Even accounting for people having more interest or practice, a woman that's totally dedicated to any multiplayer game and trains for thousands of hours will still inevitably lose to any mid-tier male player
It's not like it's a muscle mass difference, what gives?
Don't worry, women are bad at everything else too.
Lincoln Evans
Imagine putting on jeans just to sit on your PC. What a fucking bitch
Thomas Bennett
A man face attached to too small a head, but I bet she still makes bank off of gormless nerds.
Asher Jones
why is everyone into transgenders these days? i' not being transphobic, i just wonder where did all the gaming girls go?
Joshua Watson
brain chemistry is more towards social interaction and hierarchy instead of leadership and split second decision making. lack of testosterone limits motivation and reaction time under pressure. women weren't made for such things cause because that was the mens job. why would nature make two of the exact same creatures?
Kayden Turner
What's wrong with wearing jeans while sitting?
Sebastian Ramirez
Girls are too busy making shitty onlyfans content to pretend to game.
Women arent competition orientated like men are. They play it either just to kill time with cutesy stuff. Like collecting things like pokemon or building home shit like the sims or animal crossing and play multiplayer for socializing and attention. They have no interest in getting good.
Leo Flores
good fucking god look at that gorilla face
David Brown
What women are just as good as men at vidya. There are all female league and csgo teams.
Isaac Brooks
Actually fucking unbelievable
Carson Long
God above, massacre anyone who openly partakes in 'nerd culture', cast anyone who has made a twitch donation into the pit. And no, jerma isn't an exception.
Nicholas Mitchell
Disgusting man feet.
Carter Fisher
Imagine the smell
Michael Price
And they all suck
Hudson Long
>all female league Why cant they compete along side men then
Andrew Moore
today i will remind them. women were just wired differently. i still watch women's volleyball, tennis and beach handball. some sports women are good at. youtu.be/8lCKeDl0l9c?t=22
Bentley Foster
Those aren't feet, those are flippers
Ethan Stewart
>uk size 10 feet
Isaiah Scott
Some cutie several times over more attractive than this creature showed me her asshole for free on omegle a few days ago. How can these cucks be so repulsive and gutless that they must pay for this slut to badly play video games for them to get their fix?
Colton Rogers
unironically pretty cool setup ignoring the nerd stuff on the wall.
Blake Morales
how do you do it? i havent been on there in years.
>Even accounting for people having more interest or practice, a woman that's totally dedicated to any multiplayer game and trains for thousands of hours will still inevitably lose to any mid-tier male player I bet you 100% that missharvey would stomp your ass in cs any fucking day of the week is she a top player? no, but she's definitely better than every single mid tier male player
Angel Campbell
>why one earth would anyone come online to the taiwanese high literature net cafe just to tell lies
Eli Thompson
Wearing jeans if you're just gonna be indoors is cringe
Xavier Baker
This is incredibly sad
Josiah Torres
Motoric skills and reaction. Critical thinking. Women are not suited for those.
Benjamin Anderson
Jesus christ I feel secondhand embarrassment for you, cuck
Eli White
youtu.be/5heQtRh8kC0 Only amerifat woman are shit at vidya. Nips are great at it.
Jack Price
be honest, how much did you donate?
Parker Sanchez
>not a physical sport >still need separate leagues
We women dont have to get good when you have thirsty men to carry you for a little fake affection.
Henry Foster
Why would a phone posting nigger need to cope?
I assumed the math was in my favor with the quarantine and everyone being inside and online, and she was the third person I came upon. I had been drinking and was loosened up and she liked my looks, we talked, and next thing I know she was in her own asshole for me. We are still talking, it's been a nice boost to the shut-in blues.
John Perez
>I lack both the raw strength and the grip strength to actually hold on and maneuver this contraption
>Neither for music, nor for poetry, nor for fine art have they any real or true sense and susceptibility, and it is mere mockery on their part, in their desire to please, if they affect any such thing. >This makes them incapable of taking a purely objective interest in anything, and the reason for it is, I fancy, as follows. A man strives to get direct mastery over things either by understanding them or by compulsion. But a woman is always and everywhere driven to indirect mastery, namely through a man; all her direct mastery being limited to him alone. >Therefore it lies in woman’s nature to look upon everything only as a means for winning man, and her interest in anything else is always a simulated one, a mere roundabout way to gain her ends, consisting of coquetry and pretence. Every one who can see through a sham must have found this to be the case. One need only watch the way they behave at a concert, the opera, or the play; the childish simplicity, for instance, with which they keep on chattering during the finest passages in the greatest masterpieces. >Individual and partial exceptions do not alter the matter; women are and remain, taken altogether, the most thorough and incurable philistines.
And to think these are "professionals" that get paid a lot and live by doing that shit
Camden Long
Women evolved to primarily take care of children. An intensive job. Division of labor between the sexes; physiological and psychological differences demonstrate this.
Brody Gomez
>Grow up playing rhythm games >Virtually no separation between men and women skillwise >Grow into racing games >Male exclusive passtime but w/e >Entirely skillbased, no shortcuts or underhanded tricks >Start looking at fighting games >Everything has an excuse >Everything is somehow cheap and dishonest in some way or another >Entire concept is completely alien to me >Go back to rhythm games and look for comparable behavior >Outside of blaming equipment, any such claims are met with "No, it's your fault you're bad"
Rhythm gamers are truly the most based of all gamer types.
Brandon Moore
William Walker
She would be a 10/10 if she worked out.
not a fan of lunch lady arms.
Joseph Sanchez
Jack Ward
incel thread
Levi Allen
>Women can be good, they just aren't. >A lot aren't used to working hard for what they want. Eventually, someone will just hand it to them. >Women tend to be less directly competitive and less decisive, making snap decisions rougher. Of course, there's are super broad generalizations.
don't hang out with scrubs if you're going to play fighting games then
Michael Reed
She looks like the breed of a dog and a woman.
David Green
>lunch lady arms Kek that’s the perfect description. Mind if I steal it?
Josiah Perez
emotions and cracking under pressure. In a professional league you're up there playing in front of a bunch of people and there's tons of bullshit happening around you. Flashy gay lights and e celebs commentators saying gay shit. Then throw in the fact that because you're a woman at these things, people throw all this unnecessary bullshit at you about how it's so great that you're breaking into a male only audience or thing and HOW BRAVE all that is and you get screens panning across your face and all this other gay shit. That's in a "professional" environment, in leisure gaming it's just getting distracted or emotionally compromised easily. Call a woman a fucking whore and her performance will probably falter. Guys have come to expect to get flamed when they play vidya but women are not emotionally capable of handling loud nigra screaming bees while some guy beats off in the back and another quotes crime statistics
Noah Richardson
the real question is who cares? if woman enjoys a game is she doing it wrong, when compared to someone dominating and feeling no joy at all?
Grayson Jackson
I'm just being honest because I've been gympilled.
Parker Cooper
Bikes were really physically and mentally demanding before companies started catering to the brain dead among the general populous, offroad supermoto is the most raw you can get with a bike.
Kinda reminds me how older cars pre power steering, hydraulics and all the electronic bullshit required decent strength to steer and handle, you'd get a pump just making a u turn in a Lada or an older Fiat,
Most women can pull it off with good make up skills. You just need to not be fat.
Make up is a deceptive tool women use to make themselves more attractive than they are.
Matthew Reed
Women’s neurology favours empathy as opposed to men’s physics-oriented minds.
Women in gaming are also willfully members of a culture that is benevolently sexist towards mediocrity. You’ll never learn to git gud if you have thirsty men and cheerleader girls shouting “good enough” to you.
literally never watched her stream but saw some fragments of her pro matches when I still bet on csgo matches
I feel secondhand disappointment for your parents, retard
Ayden Rodriguez
is jeans some special outfit to you?
Chase Miller
I’m not bad at video games
Grayson Wilson
Evolution is still ongoing and the women who fail to be mothers, and good ones pay the consequence of no surviving offspring.
Cameron Hughes
"all women" is a pretty silly generalization. I dated a grill while I lived in Korea that was diamond in Overwatch while not even owning a pc. she only played a few times a week at a pc bang and was still way better than I'd ever be. and no she was not a hideous landwhale, pic rel is her
oh course that's a woman you mentally warped poor thing.
James James
you dont exercise, shower or brush your teeth?
Levi Robinson
You will settle for a slit-eyed chimpanzee because you can't get an actual human girl, just admit it.
Luke Roberts
>flirting with me I know i'm irresistible, but contain yourself.
Ian Martinez
Consoom. Srs tho, she's a "performer" and that is her stage. Can guarantee even without knowing the name of that bitch there is a man behind the scene doing logistics and helped her wire and set all of this shit up. Remember Zoe Quinn, this is her now, feel old yet?
yes, but I am also not claiming I am good at video games or that I play/train thousands of hours, so I don't count as a "male counterpart", which I clearly stated on my post.
see OP: >Even accounting for people having more interest or practice, a woman that's totally dedicated to any multiplayer game and trains for thousands of hours