How much of a boring cunt do you have to be to main an assault rifle in an FPS?

How much of a boring cunt do you have to be to main an assault rifle in an FPS?

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vanilla > all my other fotw fetishes

A cunt thats winning > a loser thats having fun

I'm getting pretty good with SMG's lately. No not the P90.

>never can play well with any FPS assault rifle that isn't niche in some way

>Every SMG and LMG feels great though

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How much of a boring cunt do you have to be that you think picking a gun in an FPS is a personality

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Boring cunt

A true gun lover loves all guns equally, but none more so than the firepower of his gunfu.

probably the same kind of boring cunt that "mains" anything

The soulless virgin M4 vs the Chad AK74

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FAL is my raifu.

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>his mbr doesn't at least have 18" barrel

>the only gun worth having is the m4 + a sniper

>my go to weapon class in a fps?
>for me, it’s lmg’s

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Git gud faggot. Yes I’m running M4 thermal scope with no stock

>not HMGs
Modern LMGs are basically assault rifles with longer barrels.

Fucking based.

>Clip so big you fan mow down niggers without reloading

>Damage so high that you can take down vehicles and shred enemies through walls

>Sniperfags have to take you out in one shot or they are going to get raped with hundreds of bullets as they try to take their next shot

>Can hold down chokepoints easily

LMGchads were you at

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So you're stuck atop a Humvee or something? Or did you mean medium GPMG's?

I prefer her german cousin in black

>getting good with lmg in rs2
>just denying around a km^2 of the map because bullet hell 1hitting zippos who dare to even try to understand whats happening
mmm MMM

literally why wouldn't you, they're the coolest guns 90% of the time and are ubiquitous because they are the essential tool of modern infantry warfare.

SMGs are a retarded choice in almost any setting and are purely for the zoomer add methed up 15 year old faggots, snipers are edgelords who want to be chris kyle, shotguns and LMGs are typically the only other weapon class with SOUL but they're not typically treated right

the iar or whatever stupid bullshit the marines are adopting is the only thing that fits that bill. The best SAWs are typically belt fed, and there's a reason for that

For me, its the assault rifle-15

bf4 lmgs with bipod for the fucking win. I love lobbing 200 rocks at snipers chilling in their spawn.

Less boring than the wannabe sniperfag

why yes, i exclusively use semi automatic assault rifles and unscoped bolt action snipers, how could you tell?

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the size of your bulge when you spotted my wooden furniture was an easy indication

For me, its real guns in real life

Because it feels familiar

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>the iar or whatever stupid bullshit the marines are adopting is the only thing that fits that bill.

Based SAS-R/TSAR-42 user.

SMGs are the boring cunt option. Assault rifles are the patrician's choice. Sniper rifles are for tryhards and no one uses LMGs.

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Put a red dot and a magnifier on that bih my dude. Iron sights are wack

I mean, fair

What about shotguns?

man I really miss lying in the grass in the corner of that one map with this little square fence area close to the big fortified embassy or whatever it was and triple tapping people with the scar

literally me

iron sights are SOUL

Does Yas Forums have a gun?


>start to hear "get some" in my head while lighting up people with the m249 in battlefield 4

i got a gun for you right here


>Reinstall Black Ops 3, for old time's sake
>Stomp everyone with the Razorback smg, just like 4 and a half years ago
Feels good man

I'm that gun poster, and
is right, I just don't want to go cheap on it and im waiting for some quality glass.

To be honest I would take tritium ghost ring iron sights over most holographic sights. I wish all games had handgun customization like BF4 had.

>all purpose weapon
>not the most boring of cunt classifications
you have to specialize faggot

Soul doesn't really mean much when you cant hit jack shit over 40 yards. That rifle will shot nearly quarter mile. Might as well be able to hit from there


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more than one and more coming

My AR has way more soul than my AK
My ak is a filthy mail order bride

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>trapped in trannyfornia
>tfw no cool guns ever


For me, its the m1911

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I can kill at any range with an assault rifle and don't need to rely on teammates

Of course, one handgun and one AR
Might get another handgun soon since mine is a full size and I can only carry in the winter

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>Shit is going down in my state
>People are looting and rapping
>gun stores finally got on the essential list
>Wanted to go buy one
>Realized that I have no fucking idea what to get for home defense
>The next day I come back
>All empty.


>he can't burst snipe people with his machine pistol

your soul is going to vacate your body if you intentionally make bad tactical decisions

nice pistol, but utterly boomerific. Try something from this century and feel the 100 years of innovation. Walther pistols come to mind. Sa/da is really nice on Sigs too if you really need that .45

'Tis better to have SOUL and lost than never to have been SOULFUL at all.

If you can't hit something out 40 yds with iron sights on a fucking rifle then you can't hit them with anything be it a red dot or a fucking scope

>has all the good things about and assault rifle AND all the good things about a shotgun

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What attachments you guys use?

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I know it's bait but
>calls others niggers
I think you are the hood rat here user

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>People are looting and rapping
damn that's tough, what are they rapping tho?

I like that boomer aesthetic. I guess im old fashioned. I just like wood and steel together.

>not using the run and gun glitch
>running through the jungle with your m60/rpd spraying everyone down

But ARs are always the weakest shit in FPS games, the sniperfags are the try hard cunts.

Multiple pistols (one 9mm and two .22s)
O/U shotgun for skeet
9mm pdw
Need to get a new pistol though as the 9mm sucks


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I bet OP has a gay pink camo on his KAR98K, fucking faggot.

Pump action shotguns are GOAT

Tsar and chain gun were the best lifestyle choices

>want cool guns
>literally know fuck all about them

True Chads main shotguns no matter how poorly implemented.