>unlock dash ability
>"rainbow dash"
Unlock dash ability
Other urls found in this thread:
I chuckled.
>unlock dash ability
>"Derpy Hooves"
Name one game that does this. I want to play it, it sounds based.
Borderlands 2
Don't worry user I'm here to tell you that it's cringe so you don't have to make your own opinions.
Are people still mad about ponies?
ok zoomer
>unlock fire spell
>"Twilight Sparkle"
Some of these are really reaching
thanks for reminding me why I hate those horse fuckers.
You don't understand. Not only were they everywhere and I mean everywhere but they stuck their noses in everything and got all smug when you told them to calm down. Think of it as combining both the JoJo fanbase and Touhou fanbase and imagine how horrible that is. Now when you talk to these people they think that not only is their pony show amazing but is more deep and adult then what it really is.
>check the bartender's inventory
which ones?
Runescape and mario
ai jei = AJ (applejack), "apples"
flou tar-shei = fluttershy, "peace"
ren bo = Rainbow Dash, "swift" "strong winds"
tuai leit = twilight sparkle, "study" "research"
rei ti = rarity, "mining colony", "high-quality gems"
Kei Pi = pinkie pie, "energy" "hedonism"
looks pretty obvious to me
>look up the player character's canon name
>"Lyra Heartstrings"
Where the fuck is he?
he only reacts when you email him, otherwise he is slow as fuck
>have your horse die from an environmental hazard
>Achivement unlocked: Derpy Hooves
bideo gam
all those games are shit
>crysis 3
Video game
I don't want to sound like I'm making fun of this man, but what the fuck
>tfw no shiny bf
someone pretend to be a barneyfag again so i can laugh
I see you horse fuckers can't handle the banter so you are trying to get jannies to delete this thread. And a FYI this is a video game thread as it is talking about different video games that has horse references.
Here he comes.
just some funny little horses
>can't handle the banter
Oh no no NO NO
Cyber/v/ros, we got too cocky...
Guess ill just pirate it so they don't get muh sheckles
literally filtered by a pony
>no wings
Get hanged
(remove the first period)
Lee, my old friend. Long time no see.
>1 hour and 4 minutes
I salute your work
Nope, Lee set up a bot so he doesn't count
Unspeakably based
not watching it, how does it feel?
seasons 8 & 9 made me want to kill myself, so you're probably doing yourself a favor
glad this shitshow is over before it could get worse
How hard are they seething knowing that the show is over?
You cheeky fucker
Calm down, Lee.
It clearly hasn't stopped them considering how they're still spamming their garbage here.
it's alright. he's from a place of bantz, he can handle it.
Lee, stop it
He seems to be trying to be funny.
>a weapon to surpass metal gear
> got removed
> stays up
What did janny mean by this?
Not at all, /mlp/ wasn't seething because the show was over, but because the epilogue was absolute garbage.
Two of the main characters becoming lesbian lovers, one of the main characters being married off to a side character (upsets waifufags), another MC was also heavily implied to be in a relationship with a side character.
The main characters all grew distant from eachother, which went absolutely against what the show was trying to tell, Purple Horse will live as an immortal being while her friends will all die of old age.
It was an absolute shitfest, ESPECIALLY because the ending was leaked MONTHS in different languages, and everyone was trying to translate it into English to make sure their waifu stayed pure. It was like everyone was trembling in horror. Shit was gold, but now it's over and we're waiting for gen 5 (probably 2020-2021)
I hope I don't get banned but that's hot
>Thought games had finally gotten away from pony references
>Doom Eternal has a MLP reference
I'm glad we're still here, just hidden forever.
Just like pedos
Pull the trigger, pussy
Maybe some D.va butt will calm you down.
I see. I don't know how to feel about the ending and I don't even care for that show. Growing distant and being immortal to watch everyone you know die.
sounds edgier than it should be, but overthinking does wonders for autism.
/mlp/ seemed to cry for like a week and continued normally with their shitposting.
Accepting death I guess.
I checked
Thanks bro, I didn't know that was a pony.
Now I can de-enjoy seeing that pic.
It's a bot that selects images to reply to.
bring it biatch nigga