P is for priceless, the look upon your faces

P is for priceless, the look upon your faces.

E is for extinction, all your puny races.

R for rrrevolution, which will be televised.

F is for how f*cked you are, now allow me to repriiiiise.

E is for eccentric, just listen to my song.

C is for completion, that I’ve waited for so long.

T is for the terror, upon you I’ll bestow.

*laughs* My name is Perfect Cell, and I’d like to say: “Hello.”

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Other urls found in this thread:


I'm glad reddit abridged is over.

Hey Perfect Cell, Sephiroth stole your do!

Doc you gotta help me

Underage spic

Need to be 18 to post here

DBZ Abridged was peak reddit and was never funny

This. Thank god it never touched Buu Saga. TFSfags ruined every DBZ related video they touch with their "funny" quotes and references.

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>terrible Joss Whedon quips literally all the time; Krillin is ragingly unlikable as a result of this
>a large portion of the characters are flanderized like crazy (Vegeta, holy shit)
>lots of clunky unfitting memebait dialogue (THAT'S THAT GOOD SHIT)
>lots of tryhard badass dialogue that comes off like early high schoolers wrote it
>Rage Gohan's dialogue
>basically none of the jokes land by this point
>some of Cell's wasted potential in the original show is played around with, but they ultimately don't improve on his character and have him sing That's Life to make you forget how he suffered from one of the worst cases of obnoxious dialogue post-Imperfect Cell and deserved to go out screaming like a bitch even more than the canon version
>unironically trying to one-up memorable scenes from the original show, which sometimes gave scenes like OP's example and usually gave ones like Gohan transforming with that terrible dubbed version

TFS was total dogshit by the time the Cell saga got going

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Fuck you I liked it. It was funny 'til the very end and it's a tragedy they ended it early to shill their gaming crap. the drooling retards who think it got worse after frieza or never found it funny at all need not reply


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They totally stopped the actual comedy for "lol i know right" meta jokes by the time Cell rolled around, not to mention the fandub instead of comedy moments.. Semi-Perfect was great, though. Can't believe they actually managed to get me to like him.

For some reason this all stopped being funny to me the moment cell was introduced. The episodes prior with Android 19 and 20 were amazing but for some reason they wanted to make actual pseudo drama by introducing cell as actually intimidating


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That was the point where they got too self-aware for their own good, taking themselves too seriously and supplicating referential jokes (like Krillin Limit Breal) for half-assed sexual ones (like hate-boner love triangle)
Also the part where they gave up and just made Mr. Popo DUDE WEED LMAO for the rest of the series

They dropped the ball super fucking hard with Perfect Cell specifically. Both larvae cell and imperfect cell were hyper degenerate and it was honestly funny.

Peaked in season 2

>they ended it early to shill their gaming crap

No, they ended it early because Toei is eternally butthurt about the show's popularity and kept hitting them with takedown requests.

I hate popular thing! I'm special!

I like popular thing! I'm more special!

Buu saga is the worst part of Z.

It would have been dead even if they had tried to continue, that hiatus completely killed their ability to write and there were only 3 of them left.

Did anyone ever actually figure out what all happened during that year? I know there was probably some legal shit, and I heard rumors about somebody's grandmother dying or something, but something big must have happened that year to make all 3 of their abridged series stop being funny entirely after they returned.

I have no doubt that their gaming channel played a part in it. The P4G streams were comfy as hell but would often get delayed or canceled because the schizo running the channel said so, and he eventually ended up killing it because it wasn't bringing in the views that the streams Lani did were.

The running joke of Cell liking Yamcha was actually pretty funny.

>>lots of tryhard badass dialogue that comes off like early high schoolers wrote it
>>unironically trying to one-up memorable scenes from the original show, which sometimes gave scenes like OP's example and usually gave ones like Gohan transforming with that terrible dubbed version
and this shit especially
I was really into it for a while but by the time trunks went ultra ss it really hit me how far and few the jokes are and I couldn't get over the attempt to make it cool, I mean fucking seriously

I liked the series, but I hate how Yamcha has become even more of a meme because of TFS.

In other news he still keeps on winning

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canadian subtitles make it bearable.

Would’ve been cool to hear how they’d do the voice for Vegito/Gogeta

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this x 1000. every time people persuade me to give it a shot it just comes off like 13 year olds just ad libbing random shit

It's really admirable how their low budget parody improved DBZ in all ways and actually made it a much good show. Hope they'll be successful with whatever they're doing now.

I don't get the people who are like "it was good but then it floped". The parody was always bad, I stopped watching it as soons as Goku made that Piccolo is Yoshi joke.
Also, TFS loves to suck Funi's SJW dick.

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>They improved the show
Oh yes, because flanderizing every character makes everything so much better...

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Best thing about the series was how the constant use of homosexual innuedo led their fans to think that Cell & 16 were discussing spit-roasting Goku in a faggot threesome when Cell said "we can split him in-half". Also the butthurt from the ameri-dub retards when the final song wasn't Bruce Falconer. I also learned that there are retards who will watch "a parody" of something they've not completely watched because it's trending on youtube. I hate this fucking world.

>there are retards who will watch "a parody" of something they've not completely watched because it's trending on youtube
SAO abridged is great, however, user

Yes. Better than the complete nothingness we got in DBZ.

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This guy gets it. After Babidi dies it goes to complete shit, and it wasn't terribly great before that point either.


How the fuck did they misspell a name that's literally spelled out in the original picture?

>SAO abridged is great
No it's not, it became boring the moment they tried to do the show "better" with cringy amateur voice actors doing serious scenes, the whiplash from cool to complete faggotry was so much I had to force myself to forget that travesty

Why can't abridged series just stay goofy stupid shit like a parody is supposed to be
The best abridged series is Code ment btw

see you in 3 days, reddit-kun

Seethe more, simps

>Hurr durr original bad, TFS good
Go suck its creator gay dick now

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The reddit shit really seeped in once Cell got involved. Last genuine laughs were the Androids/Gero stuff desu

I remember a time when Yas Forums liked Dragon Ball Abridged. What happened?

Contrarianism, X thing is popular therefore Yas Forums has to hate it.


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Struck a nerve?

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Not video games.

It got worse along with it's community.

>dbzafag is a wojakposter

>Chiaozu really let himself go
>Gero finding all exit points blocked off by a Z-Fighter and exclaiming why the fuck Krillin is even there
I don't remember anything after that. Once I found out about their LP channel everything about their quality clicked.
"non-profit" but here buy our t-shirts and merch we shill on a gaming channel. Also fuck Lani he's literally "that" friend who is thinks loud = funny

Fucking same. They did something entertaining for a while but got so hyped up on their own popularity they actually became a bloated mess of a "company" and actually took their fan dub too seriously.

Turned to shit around semi-perfect cell

I only ever gave a shit about the nuzlockes and even then Kirran stopped showing up for like 50% of the episodes by Platinum. They really seemed to struggle collaborating after 2016

I legit loved the entirety of BDFZA and I am really sad they gave up before they even started the buu saga.

However it is their own fault since they would take way too long to put the episodes out. All they had to do was finish the buu saga and they would have lived forever as the best abridged series, now they will only be remembered for not finishing it.

Yas Forums is not one person

Yas Forums? Absolutely

TFS was good only in the namek arc that only because littlekuriboh bullied them into doing shit as good as possible. Now they are soulless actually trying to 1up the show like the vegeta final flash moment which just feels out of place, they fail more than they win
Yugioh abridged still is the pinnacle of abridged series as it contantly got better until Littlekuriboh got depressed now it's DBZ abridged level bad.
Code ment/None piece anything by purpleeyes is still great stupid shit probably the best abridged out there

>>dbzafag is a wojakposter

I do agree that they got way too far up their own ass circa Androids though

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To be honest this short video perfectly describes Vegeta's retardedly deluded character throughout the entire franchise


WeeklyTubeShow always did the best DB dubs. Even without having made one in years, his shit is still the best.

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Cell saga is the best saga and you can't argue otherwise.

The only abridged I give a fuck about is YGOTAS and that literal faggot has blueballed me for a year.

Resident 4chang Amerimutt is using the word, so you gotta know it's hottest mutt buzzword of the year.

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Green dick is better than blue dick

>Rage Gohan's dialogue
This is probably the worst offender for me, because I know how much of an egotistical headcanon spouting theorycrafting retard the voice actor is. He must have thought it was so cool, being able to live out the version of DBZ he sees when he talks about it in his shitty videos, not the cartoon drawn for young Japanese boys that it is.


>Claims patreon money for a whole year before writing off your hiatus as the end of the only thing people follow you for
Bravo TFS


In their farewell vid about the whole thing they talk about the show like it's their lovechild, and they didn't make the show at all. Really painted a picture of how fucking deluded they allowed themselves to become.

Is their new live action thing basically their version of what Doug did after he quit NC?

simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp

I started rewatching all of this during the quarantine. Dragon Ball is so much better than Z that it makes me feel gipped that I grew up with Z and didn't get to experience Dragon Ball first.

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No way they wanted to play it safe with the low effort, easy to pump out gaming shit. I don't blame them but them sitting up there pretending it was anything other than laziness or just not wanting to do it anymore is lies. They should have said it's too hard, we don't like doing it anymore and it doesn't make us money like gaming does.

It was laughable watching them try to pretend they were really bummed about not making it anymore.

Mah nigga. I rewatched this a few weeks ago.

Nobody cares about Dragonball.

that may be but it's still a far better show than Z.

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His Rapeman and Black Lagoon dub are still genuinely some of the best shit on Youtube. Guy knows how to keep a parody as a parody.

People don't care because it's objectively shittier than Z. So was GT. Super is also bad.

wish Tomandre and the guys on SWE could speed things up and get the new episodes

What's wrong with LK? I know he has some health issues, but what is it exactly?

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>it's objectively shittier
it's not. in fact it's so much better that it makes Z seem even more like a boring paceless slog than it already did.

haha video games bro

>actually made it a much good show.
This is your brain on TFS

DB literally has 500% more coomer meme shit than DBZ, wow naked Bulma wow Kid Goku slaps Bulma's pussy WOW DUDE SO FUNNY

Abridged Cell always felt like he was trying to hard to be the funny meme man.

wow a few sex jokes totally erase the fact that Dragon Ball Z regularly goes on for 10 episodes at a time with characters sitting around talking and powering up while doing nothing and Dragon Ball actually has a decent pace and stuff happens from episode to episode.

Just gonna leave this here

Can we reinstate the shonen ban on Yas Forums already?

go for it. this Yas Forums though.

>watching any "abridged" series ever
It's always "witty" redditisms probably written by people younger than the person watching.

Shonen belongs on Yas Forums tho

Powering up was the fucking best part, Goku going SSJ for the first time, SSJ3 transformation, Final Flash, all good parts, and much better remembered than boring coom and kids shit.

How do we feel about SSJ9K,?

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It also has a billion times less filler and even those are one off episodes that are actually kinda fun instead of being completely fucking boring.

It took them five fucking episodes to get rid of Raditz in Z with how quick of a chapter that was. The fights are more impactful, writing overall is better, and the wins are actually earned through technique and smarts instead of just fucking getting some bullshit powerup.

t. mexicano