Comfy Animal Crossing

Eurasia VS Tenoko

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can i UPGRADE bridges? or do i have to demolish them?

What's the best turnip prices Yas Forumsrigins got today?

first for coping slowfags

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These threads stopped being comfy once they turned into turnip obsessed money grubber central

Eurasia is better

she hot

based. about to make my 3rd trip soon

Tenoko has 620 and it's a fucking shitfest to get in

Already a thread up but save this one for when the other hits the bump limit.

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>watch 5 people come in front of able sisters


first for coomerconsoomer with no impulsecontrol

no not as much as eurasia was. there was a LOT more sweat in those threads

i wasn't able to get in D:

Are you guaranteed a shooting star when Celeste is around? I've been staring at the night sky but I'm getting bored.

Isabelle just gave me a 3 star rating and Tom called KK up. Does that mean he’s coming tomorrow or not until the weekend?


Sorry anons, I'll be close to the gate this time

shit time traveler dumpster

>slowfags can't help but resort to unrelated meme insults due to heel-deep vocabulary


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Alright, as promised

turnips are 620

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You have to demolish, you can't upgrade or relocate.


damn thats retarded

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can mods remove this thread. apparently there was another thread made :I

I feel so dirty for moving the houses of my og villagers.

It’s because it’s Monday and fags are so fucking impatient.

Visiting online randos to sell turnips is as much cheating as duping crowns. I don't begrudge other people it, but it's not fun for me. I constrain myself to the turnip prices my friends and I have.

wait did mods delete the other one lol

Bros I feel dirty..

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As you should, silly fur coomer

You will when you lick that golden toilet clean


>i don't like it so it's cheating

Post em

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>finally get villager to move out
>he's in boxes
>cant convince someone else's villager to move in in his stead
>cant invite anyone from nook isles
>nook wont give me my 10th plot

is this hell

Bought at 93. What am I in for?

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Visiting friends and bros isn't cheating. Using TT JP twitter to dump turnips is pretty much the same as TT yourself to get a good price

use this fren

I’m happy with my villagers.

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>Jay comes by and picks all your flowers and doesn't offer anything to catalog
literally worst than hitler

Why the fuck are people taking 8 minutes to sell some god damn turnips

fuck this, does anyone have a comfy island where i can buy some mum/rose seeds

initial people take longer


Kicks is in town selling geisha shoes and cat paws. Some decent stuff at Mables too.

Shit turnip prices but feel free to come hang out and take 3 oranges if needed

checking Able sisters and other stuff probably

how do you find JP turnip prices?

>tfw missed the monday morning price
am I fucked from tracking prices now?

so while the majority of people freak over stalnks, anybody want some free lily hybrids? give me a dodo and i'll swing by and plant you one of each color by your airport.

My personality diversity is fucked, by i like my villagers
Still have mixed feelings about Pietro

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I hit gold with Leonardo, all he does is make sports euphemisms

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What's that black smudge user?

No - any threads with “comfy” in the title should not have any turnip bullshit in them. They’re anti-comf

he's moving out

Search カブ on Twitter (you need an account because most want to be DM'd)
But they are catching up to the Westerns using it, and are starting to forbid people from coming, they will ignore your DMs if you have broken Jap

Shep, he didn't cover him well enough

Coming and going stop everyone

Bitch you think im made of nuggets

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i know i have three smug but i like all their designs... at least bubbles is leaving

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Why did you cover Shep with tar user?

Why don't you like Shep? I love Shep. I have him in my town.
I really want Peitro so bad because I love clowns.

But why?

that's the price you pay for royalty

What do for code?

Does she give you the recipe?

I prefer Eurasia because I liked fighting with other anons to get in. even though he's a filthy time traveler
Tenoko is using queues and that shit's gay as fuck.

anyone gonna open up? i want to shop a bit.

yeah but it's still going to cost the dude like 10 gold nuggets he will never get back. who knows what she will ask for tomorrow

jsut didnt like him. Didnt click

Yeah, it's very reddit.


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I don't fucking care, I want my money


My clothing store selection is pretty alright today if some anons wanna stop by.
Turnips: 90 so don't bother
Northern Hemisphere
Town fruit cherries if you wanna sell fruit here
I appreciate bulletin board posts and tips but not necessary. I'll close the gate temporarily after the first few people so shopping can go smoothly.

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why does an queue that allows people to do other things make you seethe so much?

Made me make a fuckhueg rock when she first came for me. Meme cat used up all of my stone.

Ill be going back to open borders after this queue of 60 is done

Oh and forgot to mention, windflower and pansy seeds.

Why does the design of every Uchi villager suck


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because people want their Yas Forums chaos and an organized queue is too much for their dark matter brains

You have to court them for multiple days?

I want to get Punchy in my island
Mainly because I named my Island Fódlan and Punchy's name in Spain and Italy is Felix

Hold up I'll be there soon

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>wanting a fucking giant robot or gonna crash the session

sorry for your awful taste user

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you DO have the giant bot, right?

Yeah i got recipe, it was only 1 gold nugget for it
I knew what i was getting into in this relationship

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I am not a super good artist, but does anybody want me to draw something?

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because it's not as fun to sit in line like a cuck waiting for your turn instead of frantically inserting a code through a clunky repetitive menu.
That's it.

it's just meme

>mfw I found out sitting on a toilet removes your fruit stacks

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Yeah they're not great, but Phoebe and Cherry are alright

>Queue Locked
What does this mean? No more people? That's a shame.

Thanks anons that came to catalog my arcade machine and kitchen stuff! I don't know if you're all in this thread, but I hope you got some stuff you didn't have if you picked up my kitchen things.

draw something to commemorate all this trunip fagetry on a fucking MONDAY

how often do villagers come to your campsite?