It's the king of remakes

It's the king of remakes.
This game single handedly invalidated every previous "remake" before it, making games like Resident Evil 2 look like lazy remasters. It's over Yas Forumsros. We tried to kill this game, but it's just too damn good.

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Other urls found in this thread:

shill or doing it for free?
I can't tell anymore

>[shilling intensifies]

>make a completely different game
>call it remake

both games are shit
which company pays you anyway? square or crapcum

>what!? You cant just innovate and change the entire landscape of gaming, you promised a ps1 game!

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nomura genius changing meta of remakes

Fuck off falseflagger faggot
The game is pretty good but theres no need to act like its the second coming of jesus or whatever.

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First day on the job I guess.

I really hope I'm not the only one seeing this.

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>delivers a subpar "remake" that ignores the original game and made a entire waste of 30 hours for what was the first area of the original game last at much 2

hope you enjoy the next 10 chapters of this shitass garbage

Imagine being so underage that you don't even know Buster Sword was inspired by the Dragonslayer.

>releases 1/5 of the game
>all other remakes were lazy

What are you highlighting


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who this spergin naruto nigga

Final Fantasy VII has zero depth. No, vagueness does not equal depth. No, putting psychiatry terms in your Compilation titles does not equal depth. Final Fantasy VII doesn't do anything. Final Fantasy VII doesn't explore anything. There is nothing to learn from Final Fantasy VII and it doesn't relate to any real issues. Final Fantasy VII is simply a verisimilitude of depth by way of omission. Pseuds like you simply fill in the blanks with headcanon. Final Fantasy VII is just the fan fiction of a depressed otaku who can't create anything that isn't a copy of something he's seen or read in his childhood/adolescence. Final Fantasy VII is a waifu bait fap game that decries the otaku lifestyle and merchandising while pandering to it harder than anything that existed before. That's why ironic weebs like you love it. Now go home and get your fucking shinebox.

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>xenogears favorite game of all time
opinion discarded

>Final Fantasy VII is a waifu bait fap game that decries the otaku lifestyle and merchandising while pandering to it harder than anything that existed before
fap to fucking what retard? In the original, all the models look like blocky garbage. I agree with you that FF7 is not even nearly the best FF, but damn you're retarded if you think these old FF games are for weebs. Classic FF titles' sprites look like straight out of games like Terraria. Have fun fapping to that.

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have sex incel

This but unironically. This game is full of KH bullshit (of fucking course, Nomura is directing it) but I won't pretend the idea isn't great. If someone wants to play GAME again then he can just play fucking GAME, and if you are remaking it you ain't just improving the graphics and fixing some tech errors/limitations of the time, you are creation a new GAME and this idea of building upon the original story, update it and diverge from it because the original GAME is still a thing is fucking genius.

My only grip is that this marvelous concept is stuck into a game made by a team of hacks that can't write for shit, it's the same that happened with Pokémon ORAS, they actually had a good idea and made it so ORAS doesn't overwrite RS nor Emerald, it's a different timeline with slightly different events, and the post-game is about some guys trying to save the world unaware that they will just doom another one instead, so a new character and the MC basically have to stop that plan and save both worlds, the remake world and the original one, because both coexist in the same multiverse... but it's fucking Game Freak and this good idea didn't save ORAS from being worse than XY (somehow), nor save SM from being even worse.

Genius ideas in flawed games made by hacks

>Implying depth is required for an art piece to be masterpiece
Nice try faget

>this usless word salad
Go back to your Druckmann games if you want to relate to "real issues".

I wasn't opposed to them expanding on and possibly changing the original storyline in some ways but they came up with the most pants on head retarded way of doing it.

incels were a mistake

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I feel bad for fans who jumped into this with high expectations.

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>this guy calling others weaboos
lmao what
Lole, look at this guy

As retarded as this guy is, he's right you know. It's pretty sad that SE has fallen so low man.

weeaboo specifically means white people
it was originally a word filter for wapanese aka white person who wishes they were japanese

>xenogears chair over ff7r
nah man


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I could end up good? It's possible but...I'm cautious, still kind of excited though. Heavily enjoying it so far so we'll have to see if they can carry it to part 2.

>vanilla fetch quests and invisible walls
>buttery smooth 30fps
>advent children fanfic tier rewrites
>changing the landscape of gaming

I'm enjoying watching this lmao it's the first demo playthrough I've seen(PChad here). The part where he's calling people who enjoyed it mentally retarded is ace.

Are these supposed to make me feel something other than frustration with the streamer?

To think that this autistic faggot would end up being right. God I hate Square.


The only autistic people are consumers these days. If you're hyped and running to the store to buy AC2 -- you are autistic.

>remake game that had thoughtful sidequests
>add generic MMO-tier sidequests

How in the fuck is this not a lazy remaster? The graphics aren't even that good. It also looks like a generic ass game if you remove the characters.

Calm down you retarded sperg. I dropped this trash game the moment I saw how ugly NuTifa was and learned it was going to be episodic. I was still hoping it was at least be somewhat faithful to the OG though.

You don't need more than 30fps. There isn't much of a noticeable difference on most people's tv's

The game isn't even out yet.

>he doesn't know

I didn't say you were autistic, spergy.

And? Do you think they are going to patch out the sidequests and make them better in 4 days?


it was released in europe and australia actually

Stop baiting so hard, man.

cope harder. You pretty much need a oled to see a real difference and most people don't own those tv's.

you're fucking retarded

a literal who that once became big on being a metal gear solid (5) news channel, a decent one at that. then konami killed the brand and he forcefully changed his channel to become a generic as hell general news channel for gaming

Holy molly, 30fps with Unreal Engine is nightmareish. Enjoy your motion sickness, amigos.

Nomura doesnt write stories
He writes fanfictions
A 50 years old who still dresses like an edgy teenager, think linkin park is cool and cant write for shit
The rest of the game looks good, but the story is fucked when they gave him the direction

I don't know why most engines can't get 30 FPS correctly. I think Doom Eternal is the first PC game I've played where dropping below 60 FPS isn't a horrible experience.

That's not even the weapon shop in FF7R. That's the item shop.

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The Combat's very good and all, but it needs to let me eventually use AC Cloud's style of fighting instead of puppet Cloud's improv. Combining swords for stronger attacks and dual-wielding is much cooler.

Nomura wrote the story FFVII is "based on"

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It's probably inspiaed by Berserk.

Are you implying Cloud hasn't always been a Guts stand-in?

The fuck you talking about? What story?

Check the credits for FFVII. Him and Sakaguchi are listed as "Based on the Story By" followed by their names.
Criticizing Nomura for "writing fanfiction" about his own story is fucking stupid.

Nomura was barely a step above getting people coffees when FFVII was made.

>With the same dumb shit that Nomura always does because he doesn't know how to write anything else

>multi-verse time-wankery