additions, they are major changes that were never part of the story to begin with.
The game feels like a cringy Kingdom Hearts game than an FF7 game

For a long time FF7 fans were hoping for us and the world to see the real Cloud Strife as well the real story of FF7 again.
Its because the FF7 compilation(made by Nomura) often missed represent Cloud and the story of FF7 which pissed most of us off.

We were promised a faithful remake and they advertise that as well. Everyone was excited how they are going to rexperience FF7 with modern graphic,better gameplay,VA, expanded content, and new music.
And so we are here.

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i fail to see why

is a sequel to DMC4 not DmC
and is actualy good
it hs nothing to do with DmC

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So the time ghosts want to fix the timeline to make the remake just like the old games right?

Why arent the timeghosts trying to give tifa bigger tits?
i think i found a plothole

For every 10 SJWbucks chasing game there is 1 game that breaks that breaks sales records and champions the ideals of marx and friedrich engels that convinces shareholders to keep pushing progressive rhetoric.

It's somewhat ironic that marxists are concerned with quarterly financial reports but here we are.

If republicans knew how to turn on a computer, they would have already been making games.

>For every 10 SJWbucks chasing game there is 1 game that breaks that breaks sales records
more like 1 in 100
maybe 1000
Watchman tv show
last 2 star wars movies (solo and skywalker)
Ghostbuster remake
Oceans 8
Charlie angels remake
Terminator dark lesbians
Men in Black: International
Wrinkle in Time
Doctor Who
Black Christmas(2019)
The terror: season 2
Cloak and dagger
Birds of prey
Dark Phoenix
Star Trek Picard

Gilete lost 8 BILLION dolars

>hmm missing the materia as well

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You should add yourself into the retarded faggot list.

user, I know the facescan models are ugly, I used to hate the game on that basis too. But I assure you, it's not DmC 2

>i fail to see why
Because you're one of the trannyshills I mentioned.

By who, absolute retards like you?

I don't really care about how the gameplay system works, ATB wouldn't work in 2020. I don't really care that they changed Tifa's tit size. I wouldn't have said shit if the story followed the normal story because I'm a massive FF7 story fanboy. You just assume I'm hopping on the hate train for the sake of it, have you fucking seen the ghosts show up and push Hoja away, the ghosts show up after Sephiroth stabs Barrett to heal him, the ghosts pop up out of the church's ground to stop cloud from killing Reno? It looks fucking stupid. It is fucking stupid. The tone of midgar is pretty dark with terrorism, unethical Nazi-like experiments, corrupt corporations destroying an entire sector of the city and blaming it on the protagonists, etc. Now add in the stupid looking ghosts trying to keep the storyline in tact, it's such a stupid plot decision and you can't even dispute it

they are
but unlike YOU people they dont need to shove their shit in your face

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yeah keep telling yourself that if it makes you sleep well at night
i going to be enjoying one of the best games released in the last 10 years

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You're a retarded tortanic fag, I dont care.

You are being a contrarian and don't realize being woke sells, and even if it didn't sell you're missing the bigger picture. It's illegal to defraud shareholders and if a studio makes a choice that doesn't align with postmodern progressive values and the product flops they can take the studio to court and sue for fraud effectively bankrupting the company.

Basically if shareholders think even a single dime in sales is going to roll out of the door because the game isn't progressive enough they're going to lose their shit and the studio will lose their company.

>The developers of the 90's and early 00's were basically ultraconservatives by today's standards
Developers used to be democrats because in that time range conservatives where the modern sjws
Remember that with politics, it's always a pendulum

Thats not a republican, genius

Yas Forums is too young to remember the Clinton era, you think these kids know that shit?

oh im sorry
last time i checked everybody that desagrees with the left was a fat incel republican nazi

the left told me that

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OP is pretty based then.

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>Trannies trying to revise history
Remember you lost, 8 years

Based on what?

meant to quote but for you, what if the shareholders are not woke?

You were a never a fan of any of these things, zoomer

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political trends don't oscillate back and forth like that. They are still the same party, the labor party, with roughly the same agenda as they did 100 years ago.

Tasteless cursing, the most emo looking character ever made, modern clothing design exactly like DmC, I could go on and on but there's no getting through to you people. The gameplay wasn't even good and the level design was absolutely atrocious, you're just cultists the way you defend it.

Then there is the reaction image posting shill whose been defending the turd for years.

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>You are being a contrarian and don't realize being woke sells
You honestly believe this?

showing then how its fucking done

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Learn how Yas Forums works, my man

Trying too hard to fit in

This isn't an argument, it's a paranoid cop out.

>The gameplay wasn't even good
or you could git gud

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Why would I want to argue with you? You're a retard.

Remind me how much money Black Panther and Last of Us sold. Even SJW japanese games like Neir: Automata sold well so don't tell me this is just the west.

Can't even dispute it, I don't even care enough about 90% of modern games to be a tortanic fag. btfo, enjoy paying 60 bucks during a pandemic to play a butchered retarded Nomura fanfic

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You are clearly the retard. I'm another poster by the way.

Seriously, how are shills pretending time travel isn't involved in this?
The fucking time ghosts codex entry specifically references that they're time ghosts that keep the timeline undisturbed.

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>You are being a contrarian and don't realize being woke sells,
both of these keeps getting bigger and bigger and you say woke sells?

gilete lost 8 BILLION dolars for being woke

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Red pills.

Maybe you should have gone to college and gotten a nice career.

But we got to see DMC revived after DmC.

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There is more than one retard on Yas Forums my man

>a rehash of previous games, this time looking worse
Thanks for proving me right you autistic fanboy.

They don't care about being right or wrong, they're just autistic.

who the fuck cares about alucard, or really any castlevania character? the games are fun but i dont play them for the plot

Didnt DMCV sell super well?

Procter and Gamble is worth hundreds of billions. 8 billion is chump change.

Maybe. Hopefully a good new game comes out in our remaining lifetimes.

Most of those series sucked to begin with.
Alucard was probably always bisexual.
FF7 is overrated.
You're an overreacting baby who has bad taste in videogames.

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>tfw SotN is still great
>tfw Original Trilogy is still incredible
>tfw you never gave a shit about Warcraft
>tfw most C&C games are great
>tfw MGS1-3 are excellent
>tfw Halo always sucked
>tfw Half Life 2 is still fun despite no longer being a top-rate game
>tfw FFVII is still a good game

>tfw Pandemic got a remake/sequel combo and it was great
>tfw Hollow Knight expansion is coming out
>tfw critically acclaimed walking simulators and Telltale style 'fake adventure games' are no longer popular
>tfw Deadly Premonition 2 is coming out
>tfw Capcom remembered it makes games other than Street Fighter and is trying to bring Resident Evil back to a horror game
>tfw Nintendo is still making fun games
>tfw Sega hasn't completely fucked up everything recently

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nice buzzwords user
but not realy proving me wrong
all you give a shit is how the game look and they talk about

Let me tell you why your argument is shit
you sound like the people that shat on dmc fans because "MUH WHITE HAIR"

let me tell you something sunny, nobody GIVES A SHIT ABOUT DONTE HAIR COLOR, OR THE FACT THAT HE CURSES.
DmC gameplay is slow casual dogshit. saying MUH HAIR, MY DIALOG means nothing, because the heart of a DMC game is the fucking gameplay
the part where DMCV is fantastic, while DmC is shit

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>implying you need anything more to understand Nomura's hack writing

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I have money user, just having money doesn't justify making dumb purchases

>>tfw Nintendo is still making fun games
Releasing the same game super mario 64 imitator or new super mario bros games every year isn't fun.

>always bisexual.
hes asexual or straight if you count legends as true

the only person alucard loved was a female belmont

Apparently not if 60 dollars is some major purchase

Can i get a quick rundown on red pilled factorio devs?

>Some ugly fuck just has to put his mug on the screen

Alucard was always canon gay. If you didn't realize this you are a disgusting secondary who never played SoTN.

Ironic coming from someone who just wishes that Square would rerelease the same turn based garbage they did for a dozen Final Fantasy games. Do you want innovation or not?

Legends is not canon though

Pokemon got the shaft too

nothing much is know. they tend to keep to thenselves most of the time.

>nice buzzwords user
Stopped reading here. You really are an autistic fanboy.

>A game I never played is ruined!!! Here's three webms out of context. Oh, and TIME JANNIES!!! DON'T PLAY FF7 REMAKE. PLEASE DON'T PLAY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, I think I'll be enjoying it just fine. Seethe more faggot.

good atleast now you going to stop complaining about other males hair like a woman

Well FF7 was bad to being with so at least there's that.

>You're a retarded tortanic fag, I dont care.
Literally a nu-male right here. The kind of person who can't think for himself and just consumes.

Kill yourself.

Yeah but that's not really a new thing. Although I guess it's around the same time as MGSV and OP included that so I don't know.

Any amount of money spent on stupid purchases is money wasted, but keep throwing your money into the ether aimlessly if that's your prerogative. Buy buy buy buy user, the consumerism machine needs your money

then alucard is a autist that has no interest in other people

Ironic post coming from a tranny.

>no u
nice argument

Mistakes are a part of the learning experience. If spending money on a stupid purchase taught you not to preorder or blindly follow a developer/brand/move series on name alone then it wasn't wasted money.

You sound like a real moron

If everyone here is so blackpilled, why haven't you killed yourselves yet? Preferably on live stream.

I feel grate because I expirience the original when was new and not a overrated game
Zoomers underage or what ever
Are the biggest loosers in current year
They will never know how it was playing thoes game that define the industry for the first time
The Are only going have sequels/ spin off/ remakes rebirths/ports/ [insert game] like
But never something truly new

You're the one defending hairstyles unprompted, faggot.

Nah he loved Maria and cares about Soma.