Why the fuck is this allowed?
Why the fuck is this allowed?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why would you message a teammate "sex?"
>sign a contract for overwatch/ league match
>break contract
>why did I get fined
well you signed an agrement to be Blizzards bitch before playing their games
Maybe if you had sex, you fucking uncle, you would understand
>implying you can sign away your legal rights
Fucking retards. If you agree to let your boss shoot you dead if you're late to work and they do so, they'd still go to prison for murder because you a contract doesn't supercede the law
>not messaging 'sex' to get a 'hu huhu hu' back
so why dont they do something about it?
people still give a shit about overwatch and blizzard? i stopped playing any blizzard game when they bowed down to their bat-virus spreading overlords
they mostly like will, if they aren't a bunch of massive retards
They don't have to pay it, but they also don't have to participate again.
>"implying you can sign away your legal rights"
That's literally what they just fucking did
And where are these hypothetical murder clauses coming from? They signed a contract stipulating that they'll be fined for misconduct, and you're being unnecessarily angry over a fluff news article for things that absolutely do not apply to you.
>shout nigger in walmart
>>wtf why did they kick me out
Because it's a privately owned event by ActiBlizz so if they dispute this/take it to court, ActiBlizz can just ban them from participating in future tournaments.
good thing that the contract they signed isn't about the law, it's about participating in the game. Same way they fine NFL players for showboating, only their fines are in the tens of thousands and they make millions so it's irrelephant.
Blizzard doesn't understand that internet chat banter doesn't equate to showboating, they're just stupid and totally miss that competitive minded people tend to trash talk, just how it is. You want to know why everyone's in discord, and why the internet has been ruined, and communities all form OUTSIDE of the games they play? It's that. It's devs being so afraid of trash talk that they turn games into segregated messes.
You have no legal right to sign away that allows you to breech behaviour agreements with your employer you fucking 15 year old NEET.
You know nothing about contract law, this shit has been standard in athlete stuff for decades
Not that i'm saying OW players are athletes
It's completely fine to agree a code of conduct and also penalties if you violate it
>shout nigger in Wal-Mart
>everybody starts clapping and cheering
>some soicuck starts breaking down and crying
>go to apologize
>"I'm sorry...
>crowd erupts into thunderous applause
>puts all their toilet paper in my shopping cart
>cashier doesn't even charge me
>soicuck gets crucified with a pair of handicapped parking signs
>ride off into the sunset on a motorized shopping cart
>Let me add this spoiler so my Yas Forums reputation remains intact and my hivemind status is secure despite this being settled reality
>Blizzard doesn't understand
No, the players don't understand that they signed a contract like big boy adults and need to follow the fucking rules.
>Blizzard doesn't understand that internet chat banter doesn't equate to showboating, they're just stupid and totally miss that competitive minded people tend to trash talk, just how it is.
And yet an NFL player can't go out in front of his huge Coca-Cola sponsored event and start screaming about niggers because it's all the same advertising friendly shit. Stop pretending there is some separate set of rules that apply to these idiots because GAMER WORDS and VIDEO GAME CULTURE, you fucking mong.
>be a talentless streamer waste of space creating noncontent using someone else's shit
>They cuck you like the little bitch you are
There is -nothing- a streamer does that is not just showing the game to someone else. Nothing transformative, nothing original, nothing they can call their own.
Cause betamax Blizzard staff can only get a women's attention by bring ultra liberal.
>hurr freedum of spech means freedum from consequences
Call your boss a nigger and see what happens
t. E-sports incel
How cope batman, stay jealous. Don't worry bro I'm sure one day you'll get paid for sitting at home all day posting on Yas Forums.
>Nothing transformative, nothing original, nothing they can call their own.
The irony of making this post on Yas Forums.
>big dick fine for dong the rascal
why not
I am not a creator of anything and nobody would ever bother to fine me for posting here because I'm not a corporate shill advertising someone else's shit. They get paid to shill their corporate trash then they have to play by their masters rules. Fuck yourself.
You signed a contract, if you break it, then they can punish you. Welcome to the real world kiddie.
based department?
>when they typed big dick and sex to each other
were they trash talking or flirting with each other?
because literal 10-year olds watch esports
People so confidently say absolutely retarded shit on this board, dear lord. There are millions of contracts that take away your right of free speech. You ever hear of an NDA, dipshit?
>typing cock dick big dick sex sex to your bro while hundreds of thousands of bots watch you play video games
absolutely based
>implying they will cull their moneycow
>being this law illiterate
Also they'll lose, because they signed a fucking contract that clearly forbid this, you nimwit.
Okay, you're the one who said this dumb shit originally, so the burden of proof is on you. Source me up, friend.
imagine caring about blizzard much less OWL, not a single living soul gives a fuck about OWL that's why they have so many botting views and bounties where streamers host OWL to boost their numbers
>Lul, sorry faggot I'm not paying because you're not a policing or organizational body.
You're absolutely correct.
when every corporation starts forbidding the inhalation of oxygen in their code of conduct or terms of service but it's okay because previously agreed to the contract in order to make use of the product
Let's make it even, we should be allowed to read Blizzard executive's emails and text messages and if they say "sex" or "dick" they get fired.
Fines in contracts are legal.
I frequently type "a/s/l?" into team chat when I'm playing a game with a full team of my friends.
>He thinks he's still got a chance for the alpha after this
>this is exclusively an american thing
>I want fuck you sex sex sex
>Är du galen
i thought being gay was illegal in iraq
who the fuck saves this pics
anyone still playing overwatch competitively in 2020 deserves any shit they get because they're already massive fucking retards
>someone ask name in chat
>reply Dong
>in order to make use of the product
It's not a product that's under discussion, don't try and conflate employment contracts with TOS's
Great. Be sure you post in every thread to tell us fucking virtue signalling redditor
I'll take Autism for 200, Alex.
of course not, it's more of a white people thing