>The Third Remastered is coming to Xbox One, PS4 and PC on May 22!
>Skips the Nintendo Switch
Why is the Switch selling so well when games like Saints Row 3 Remastered, and Resident Evil 3 Remake are not even going to show up? Aren't people tired of getting scammed?
Saints Row 3 Remastered Skips Switch!
Other urls found in this thread:
>Why is the Switch selling so well when games like Saints Row 3 Remastered, and Resident Evil 3 Remake are not even going to show up?
You see, this question you just posed is emblematic of your complete ignorance when it comes to what the Switch even IS, or what people actually play on it.
Like you actually don't understand the system at all, it's so alien to you.
>söynts row 3
>implying we'd want the worst entry in the series on switch
kill yourself
It got the port.
It will likely have a hard time running the remaster if there are significant upgrades.
What's the fucking problem?
It will happen once the switch revision/update comes out
>playing saints row
Its because the game will flop on switch since Tendies only play toddler games like Animal Croshit and Mario #98
itt: seething nintenkiddies lolololol
Didn't the Switch get the regular version of Saints Row 3 not too long ago?
>nintendies seething
Isn't the regular Saint's Row 3 on the Switch? They probably just don't have the faith that it can run it at the same graphical quality as the others and don't feel like optimimzing
>You asked for it
Who the fuck asked for Saints Row 3?
but thats an old port
apparently the PS4 and PS4 Pro versions are locked to 30fps, whereas the PC is free to go up.
PC wins again
Saints row 6 should involve time traveling
>not a remaster or remake of the original Saint Row or Saint Row 2
saints row is for poor black kids, which makes sense in this thread because the only people who dont own every gaming console are poor and usually angry
Whats going on now? What's up with the switch begging right now? Especially for a game that you already got?
Are switchfags still reeing they didn't get the Nier Replicant remaster or something?
Your point being? From what I'm seeing, it's the exact same game, but now with a horrible red tint all over the screen.
No one
probably because it can't handle the remastered version, and that's okay because it's mobile hardware and the remaster is being developed with PC, PS4 pro, and xbone x in mind
>saint's row 3
>you asked for it
The Saints Row 3 Full Package literally came out on Switch last year. What the fuck is the point for a remaster of a shitty last gen game, instead of remastering the first two games.
Nobody plays Saints Row, dead series.
God rebuilt the earth and brought everyone back to life at the end of Gat Out Of Hell. Agents of Mayhem confirmed it.
>new lighting engine is just a piss filter set to maximum
PC version has had reshade filters that look better for almost 10 years now. How are the devs so incompetent?
Is it really the worst one?
I only played 2. The first one seems plain as fuck and the fourth and its dlc are just not what I want from an open world game: permanent chaos, useless vehicles, overpowered character, etc...
Unless "Remastered" is a code word for "the finished version" then no, I didn't ask for this. Saints Row 3 was barely even half a game.
Can i make Travis again?
Isn't PC port of 2 still a busted pile of shit? Why aren't they remastering that instead?
EGS wins again!
I think so. Worst bit is them trying to pass off activities as main missions, lack of cutscenes to introduce those activities (even as main missions) and Steelport itself. If you enjoyed the story or narrative of SR2, you won't find much to enjoy in SR3. The VTOL jet was great though, that's about it.
They are and apparently it'll be free as an update on PC. We just don't know when.
They are, but it's a side project by a few of the devs on their spare time. Seriously.
>You asked for it...
volition are such fart sniffing retards
they ran their offbrand GTA into the ground and think literally anybody cares anymore
Because 2 is a code mess, I know they had announced an enhanced patch, back on October, but considering its being done by just 2 people, i doubt it will be released anytime soon
Is this going to be a free update for PC, or is it going to cost money?
who wanted this? who asked for this? who is going to buy this?
Nobody but volition needs money
Do you get it for free if you own the regular version on Steam?
saints row 3 broke my xbox several years ago
i don't get these threads.
its like you can't put 1+1 together and make 2 like everyone else, you have to spend 3 hours talking about the history of numbers and shit and THEN come to the conclusion that YES, ONE PLUS ONE EQUALS FUCKING THREE!
you fucking retard
graphics are the reason
>SR3 remaster
who fucking asked for this?
3 is cringe. 2 is God.
>voilition finds the source code for SR2
>only dedicates 2 people (one of them being idleninja) to making a proper pc port
>has the rest of the team work on SR3
they're actually retarded. Remember Agents of Mayhem? Everyone thought it was going to be another hero shooter except it's gimmick is a co-op campaign - then it turned out to be single player only
i have no idea why they refuse to just close up shop
other developers have disbanded for less meanwhile this mismanaged dumpsterfire has been gasping for breathe for going on like 5 years now?
The only IP they have left with some positive recognition is Red Faction and thats only because they haven't ran the thing into the ground like SR.
Theyre like a cockroach, just die already
>If you're wondering why the third game was remastered rather than either of the first two or the whole series, Deep Silver said there's a technical explanation. The earliest games would've required a heck of a lot more work
i dont give a flying fuck how much work it takes, get me sr1 on pc you chucklefucks
... you know that it has been on switch for some time now?
Epic Game Store Exclusive!
people who buy switches only want nintendo games
>worst entry
>not Gat Outta Hell
God that game was trash
Thread should have ended here.
San Andreus is trash compared to Saints Row 2
SR2 came out around the same time as GTAIV
Fuck off nomura
I was always the impression that this is how Saints Row was seen:
>Saints Row
Forgettable GTA clone
>Saints Row 2
>Saints Row 3
lol so randumb xd
>Saints Row 4
The best superpowers video game ever made
Switch sells because it is different. PS4 and XBONE are basically the same. People buy switch because they know they are going to get variety.
if it can't be targeted towards kids, they don't want it on the switch
>sr3 on the switch is just sr3 on a sub budget(nig or spice tier pc) graphics
And you already pay 60$ for that
Remember the darksouls remaster the switch version have all the original graphics and still play in sub20fps
don't post you moron faggot
30fps on a 200$ machne vs 240fps on a 10k$ Budget pc
Wow i didnt see that comming
I did.
What is the upside to this being made or is it just? "It's prettier and runs better" both which are great for consoles but does it come with the DLC? Is this gonna put a fire under their ass to make a SR2 remaster?