What does your gamer squad look like?
What does your gamer squad look like?
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Me on the right
Like this
pic related
Why did you post the PS5 library?
Something similar to this
just me at the moment
Are they about to play sonic?
I never agreed to join your squad tho user
based as heck
like this!
Nothing because I don't have a cute bf to play with
RIGHT now.
You can always tell who's a loli artist because they absolutely fucking suck at drawing, but pedos are desperate and will eat up any garbage they can get.
What's wrong with the drawing?
I wonder how does it feel cumming inside them bros....
are you blind? look at that shit tier anatomy.
I've seen better drawn humans in portraits of cats.
why dumbguy shoot them
nothing, loli just pisses off trannies and reddit normalfags
Cartoons aren't renaissance paintings you autistic fuck
feels like several decades locked in a tiny room alone with jamal and d'sh'narius
Fuck off /ic/fag
i evacuate
Bro, look at the size of that fucking sink.
I swear this artist probably studied in art school for the blind.
Cute, and funny.
I don't have a squad. There's just me.
And that's enough.
Does anyone have any VNs with lolis that look like the cups? Not exactly underage weird flat girls. Just incredibly petite and tiny. There’s a difference and the latter (girls like the Prisma cast) are harder to come by.
this artist went blind. fapping to loli is a sin and you will be punished.
Little girls don't do this irl. Teenagers do this.
Illya is so cute. The perfect girly-girl. Like a strawberry parfait.
I don’t like lolis usually but the Illya girls hit different. Why is that?
>muh anatomy
/ic/ trannies can't draw for shit, can't critique for shit, can't do shit, period. You're a worthless waste of space and a loli artist brings more value to this world than you ever will.
jesus and mohammed were cool with it and I think they're really cool
lol settle down fag boy
>b-but he makes my pp hard so its good drawing!
pedos have almost as low of standards as furries.
Gateway cunny
is that a dildo?
>He never played medic with his female friends when he was a kid
Ah yes everyone knows the story of that time jesus went and fucked underaged jewish girls.
several sex toys user
>wah wah I am so good at critiquing art look at me I am big cultured art man I know HOW TO CRITIQUE
Thanks doc.
okay /ic/ tranny back to grinding your loomis man-jaws
You think you were banned? What for?
>female friends when he was a kid
If you place value on whatever makes money, then you are beneath the lowliest of subhumans.
You weren't friends with your entire class as a kid?
I remember everyone hagning out with each other and being friends but the older you got the more we all split I guess
no one cares tranny
/ic/ trannies ARE subhumans though
Me on the left
Like this
>a gay twink whos also a massive weeb
>a fitfag with severe self-esteem issues
>a failed normie
>and me