How does this make you feel?

How does this make you feel?

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who's the futa?


big soft futa with balls in a skin tight suit

why do her arms instantly deflate

I don't get it.
Why would Mario have less muscle mass than samus?

Chozomachines, user!


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Mario punches through bricks with no effort, he’s at least on par with Wario if he rolls up those sleeves.

I'll never understand the weird fascination some artists have with cucking Mario in any way possible.
There's even some retard who makes Link x Peach shit and sometimes adds Mario being all sad and shit.
How can you hate a character so much?

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Lesbians are literally the most popular kink for straight male coomers.

>saw her right arm in the last panel and thought it was a floppy tit

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they are intimidated by how generally unswayed mario is by everything so they have to make him weak in fan fiction

depends, does samus have a cock?

both of course

noooooo you can't just say men like women! they need to like men, like me!

because she's a JERK with ANCHOR ARMS

>muscle dykes = men to straight women

Lesbians are delusional. I know, I am one, they actually think they can convert anyone.

muscles are for fags

mario is a chubby plumber manlet who stomps turtles whislt samus is a goddamn space bountyhunter with a cannon strapped to her arm.

both but peach's is two feet long and samus's is under 8 inches

Mario could murder 90% of the people who cuck him in these pics with his bare hands

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Samus, but Peach doms.

only if both of them are cute which never happens in western shit


Happy for Mario. Now she's someone else's problem.

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I like seeing Link get cucked a lot. Legoman is based.

Perfect Mario is pretty intimidating.

>luigifags hate mario because they identify more with the "loser" brother
>bowserfags hate mario because they identify with the villain or have a cuck fetish
>peachfags just want to fuck peach themselves, so they obviously kick mario the curb
>the Link x Peach artist probably has a mental deficiency of some kind. Seriously, he's a Mexican obsessed with crossover-shipping two blonde hair, blue eyed video game characters.

Literally ever Super Mario Bros. fan who dislikes Mario has some sort of complex. It's unreal.

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everyone I know obsessed with Zero suit Samus is trans

Samus is a transhuman engineered for war


I'm gonna take the maverick option and say Mario

>>the Link x Peach artist probably has a mental deficiency of some kind. Seriously, he's a Mexican obsessed with crossover-shipping two blonde hair, blue eyed video game characters.
He's so obsessed with that he doesn't even show Zelda at all.

he's too powerful of a chad in canon for them to possibly self-insert as so they must depower him

Good answers.

Reminds me of my constant paranoia that my gf could cheat on me with some other chick or anyone really.
It's no fun, man. Thinking about this everyday.

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I like mario but I like Wario and Donkey Kong more. I wish we could get another game where Mario fought them instead of bowser.

are those suppose to be impressive?

>luigifags hate mario
Bullshit, I'm the biggest Luigifag I know and Mario is a fucking pal. A true Luigifag knows he needs to be there for his older bro no matter how thankless the task can be.

Maybe I should have phrased that differently.
I am referring to luigifags who hate mario. Not all luigifags

>While Zebes's diameter is similar to Earth's, according to a research scan from Metroid Prime its mass is 4.8 trillion teratons, or 4.8 trillion trillion tons. This is equivalent to 4.8 septillion tons, whereas Earth's mass is 5.9 sextillion tons. This makes Zebes's acceleration due to gravity of 9,360m/s2 approximately 960 times greater than Earth's of 9.807m/s2.

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>paranoid about your gf sleeping with girls
>not encouraging your gf to sleep with girls and fucking both of them

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I prefer the ones where Peach gets cucked for being a frigid bitch all these years. Mario x Bowsette was the best part of that meme.

That's fair. I do agree that there's a huge difference between Luigifags who seethe over Mario and Luigibros who know that brotherly love is the hypest shit.


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Needs a www . Blacked . com edit

Have you even seen the shot Mario lifts with ease?

That's going to ruin your relationship with her. If you continued with that, she leave you, thinking you're some controlling freak who don't trust her or anyone.

Something about wholesome Nintendo games attracts degenerates. In the case of LoZ, Legoman was commissioned to draw cuckshit enough by the same neckbeard. Most people who draw porn just want attention or to get twitter followers/patreon bucks so they all copy the shit out of eachother chasing trends for their fifteen minutes of fame. A lot of SFM artists latch onto it because you don't need to learn how to draw.


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>Most people who draw porn just want attention
No, they just want money. If you post (decent) art of any kind online, it' only a matter of time before someone offers you money to draw porn. 90% of porn artists got into it that way; only fringe people like Zone and >Shadman actually do it for fun.

Samus has a high-tech suit that does most of the work for her, meanwhile Mario ripped a castle out of the ground and punted it without even blinking

>or to get twitter followers/patreon bucks

Jesus user, finish the sentence.

This just makes me want an immersive Mario game.

>If you post (decent) art of any kind online

There was one dude in Deviantart who made shitty drawings of anime/vidya girls sneezing and sold lots of them for 5$/piece. Fetish coomers buy almost literally anything because they get turned on by the situation itself the most.

>he has seen too many things in his travels to be narrow-minded

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this is moviebob, isn't it?

[sensible chuckle]

Mario's a really likeable character, but I doubt anyone would last as long as he has without being one.
Hopefully we can have another proper RPG soon. It's unironically fun to go on adventures with Mario.

>make a comment in jest about how hilariously poorly thought out the Metroid universe is
>people immediately jump into what they perceive as the start of a powerlevel argument
But in all seriousness, you're wrong about the suit. Samus grew up on Zebes where she jumped a dozen times her own height straight up while wearing the advanced alien technology known as shirt, pants, and regular shoes.
Mario isn't weak or anything, I'm not justifying the comic, I'm responding to the post confused about why Samus would be physically strong.

thought her elbow was a long titty for a sec

>a million and 1 images with Mario as ntrman and everything is fine but don't you dare draw a picture where Mario has smaller biceps than Samus!
but its everyone else with a complex?

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Seen this before. I’m not surprised

Samus doesn’t have any protective headgear so Mario could just jump on top of her and rape her why she was unconscious

Ok its not just me

it's from an official Nintendo of America character guide, it also had correct color tones to use for character art and brief bios for everyone listed

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>a million and 1 images with Mario as ntrman
Post 23.5

and she would lose all of her suit upgrades in the process.

>>a million and 1 images with Mario as ntrman and everything is fine
I thought it was the exact opposite, people don't like that

How many of you are willing to get cucked by another woman? I know I am.

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dis ninja spits fire

where are the complaints then? People whine any time Mario is cucked but when he does the cucking they all beat off because they self insert as him