What's the best Etrian Odyssey game? What about the worst?

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The best overall is 2 Untold: Classic Mode.

The best story is EO3.

The best portrait designs are EO5.

The worst is 1 Untold: Story Mode.

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But I like Untold 1: Story Mode! Care to elaborate?

The story is better than Untold's 2 and the cast is grounded at the sake of being bland, but at least they are not annoying.

Creating your own party is the main appeal of the series for me. So the worst would be either of the Story Modes, and I pick EO1U because the Grimoire system was horribly implemented and didn't get good until EO2U.

EO1U also has a dumbed down dungeon compared to the original game, Fenrir looks like shit and turned a very memorable first boss into a joke, and the story changes feel like a bad modern anime compared to the Ghibli-esque atmosphere of the original.

Fenrir was a joke honestly, not that user but it always struck me as odd that he had no special sprite. Untold's goofy toon wolf was dumb but Fenrir is probably the lamest 1st stratum boss all around.

2 Untold is my favorite, and I liked the story mode in it as well, it was well done.
Right now I'm liking EOV
>tfw Hippogryph bodied me once
>come back 1 level higher with Chain Blast and maxed Poison Bomb and squish him before he can even recover a single point of HP or do anything but a single back kick due to a lucky Petrify landed by a potato of all things
2U had a good story mode, and was a vast improvement over the original. I don't get this "you can only like classic" deal, I started with it but I do like the story as well.

Best is 5, worst is 1, everything else is still grate

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If there's anything positive I'd say about Untold 1 it's that Highlander-kun is still a better portrait than the actual class' male portraits

The best for me is three. The worst however is Nexus. Classes are all one note. Too many 1st level stratums, drags on too long.

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I like Untold 2's story mode.

>No more gays_
Atlus the game was released in 2014 you can't just say that.

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you can't come in the clubhouse

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Would people want a class like Hero or its parts back for a future game? I kinda liked the afterimages and would want another class that utilizes a similar mechanic

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Untold 3 when?

I wouldn't mind Hero back if they properly balanced it.

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Story mode with fixed protagonists has no place in the series. Atlus literally was trying to go for "muh wider audience" and make the games more like normal jrps. The best overall in my opinion is probably 3 or 4. 2U is also very good but I'm not sure why it gets overrated so much. Its harder sure but not by that much and still isn't too bad if you played previous games and know what you're doing. The main thing that annoys me with 2u is the grimoire system. Both subclassing and legendary titles are far better. Of course the grimoires were better than nothing at all like the originals. 5 is also very good and nexus really isn't bad either. I like the skill tree designs in 3, 4, 5, and nexus far better than 2u.

3 and 4 have the best portrait easily. 5 actually suffered a lot in regards to portraits for me personally. I barely was able to make a full party of portraits I liked.

I like all etriums

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This is weird, I thought V had some of the best portraits in the series. What was so bad about them?

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Just don't use after images. I used mine as an offensive tank but never put a single point into any after image skills because a had a ninja taking up the sixth slot. Even then she was still strong as all fuck so I could only imagine what the class would be like if I actually used its gimmick.

5's portraits are really good, but the variants look too similar to each other, most of them are just head swaps

It's so fun, though, especially subclasses as imperial.

Hasn't that always been the case though? Like every alternate portrait is a slight headswap and some color changes.

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Kind of a stupid question but what was wrong with Hero anyway? I don't pay much attention to balance discussions and have a poor sense of balance but iirc other classes were considered more broken than top-tier hero

They did a good job with 2U's story mode.

Hero was probably the 2nd best class after Sovereign.

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4's portraits are inferior to 5's. Sort of that weird transitional period between his current style and his old style.

Imagine how sick it would be if he tossed that loli straight through the window

If you look more closely they have little details, or maybe their proportions are slightly different. In V when it's not a drastic difference like the male Pugilist or female Necromancer, then the body is literally copy and pasted

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Not enough flat girls.

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as long as they give you the classic mode option I don't see the problem

No, not really. I think you have a bit of bias here because they've used headswaps throughout the entirety of that image to varying degrees, and it's only less evident in the original 3.
4 has exactly the issue you describe on multiple portraits.

Thats why its good though. His art in 3 and 4 was sort of this midway point between his old and new styles. His new art is still really good and on a technical level, is an improvement but it doesn't quite have the same charm of his older stuff.

I'm such a sucker for idiot, cute princesses and their stoic guardians story.
So nice.

I disagree. It's that odd period where everything's sort of in between. Like there's a lot more super round heads, but not in the same ultra-cartoony style of the original 2. It sort of feels like background characters, they still look good but not as polished as his post-4 art and not as stylized as his pre-4 art. The designs themselves are good all around though, and they look much nicer in the artbook than the game.

Any day now.

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fucking never
and it probably won't be as good as the 3DS/DS ones
>inb4 gachashit

me on the leftmost grave

If we're lucky it will come out in time for the summer alts.

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>tfw roll 15 teach in a row and can't get summer necrololi
Realistically though they probably would make a gacha for it be for costumes (skins) or special equipment since one of the 3 core tenets of the series is making your own party (although I do enjoy the story mode party honestly, they're likeable).

Nothing, just incredibly well rounded.

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I liked 4 the most. Haven't finished X yet.

I love etrian games and don't understand people who used to complain that "Etrian without the mapmaking wouldn't be Etrian"
I just really love all aspects of them, and personally wouldn't even mind if I have to draw the maps physically, since I'm used to anyway from old dungeon crawlers.
I just want a new EO Fatlus

Because 60% of the game is mapmaking and the main thing setting EO apart isn't the combat or skill builds, it's the fact that it was one of very few games to seamlessly integrate digital mapping into a dungeon crawler rather than discarding it. There's zero chance of them releasing an Etrian game as a classic PnP crawler since those have such an incredibly small audience now.

I also love all Etrian games and the main reason I like them is the mapping, I probably wouldn't have been grabbed by it had it been like all the other shadowmap crawlers or JRPGs. EO mapping isn't the same as mapping out a game like Shining in the Darkness.

>main thing setting EO apart isn't the combat or skill builds
But I love the combat and the skill builds, there's so much other thing setting Etrian appart too
>The artstyle
>The setting
>The enemy design
Even the general plots of the games are at least nice, if I want I can ignore the map and draw it myself, but everything else is just what makes me love EO so much

I agree those are important and it wouldn't feel like EO without them, but the core aspects of it are mapmaking, combat/skill builds, and a custom party. Cutting out one of the most major aspects of the game would make it more of a spinoff.

why do the monsters all have metal skeletons

It's not the saaaame duuude

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Why don't you have a metal skeleton?

I just want more dungeon crawlers with non-vanilla classes, like fish slapper or grass tickler

I like it and if you take it away I will be upset

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>There's zero chance of them releasing an Etrian game as a classic PnP crawler since those have such an incredibly small audience now.
Isn't there a smaller audience for Etrian Odyssey though?

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. I just don't share the same sentiment with the mapmaking that everyone else does (and maybe it's a bit because I like drawing maps myself)
Also how could I forget the music? EO wouldn't be EO without the music.

It's somewhat niche but on the lesser end of the term. It's helped out of true obscurity simply by virtue of accessibility features added from 3 onward.

Whatever mate, it's not EO without mapping and they're not going to make a PnP one. Maybe EMD is more your speed, it's got the characters, monsters, music, etc.

Best way to play on PC?

By ordering a 3ds online

Absolute worst: Untold 1's Story Mode
Contenders of bad: Untold 2's Story Mode, 2
honorable mention: 4

A 2DS, which is dirt cheap and hackable off the bat. Otherwise, a fucking emulator.
what answer were you expecting? There's only one emulator that properly runs the 3DS ones and DS emulators are mostly all fine apart from if you want to play Pokemon on the one

>There's zero chance of them releasing an Etrian game as a classic PnP crawler since those have such an incredibly small audience now.
This, it would get 3/10s from reviewers everywhere just for doing that

Absolute best: Untold 2's Story Mode
Contenders of average: Untold 2's Story Mode, 2
honorable mention: 4

oops meant to have honourable mention with 2 as well
What would Fish Slapper do? Grass tickler is obviously either a bard style buffer or a plant magician.

I mean yeah it must be an emulator but what’s the best way to setup the controller or arrange the two screens so that navigating doesn’t become tedious? Using both the controller for moving and mouse for mapping is annoying as hell.