MGS3 starts talking about something called the cuban missile crisis

>MGS3 starts talking about something called the cuban missile crisis
>Look it up
>It's an actual thing that happened

Have you ever learned anything from a video game?

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did you not go to school?

zoom zoom

This has to be pasta.

American education everybody

>fallout 1
>get to shady sands
>find a person with black skin color
>appearently people with black skin exist in the real world
the shit some games teach you.. damn

Yes I'm sure a country directly involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis doesn't teach it at all.

haha ur dumb

kill yourselves

you fell for meta trolling


>I wrote an essay about MGS2 and MGS3 in high school

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>mfw senator armstrong is real
>only his name is trump

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>American education
or you're underage, just admit it

lololol rofl OP is a dumb nigger hahahahah

They literally have nothing in common besides a superficial "strongman" archetype and that they both stole a campaign slogan from Reagan. Trump would perish in Armstrong's ideal society.

>mario is an italian
>look up italian
>they're real

>Mario says “So long, gay Bowser!l
>look it up
>gay people actually exist

GW2 inspired me to get better at cooking.


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>MGS2 references the Shadow Moses incident
>it's actually real
Snake is the greatest hero in american history. Thank you, Snake.

MGS2 was utter garbage

if anything, mutts are the only ones who'd learn about something like this in school

Say "thank you" to Snake, you ungrateful cretin.

Do schools really not teach about that?

OP is a highschool dropout called Jamal

mine glossed over it

i learned about it a lot in college though

They did in the cold war lessons. We even watched a short film about it

>American education

>dumb nigger doesn’t know about the Cuban missile crisis
I bet games teach retarded fags like you a lot actually

I learned that Wounded Knee was a real event and not a Skyrim reference

yeah, me too. fuck biocock shitfinite though

99% of American History classes are Civil War circlejerks that gloss over everything else

Do Americans really??????

You mean Holocaust.

>All these people falling for an age old pasta

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No, you're thinking with the American mentality. Unlike you, we actually learn about foreign cultures and histories.

What the fuck kind of education did you get? I'm not even an amerifag and I know this shit.

My uni history class focused more on the Japs in concentration camps instead of the jews
Probably my favorite tech dump from that game. Started my interest in night vision and learning about all of the different generations of the technology.

American history classes are a joke. basically columbus faggotry, Civil war and WWII are studied in depth while everything else is talked about in passing.
I had to learn everything else on my own outside of class.

>playing mgsv
>get to africa with child soldiers shown
>look it up
huh... they're not kidding. how do they get away with it

do americans really

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>unironically thinking that most european youths know about cuban missile crisis
i like dunking on mutts as much as anybody else, but let's not start pretending

As a European youngster, yes I am implying that, yes we did learn that in fucking school.

That was real? I saw that movie. I thought it was bullshit.

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are you serious or just an american samefag

>Yuropoors so worldly and historically knowledgeable
>Still let their countries get taken over by rootless cosmopolitan globalists and filled with ethnoreligious people that hate everything they stand for

Nah, it's always Civil War for half the class.

Uh, I learned about plenty of foreign cultures and histories in my American education.

You don't understand, all those intelligent and traditional Europeans were just being subverted by retarded Americans with their race mixing and degenerate values. It's all a trick, it's not actually our fault.

Don't lie, you made this thread so you could post this, didn't you?

Depends on where you live, really.
My state had a japanese internment camp in it, so you better bet we got an earful about that shit.

Yeah, (((Americans)))...

I guess here in the midwest they just actually teach us everything because we don't particularly have any ties to one section of history besides like.. The Louisiana purchase and Lewis and Clark, I guess.

Jesus you are fucking retarded. Who the fuck doesn't know about the cuban missile crisis?

Yeah I saw that movie. Thought it was bullshit.

>my school's curriculum is representative of every other school curriculum both past and present

>deus ex talks about how most presidents in the US are affiliated with a particular group
>look it up
>it's actually true

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>Trump directly exposed to Corona Virus multiple times
>Is fine
Nanomachines, son!

The more I talk to my coworkers and people in general about their High School education I realize I was pretty blessed with the highschool teacher I got. My American History teacher placed an enormous emphasis on comiserating with the actual soilders and people from the Revolutionary and Civil wars through reading books of letters from soilders, generals, and paesents from that era. He believed to understand History properly, you have to understand the model of the universe and how those during that time saw it. It's no secret people during that time were particularly religious with strong morale fabric and strict ethical codes, which may be why it's glossed over in modern education, but I also couldn't help but noting how well spoken even the most simple paesent was, far more eloquent than the average person today in terms of expressing conditions of the heart.

My English teacher placed a huge emphasis on early American Literature, so we read most of Washington Irvings stories, Joel Barlow, Justice Marshall, and Brockden Brown. I think that modern education is basically propoganda at the state level, since I was shocked to see how many great authors from the early American peroid are never talked about, and how uneducated even the average adult male is when it comes to American History. I believe college education in general is a huge joke, especially when it comes to Enlgish, since they largely focus on 20th century authors who, frankly, are inferior in basically every way to those of the early 19th centruy, even to those of the mid 19th century for that matter.

yeah right, and i'm a woman
what do you think?

To summise: Early American Authors are important to study since they capture the spirit of what being an American truly means, which is something we have lost touch of in our modern society.

>TFW we DON'T live in a society

Runescape helped me with my spelling when I was a young boy.

Just mutt education things i guess

Deus ex taught me things that hadn't happened yet.

>country directly involved with the cuban missile crisis and Cold War entirely

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Every time the man opens his mouth it sounds like he's having a stroke.

Whenever an event popped up in eu4 or other grand strategy games I would Google them to learn more. I'd also Google the small, tiny irrelevant countries and go through entire Wikipedia pages about them. From those pages I'd just click the embedded links for hours learning everything.
Its how I learnt every modern country flag bar asia